
  1. 含表格函数的质点运动微分方程的数值解法

    The solution to numerical value of differential equation in particle motion containing form function

  2. 建立质点相对运动微分方程的方法浅析

    The Analysis of Several Methods for Working Out the Differential Equations of a Particle Making Relative Motion

  3. 利用质点运动的方法剖析微分方程和差分方程解的本质

    Analyze the Nature of Solutions of the Differential Equation and the Difference Equation with the Physical Way of " Particles Movement "

  4. 通过广义坐标的引入,将多质点弹性体系的运动微分方程分解成以广义坐标为变量的独立微分方程形式。

    Taking generalized coordinates for variables , the differential equations of multiple elastic particles are decomposed into the differential equations in the independent form by introducing generalized coordinates .