
  • 网络InsuranCe;Mortgage;Freddie Mac;collateral
  1. 但一旦华尔街开始根据打包的按揭贷款抵押资产、出售CDS,要给经济增加价值?

    But once Wall Street got to creating credit default swaps on synthetic tranches of mortgage collaterlized debt obligations , no way .

  2. 首先,从研究次级住房贷款抵押债券及其业务流程出发进一步探析次贷危机发生的原因,分析了次贷危机的爆发的必然性。

    Firstly , study the causes of the sub-prime crisis through demonstrating the operation of the Sub-prime Mortgage security .

  3. 他们可以创建贷款抵押产品和用户类别,以用于后续UI配置。

    They can create loan mortgage products and categories of users for subsequent UI configuration .

  4. 军人住房补贴作为住宅消费贷款抵押物的风险评定GERT模型研究

    The Evaluation on the Risk of the Housing Credit With GERT Technique

  5. 资产支持证券(Asset-backedSecurities,ABS)和住房贷款抵押支持证券(Mortgage-backedSecurities,MBS)是最近十几年国际金融市场发展很快的一种结构性金融产品,是一种新型的衍生金融产品。

    Asset-Backed Securities ( ABS ) Mortgage-Backed Securities ( MBS ) are the fastest growing structure financial instrument of the global financial market . There are numerous products of ABS ;

  6. 这一令人震惊的变化,一定程度上反映出所谓贷款抵押债券(CollateralisedLoanObligation)工具,或资产管理机构及其它金融机构投资组合工具的崛起。

    Part of this seismic shift reflects the rise of so-called collateralised loan obligation ( CLO ) vehicles , or portfolios of loan instruments run by asset managers and other financial institutions .

  7. 欧洲市场上只有银行、对冲基金和被称为贷款抵押债券(clo)的结构性工具。

    The European market had been confined to banks , hedge funds and the structured vehicles known as collateralised loan obligations ( clos ) .

  8. 文章发现,中小企业的非匀质性(heterogeneity)、贷款抵押和交易成本是影响中小企业从银行获得信贷的三个主要因素;

    We found that in an economy where the banking sector is highly concentrated , the SMEs ' risk heterogeneity , the transaction cost and the loan collateral are the major factors that affect the SME financing .

  9. 研究表明,由于信贷约束的存在,如果房地产商的贷款抵押价值比(LTV)过高就会面临巨大的风险。

    Studies show that if the Loan to Value ( LTV ) of the developers is too high , risk would arise due to borrowing constraints .

  10. 在2008年美国住房市场陷入衰退期间,非机构担保住房贷款抵押债券(nonagencyRMBS)是最不受欢迎的;也就是说,这些债券的房屋抵押物没有房利美(FannieMae)或房地美(FreddieMac)提供担保。

    During the housing downturn of 2008 , few assets were more unloved than so-called nonagency residential mortgage-backed securities-those backed by home loans that weren 't insured by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac FMCC - 23.33 % .

  11. 事实上,为了提供额外的服务,许多基金还经营贷款抵押债券。

    Indeed , for good measure , many run CLOs too .

  12. 你也可以用其他私人资产作为贷款抵押。

    You can use other personal assets as collateral as well .

  13. 银行可作贷款抵押接受的票据

    Paper which a bank will accept as security for a loan

  14. 通过契约安排,可增加自有资金、贷款抵押和担保的数量,它是降低信息不对称程度的理想选择。

    Contract arrangement is an ideal way to reduce information asymmetry .

  15. 银行威胁要取消他的贷款抵押赎回权。

    The bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage .

  16. 什么样的财产可以做贷款抵押呢?

    What kind of property can be used as collateral ?

  17. 尝试建立新型有区别性的农户贷款抵押制度。

    Attempting to establish a distinctive new loan guarantee system for farmers .

  18. 存放证券作为贷款抵押

    Deposit of securities as security for a loan Mortgage Backed Security , MBS

  19. 他还称,成都已叫停将土地作为基建贷款抵押。

    He also said the city had stopped using land as collateral for infrastructure loans .

  20. 一切都检查过了,银行信贷员接受了汽车做为贷款抵押。

    Everything checked out and the loan officer accepted the car as collateral for the loan .

  21. 过去他们向贷款者借了数十亿美元,投资于与次级贷款抵押相关的证券。

    They had borrowed billions of dollars from lenders and invested in securities tied to subprime mortgages .

  22. 这房屋作为贷款抵押了。

    The house be mortgage .

  23. 声音1:唐格玛担心她的儿子会将这片土地作为贷款抵押。

    Voice 1 : Thangamaa worries that her son will use the land as security to borrow money .

  24. 德里帕斯卡首当其冲,被迫剥离部分境外资产,以满足贷款抵押要求。

    Mr Deripaska became the first to be forced to divest some of his foreign holdings to cover loans .

  25. 要建立健全农村资金回收机制;要健全农产和农村企业的贷款抵押担保机制,完善对担保机构的监督框架。

    Consummating the mechanism of the village enterprise mortgage guarantee and the monitoring frameworks of the mortgage guarantee mechanism .

  26. 其中的一个障碍就是没有钱的额外成本下跌家私人贷款抵押保险。

    One of the hurdles of a no money down home loan is the additional cost of private mortgage insurance .

  27. 它们正提供大量的流动性,并接受种类越来越多的资产(如今包括股票)作为贷款抵押物。

    They are providing massive amounts of liquidity and lending against an increasingly wide range of assets ( now including equities ) .

  28. 最后,基于全文和现实状况,对在国内推行个人住房贷款抵押证券化提出可行性建议。

    Finally , the full text and reality based , on the implementation of individual housing loan mortgage securitization feasibility proposals in China .

  29. 李晓超称,美国房地产市场的疲软、次级贷款抵押市场危机和油价高企是可能影响中国的主要外部风险。

    S.real-estate market , the fallout from the subprime-mortgage crisis , and high oil prices are major global risks that could affect China .

  30. 贷款抵押、借新还旧和贷款类型等贷款特征对银行监督上市公司盈余管理方面起不到制约作用。

    Mortgage loans , refinancing loans and loan types fail to exercise any restraining effect on bank monitoring of earnings management of listed companies .