
  • 网络assimilation;Data Assimilation
  1. 集合Kalman滤波资料同化技术及研究现状

    Review on Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation

  2. 利用Kalman滤波资料同化技术将海洋站水位观测资料融入二维线性风暴潮模式中,研制具有资料同化能力的风暴潮预报模式,改进风暴潮模式计算结果。

    Kalman filter data assimilation technique is incorporated into a standard two dimensional linear storm surge model .

  3. GPS资料同化最终归结为一个大规模的无约束优化问题。

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) meteorology data variational assimilation can be reduced to the problem of a large-scale unconstrained optimization .

  4. 具有on-off过程的变分资料同化

    Variational data assimilation with physical " on-off " processes

  5. 另外,GPS测量可降水量本身可能存在系统误差,在将GPS资料同化入数值预报模式时应关注GPS资料本身的可靠性。

    In addition , GPS observation itself maybe have system error , so it is needed to take into account GPS self-reliability when assimilating the GPS data into the numerical prediction model .

  6. ARGO资料同化与海气耦合过程研究

    Study of ARGO Data Assimilation and Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Processes

  7. EnsembleKalmanFilter(EnKF)方法是目前在强非线性系统中应用最广泛,效果最明显的集合资料同化方法。

    The Ensemble Kalman Filter ( EnKF ) is a powerful data assimilation method and has proven its efficiency for strongly non-linear dynamical systems but is demanding in computing power .

  8. M2分潮和K1分潮的等振幅线和同潮时线与卫星高度计观测资料同化的结果基本一致。

    Both the amplitude and the phase of the M2 and K1 tidal components are shown to be almost the same with the charts from satellite data assimilation .

  9. 介绍HUBEX区域资料同化系统。

    The Regional Data Assimilation System ( RDAS ) of Huaihe Basin Experiment ( HUBEX ) is presented .

  10. OVALS是中国科学院大气物理研究所开发的海洋资料同化系统,采用三维变分方法同化各种温盐观测资料,为ENSO(ElNinoSouthernOscillation)预报系统提供初始场。

    OVALS is developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics , which provides initial fields to ENSO ( El Nino Southern Oscillation ) prediction system by using the 3D-Var method to assimilate various temperature and salt data .

  11. 通过本文的上述研究结果表明:Kalman滤波方法不仅提供一个系统最佳状态的顺序估计,而且提供系统误差的信息,适合于将实时观测资料同化到预报模式中。

    Through the study of this paper , it indicated that the Kalman Filter method provides not only the optimal sequential estimation of the system , but also system error information . It is suitable to assimilate the real-time observed data into forecasting model .

  12. 人造台风模型及资料同化对T(213)L(31)模式台风路径预报能力的影响

    The effects of bogus typhoon and the observation data in the ocean on t_ ( 213 ) l_ ( 31 )' s ability of TC track prediction

  13. 进一步,通过观测系统模拟试验(OSSE)的资料同化验证所确定的敏感区。

    Moreover , the data assimilation of observing system simulation experiment ( OSSE ) is used to verify the sensitive region .

  14. 对模式边界层物理过程中摩擦拖曳系数以及二次台风Bogus技术、三维最优插值客观分析方法和资料同化等影响热带气旋移动的作用进行了试验研究;

    Experiment research were carried out on influencing tropical cyclone movement with the drag coefficient of planetary boundary layer physical process and twice typhoon bogus technique and three dimensional optimal interpolation objective analysis and data assimilation .

  15. 为了验证伴随方法的有效性,利用一个含有on-off振荡的概念模式,研究了含物理参数化不连续性的变分资料同化中,代价函数关于初值梯度的存在性及伴随方法的可行性。

    With a conceptual model containing " on-off " oscillations , this paper investigated both the existence of the gradient of the cost function and the feasibility of the adjoint method in variational data assimilation with the discontinuous physical " on-off " processes ?

  16. 这个系统采用6h周期的间歇资料同化方法,利用全球粗网格分析场资料,形成冷启动的初估场和同化模式的边界条件。

    The RDAS is an intermittent assimilation system in which an assimilation cycle includes four analyses in a daily period . Both the first guess fields for the cold starting of the system and the boundary conditions for the assimilation model are supplied by products of the global model system .

  17. 集合同化方法在太平洋海洋高度计资料同化中的应用研究

    Ensemble Methods and Applications to Altimetry Data Assimilation in the Pacific

  18. 二阶有限元浅水模式的伴随变分资料同化

    Variational Data Assimilation with a Two stage Shallow water Equations Model

  19. 一次大暴雨过程的多普勒雷达资料同化的敏感性试验

    Doppler Radar Data Assimilation Sensitivity Experiment on a Heavy Rain Event

  20. 非线性正规模初值化及其对资料同化和预报的影响

    Non-linear normal mode initialization and its effect on data assimilation and forecasting

  21. 数值模式误差对降水四维变分资料同化及预报的影响

    The Effect of Model Errors on The 4D-VAR and Forecast of Rainfall

  22. 空气质量数值模式预报中资料同化的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Data Assimilation for Numerical Air Quality Model Prediction

  23. 测温传感器响应特性及其在资料同化中的应用

    Response of Temperature - Sensing Element and Its Application in Data Assimilation

  24. 气象卫星资料同化的科学问题与前景

    Scientific issues and perspective of assimilation of meteorological satellite data

  25. 现代海洋/大气资料同化方法的统一性及其应用进展

    The Unification and Application Reviews of ModernOceanic / Atmospheric Data Assimilation Algorithms

  26. 逐时云迹风资料同化对暴雨预报的模拟试验

    Hourly assimilation of cloud motion winds and its impact on torrential rain forecast

  27. 实现了间歇资料同化处理的业务化运行。

    And the operational running of intermittent data assimilation was achieved in 1998 .

  28. 资料同化是提高数值模式预报能力的有效方法。

    Data assimilation is an effective approach to improve the numerical forecasts skill .

  29. 台风过程研究中四维资料同化方法的探讨及应用

    The study of typhoon process : discussion and application of four-dimensional data assimilation

  30. 中尺度数值模式的资料同化系统&(一)伴随模式的设计

    Data assimilation system for mesoscale models part ⅰ: layout of an adjoint model