
  1. 此外,贸发局出版超过100份研究刊物;

    In addition , the TDC produced more than 100 research publications ;

  2. 贸发局的全球商贸联系资料库约载有60万家公司的资料。

    The TDC 's global databank stood at about 600 000 business contacts .

  3. 政府会继续与贸发局及相关的商会和专业团体紧密合作,以达至上述使命。

    The government will continue to work closely with it and relevant trade and professional associations to pursue this mission .

  4. 贸发局设立了客户服务专线,并且在香港会议展览中心开设了客户服务中心,为商界提供一站式的个人化服务。

    A customer service line and a customer service centre , in the hkcec , were introduced to provide personalised one-stop service .

  5. 香港贸发局保留修改条款,取消及终止上列买家专享优惠之权利,而毋须预先另行通知。

    HKTDC reserves the rights to vary the terms and conditions , change or terminate the incentive programmes above without any prior notice .

  6. 二零零一年,贸发局在香港及外地举办约350项活动,推广香港的商品贸易和服务出口。

    In 2001 , it organised some 350 events in and outside Hong Kong to promote Hong Kong 's merchandise trade and services exports .

  7. 贸发局可在任何时间,无须出具任何理由通知阁下终止本会员协议,并即时生效。

    TDC may at any time terminate this membership agreement by notice to you with immediate effect , without need to give any reason .

  8. 年内,贸发局继续致力推广香港作为国际商贸平台的良好形象。

    During the year , the TDC continued to attract international traders to Hong Kong 's trade platform and promote a good image of Hong Kong .

  9. 我们明白以上资料将被输入贸发局资料库并同意贸发局利用这些资料作推广贸易用途。

    We understand that above information will be included into the Council 's databank and the Council can make use of our information for trade promotion purposes .

  10. 如果阁下在公布后的任何时间要求、开始或者继续使用有关的服务,阁下即同意向贸发局支付该等收费。

    By requesting , commencing or continuing the use of the relevant service at any time after such publication , you agree to pay TDC such charges .

  11. 除上述用途外,阁下不得抄袭、复制、公开、分发、出售或以直接或间接与贸发局构成竞争的任何方式,为商业目的而利用资讯。

    Except as aforesaid you may not copy , reproduce , publish , distribute , sell or , in any way directly or indirectly in competition with tdc , commercially exploit the information .

  12. 本公司明白倘若提供任何虚假或欺骗之资料,香港贸发局将有权以其唯一及绝对酌情权拒绝本公司参加展览会的权利。

    We understand that any false or misleading information given by us to the Council may lead to the rejection of our right to participate in the Exhibition at the Council 's sole and absolute discretion .