
  • 网络Trading enterprises;trade companies
  1. 在国际经济下行的情况下转变或改善发展战略以求得生存和发展,是任何一个贸易企业必须正视、迫切需要解决的重大问题。

    How to exist and develop by transforming or improving the strategy in this situation is an important problem that any foreign trade companies must attach importance and take some effective measures to solve .

  2. 本文将客户关系管理理论成功地应用到中建国际贸易公司客户关系管理系统建立中;对减少客户关系管理软件实施过程中的风险,提高我国贸易企业客户关系管理的水平有实际意义。

    It has practical significance to reduce the risk of the implementation process and improve trade companies customer relationship management level .

  3. ERP在钢铁贸易企业的应用研究

    Application of ERP in Steel Trade Corporations

  4. 我国加工贸易企业(ProcessingTradeEnterprises,以下亦简称加贸企业)是外贸企业最重要的组成部分,2008年进出口总额占我国外贸总额45.4%。

    Processing trade enterprises are the most important part of foreign trade enterprises , whose occupation ratio of import and export amount is 45.4 % in total foreign trade in 2008 .

  5. 这期间,加工贸易企业结合外部环境变化和自身经营特点,开始在外汇风险管理(ForeignExchangeRiskManagement,以下亦简称FERM)方面进行探索。

    In this period , processing trade enterprise began to Foreign Exchange Risk Management according to the change of the external environment and internal operation characteristics .

  6. GATT在其成立之初就对国营贸易企业表现出相当程度的关注,制定出一系列规则对其进行约束,这些规则伴随GATT/WTO的发展而逐步演进。

    The rules on state trading enterprises were established and developed with the evolution of GATT / WTO .

  7. 国家垄断产品贸易企业概念刍议&对GATT第17条的解析

    Humble Opinion on the Concept of State Trading Enterprises & Analyses on GATT No.17

  8. 但是,一些工作组成员再次表示,中国应作出承诺,以保证所有国营贸易企业遵守《WTO协定》的要求。

    However , some members of the Working Party again stated that China should undertake a commitment to ensure that all state trading enterprises complied with the requirements of the WTO Agreement .

  9. 208.一些工作组成员担心中国国营贸易企业的活动不完全透明且不符合wto义务。

    208 . Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that the activities of China 's state trading enterprises were not sufficiently transparent and were not in accordance with WTO obligations .

  10. 但GATT/WTO的运作历史表明上述以GATT第17条为基础的国营贸易企业规则是薄弱的,需要通过改革以加强纪律。

    The rules on state trading enterprises , whose basic regulation is in GATT Article XVII , still remain a weak part of the whole WTO legal framework and should be strengthened through reformation .

  11. 随着全球GDP的快速增长,中国作为一个不断发展和崛起的人口大国,其汽车市场吸引了众多国际汽车贸易企业前来投资。

    The growth rate of Global GDP increasing , China , as a developing country , has a wide car market attracting many International auto investors for its large population offering great market potential , which can benefits them a lot .

  12. 我父亲加盟了一家新的贸易企业。

    My dad 's involved in a new business enterprise .

  13. 苏州加工贸易企业管理中的问题及对策

    The Problems and Suggestions for Suzhou Processing Trade Company

  14. 中国加工贸易企业生产控制模式研究综述

    A Review and Analysis on Production Control Mode in Chinese Processing Trade Enterprises

  15. 国营贸易企业的限制贸易和非竞争性做法;

    Trade-restrictive and non-competitive practices of state trading enterprises ;

  16. 烟台市加工贸易企业战略选择的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Strategic Choice of the Processing Trade Enterprises in Yantai City

  17. 同时,希望对其他贸易企业解决实际的经营问题有一定的帮助和参考借鉴作用。

    Meanwhile , hope this give some help and reference to other trading companies .

  18. 本公司成立于2004年,系一家大型合资贸易企业。

    The Company was founded in2004 , the Department of a large joint-venture trading enterprises .

  19. 有入境保税仓储需要的贸易企业、有退税及保税仓储的贸易企业。

    Trade enterprises which have bonded storage and tax refund require during entering the country process .

  20. 中国代表表示,目前国营贸易企业并未对进口产品进行加价;

    The representative of China stated that currently state trading enterprises did not mark up imported products ;

  21. 国际金融危机对广东的加工贸易企业造成了较为严重的影响。

    The International Financial Crisis has caused serious effects on the processing trade enterprises in Guangdong province .

  22. 海关对企业分类管理不涉及保税区内加工贸易企业。

    Enterprises of processing trade in bonded areas will not be involved in classified management by the Customs .

  23. 国营贸易企业的作用

    Role of state-trading enterprises

  24. 实现海关对加工贸易企业管理的信息化和网络化是海关发展的目标之一。

    One of the aims of China custom is to manage enterprise in way of network and information .

  25. 这也意味着他们不再向做作为国有贸易企业要求的财政报告。

    It also means they no longer have to meet the financial reporting requirements for publicly traded companies .

  26. 未办理出口退税登记证的边境小额贸易企业不得申请退税。

    An enterprise of small-scale border trade without the export refund certificate may not apply for tax refund .

  27. 以大型贸易企业、专业化的国际采购组织或经纪人为核心的全球采购与供应链体系;

    The global purchase and supply chain system featured by large trade enterprises , professional purchase organizations or brokers ;

  28. 他对家人悭吝克扣。回扣只针对经办人,而不针对贸易企业。

    He scrimps his family . The discount goes to the individual customers , but not to the dealing companies .

  29. 各对外贸易企业也应该充分利用各种市场营销手段,挖掘市场潜力,争取占领更多的市场份额。

    The foreign trade enterprises should use different ways of marketing , find potential market and get more market share .

  30. 信用保险出口是我国对外贸易企业开拓国际市场、防范风险的有力保障。

    The Purpose of export credit insurance is to promote export , shouldering the political and business risks from overseas countries .