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  1. C/LINEAR是一个没有人为因素的实验,维沃说。

    " C / LiNEAR was terrific natural experiment ," Weaver said .

  2. 同时,维沃和他的同事们很庆幸,他们有机会目睹慧星自然解体的过程。

    In the meantime , Weaver and his colleagues are grateful they got a chance to see their comet perform on its own .

  3. 维沃说这或许是跟小行星相撞引起的,抑或是慧星的高速旋转导致的分裂。

    Weaver says it may have been an initial collision with an asteroid , or perhaps the comet 's rapid rotation caused it to unravel .

  4. 然而,维沃继续说道,在弄清楚慧星分裂的原因之前,他们不能完全确信所观察到的现象。

    He cautioned , however , that they couldn 't be absolutely sure this is what they saw until they figured out what caused the comet 's breakup .

  5. 黑白军团目前在乙级排名第二,而且还有一场和切塞纳的比赛未踢,因为费拉莫斯卡和内里在维沃诺训练中心的悲剧延期。

    The Bianconeri are second in Serie B and have yet to play the match with cesena , which was postponed after the tragic accident involving Alessio ferramosca and Riccardo Neri at the Vinovo training centre .