
  • 网络Buying Center
  1. 运用购买中心模式,对目标市场上的所有顾客群进行二次细分,选择目标顾客群;

    The selected market was further segmented by using buying center model that enabled ABC company to be further focused on targeted customer group .

  2. 爱马仕(Hermès)在新加坡的旗舰店即将重新开业,此举押注于东南亚的增长。目前,另一个与新加坡竞争的区域中心——香港——正受困于反中国内地情绪,这种情绪侵蚀了其奢侈品购买中心的地位。

    Herm è s is relaunching its flagship Singapore store in a bet on growth in Southeast Asia at a time when its rival regional centre Hong Kong is beset by anti-mainland Chinese sentiment that has eroded its status as a luxury shopping hub .

  3. 产业营销和消费者营销之间区别的要点是产业界买家常常作为有组织的购买中心进行采购。

    An important point of difference between industrial marketing and consumer marketing is that industrial buyers often make their purchases as organized buying centers .

  4. 然后通过Viterbi算法求出从首页到一个关联购买集合中心的具有最大被购买概率的一些路径;

    Viterbi algorithm is used to find some paths that come from the root Web page to the Web page that the center of the large item set is in .

  5. 帮助刘特佐购买时代华纳中心公寓的专业人士包括购买月桂公园公寓的罗斯柴尔德员工,以及谢尔曼·思特灵律师事务所(Shearman&Sterling)的律师约翰·奥帕(JohnOpar),奥帕没有答复相关问题。

    The professionals who helped Mr. Low buy the Time Warner condo included the same Rothschild bankers as in the Park Laurel condo transaction , as well as John Opar , a lawyer at Shearman & Sterling , who did not respond to inquiries .

  6. 随着失业率攀升,美国的多疑症加剧&特别当日本人开始购买诸如洛克菲勒中心这样的地标之时。

    America 's paranoia deepened as its jobless rate climbed - especially when the Japanese started buying landmarks like the Rockefeller Centre .

  7. 他说,他之所以通过空壳公司购买时代华纳中心的公寓,是因为一个心怀怨念的前雇员曾经威胁要伤害他和他的家人。

    He said the Wang family had purchased the Time Warner condos through a shell company partly because a disgruntled former employee had threatened to harm them .

  8. 但是,当马德森,50,邮寄的形式连同所需的证明购买,回扣中心告诉他,笔记本电脑不符合退税。

    But when Madsen , 50 , mailed in the forms along with the required proofs of purchase , the rebate center told him that the laptops didn 't qualify for the rebate .

  9. 购买时代华纳中心两套公寓的交易完成之前10个月,阿加瓦尔、他的父亲及弟弟,被裁定利用毛里求斯和巴哈马的空壳公司从印度非法转移资产。

    Ten months before he closed on his Time Warner condos , Mr. Agarwal , his father and his brother were found to have illegally moved money out of India using shell companies in Mauritius and the Bahamas .

  10. 与以往研究相一致的是,本研究也发现核心商圈的有效购买力、购物中心可见性和可达性对商铺租金具有一个正向显著效应。

    Consistent with previous findings , the effective purchasing power of the trade area , visibility and accessibility of shopping center have a positive effect on retail rent .

  11. 对组织的购买行为进行分类,研究了组织购买中心及其结构,以及组织购买中心里的各种角色的分类定义。

    Classify the buying behaviors , study the decision making unit ( DMU ), the structure and the play roles in it .