
huò wù yùn shū
  • Freight transportation;freightage;cargo trafficking
  1. 我国货物运输隐性成本的核算与控制

    Calculation and Control of the Freightage Implicit Cost in Our Country

  2. 道路货物运输及站场管理规定

    Regulations for Freightage on Road and Management of Station

  3. 在货物运输方面,驳船让位给了公路车辆。

    Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods .

  4. 货物运输采用普通货车或厢式货车。

    Deliveries are made by common carrier or van line .

  5. 这些货物运输时走了一条非常迂回的路线。

    The goods went by a rather indirect route .

  6. 会谈中,两位总统讨论了两国间货物运输的问题。

    During their talks , the two presidents discussed the transit of goods between the two countries .

  7. 结合超限货物运输特点,选用BP神经网络模型,对超限货运输安全进行评价,对各因素的权重进行科学计算,以使评价结果更科学、合理。

    Combined with the characteristics of out-of-gauge goods transportation , in order to evaluate the results of more scientific and rational , BP neural network model is chosen to scientific compute .

  8. 美国初创公司维珍与阿联酋物流公司DPWorld正在合作,探索在陆上货物运输中使用超快胶囊高铁来改变货运行业。

    A collaboration between Virgin Hyperloop One , the US-based startup , and Emirati supply chain firm DP World , is looking to shake up the freight industry by using super-fast capsules for land cargo transportation .

  9. 本文在深入研究铁路货物运输业务流程的基础上,采用电子数据交换(EDI)技术,探讨了铁路货物追踪查询实现的可行性方案。

    Based on the lucubration of the process of railway freight transportation , the thesis adopts EDI technique and discusses the feasible schemes for the inquires of cargo track .

  10. 即使CMI拟定的《国际海上货物运输统一法草案》,也对迟延交付问题提供了不同的标准,以供各国选择。

    Even if Draft of Unification of Law on International Carriage of Goods by Sea draft by CMI offers different standards for its members .

  11. 第二节介绍了国际社会和CMI对统一海上货物运输法的不同观点和不同方案。

    The second section introduces the different viewpoints and different schemes to the unification of carriage of goods by sea from the international community and CMI .

  12. 中国拥有1.8万km海岸线,11万km内河航道,承担着9%的国内贸易运输和85%以上的外贸货物运输,沿海沿江有1460多个商港。

    China has a coastline of 18,000 km , 110,000 km inland waterways , bearing 9 % of domestic trade transport and more than 85 % of foreign trade cargo transportation , and there are more than 1460 coastal ports along rivers .

  13. 鉴于这种情况,从1996年开始,联合国贸易法委员会(UNCITRAL)联手国际海事委员会(CMI)共同努力,重新审查国际海上货物运输法律制度,着手起草统一的海上运输国际公约。

    Considering this situation , the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ( UNCITRAL ) invited International Maritime Committee ( CMI ) to draft a united International Convention on Maritime Transportation from 1996 .

  14. 笔者认为ISPS规则是公法内容,但对私法即海上货物运输关系方的权利、义务、责任以及保险人和被保险人都会产生影响,从而影响海上货物运输业和保险业。

    The auther believes that ISPS Codes belongs to public law but it will affect the rights , obligations , duties of the parties who perform international contract of carriage of goods by sea and affect sea transportation trade and insurance .

  15. 该文考虑了第三方物流企业在货物运输过程中及时送达的批量运输的JITD模型,并给出了一个改进的启发式算法。

    In this paper , a kind of batch scheduling Just in Time Delivery optimization model for third party logistics and a generalized heuristic algorithm of batch operation have been presented .

  16. 俄远东铁路货物运输及其国际合作

    The Russian Far East Railway Freight Transportation and its international cooperation

  17. 罢工破坏了全法国的假期旅行和货物运输。

    The strike disrupted holiday travel and freight traffic throughout france .

  18. 货物运输快捷性、准时性的经济分析

    Economics Analysis of Transporting Freights at High Speed and in Time

  19. 铁路易腐货物运输工具发展趋势刍议

    Consideration on the Development Trend of Railway Vehicles for Perishable Goods

  20. 铁路危险货物运输事故处理中环境保护问题

    Environmental Protection Problems During Handling the Accidents of Dangerous Goods Transportation

  21. 对我省道路危险货物运输管理的几点体会

    Some Experience on Road Dangerous Freight Transportation Management of Our Province

  22. 国内及出口货物运输操作;

    Handle daily transportation of domestics and abroad distribution from gpc ;

  23. 货物运输时间价值确定方法研究

    Research on Methods for Value of Time Determination for Freight Transport

  24. 论国际海上货物运输的法律冲突

    Legal conflict in the field of carriage of goods by sea

  25. 德国私营铁路货物运输价格的制定

    How to Fix the Price of Private Railway Freight in Germany

  26. 铁路货物运输市场准入法律问题研究

    Studying the Legal Problems on Access to Railway Freight Transport Market

  27. 国际海上货物运输中绕航的法律适用

    Application of law for deviation in international marine cargo shipping

  28. 关于铁路局货物运输工作经济效益的研究

    Study on the Economic Benefits for the Freight Transport of Railway Administrations

  29. 影响危险货物运输包装安全的因素与对策

    Effects and countermeasure for the transport of the dangerous goods

  30. 第五章分析了海上货物运输合同当事人有哪些,也分两部分。

    Chapter Five analyzes the components of the oversea cargo transport contract .