
  • 网络seniority wage;seniority pay
  1. 实行高水平且重视长期激励和资历工资的薪酬制度。

    And the corporation should exert a higher-level salary system with emphasis on long-term motivation and longevity . performance related pay ;

  2. 然后从工资总额,资历工资及政策性补贴,职级、绩效工资,薪资水平等各方面对工资结构体系进行具体的薪酬结构设计,并进一步完善了绩效考核体系和福利制度。

    Finally , we made a new payment system for Chenzhou tobacco company from the total amount of wages , salary history , policy-related subsidies , ranks the performance of wages , salary level , the face of all the wage structure system salary structure design and the welfare system .

  3. M:但我们公司的体制是按照员工在公司的资历发工资的,所以不管干得怎样出色,新员工的工资都比较低。

    M : But we have a policy of paying according to seniority in the company , so new employees get quite low salary , no matter how excellent they have done .

  4. 按照工作经验和资历来确定工资的级别。

    Salary will be determined according to your working experience and qualification .

  5. 她们过去的资历则不能在工资或职位中得到照顾。

    They are not credited with their previous service in either wages or job responsibility .