
  1. 祝你身体健康,财源广进。

    Wish you both health and wealth .

  2. 最后祝大家生意兴隆,财源广进!

    Finally , I wish you all business is booming , making plenty of money !

  3. 最后,祝各客户:生意兴隆,财源广进,家庭幸福。

    Finally , we wish customers brisk business , flourishing source of wealth and happy family life .

  4. 在我国民间,虎也历来以“猛虎上山节节高升,猛虎下山财源广进”之说而深受人们喜爱。

    In China , also always takes folk " tiger tiger hill rise successively linfe down ," said and harmonies .

  5. 奥肯那根谷葡萄酒开始以其均衡、容易搭配食物和上好的品质而闻名,酿酒厂开始财源广进。

    Okanagan wines began to earn a reputation for balanced , food-friendly vintages , and the wineries began to turn profits .

  6. 首先,如果您的业务也有2000万的客户群,那么这便不成问题,因为您会财源广进。

    First , if your business has20 million customers , that 's not technically a problem because you 're likely rolling in money .

  7. 请代我祝出席的各位同仁在新的金猪里身体健康,财源广进。

    Could you please convey my well wishes of good health and prosperity to all staff during the year of the Golden Pig .

  8. 一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安,天天精神百倍,月月喜气扬扬,年年财源广进。

    Life happy , peaceful lives , the spirit of a hundred times every day , month and festivity Yangyang , mid-making plenty of money .

  9. 在新年到来之际,请接受我忠心的祝愿:我祝你身体健康,吉星高照,财源广进。

    Please accept my best wishes on the arrival of the New Year . I wish you good health best of luck , making more money .

  10. 新年快乐!万事大吉!合家欢乐!财源广进!恭喜发财!工作顺利!爱情甜蜜!吉祥如意!四通八达!福运齐至!

    Happy New Year ! All right ! Family happiness ! Linfe ! Congratulation ! Work well ! Love is sweet ! Good luck ! Convenient ! Good fortune together to !

  11. 迪士尼音乐剧之所以异军突起并在百老汇大放光彩,这与其内在的特质是密不可分:童趣彰显、寓教于乐、豪华制作和财源广进。

    The reason why Disney musicals have sprung up everywhere and shine on Broadway , is inseparable from its inherent qualities : playful highlight the entertaining , luxury production and plenty of money .

  12. 我们将始终支持您的服务并享受您提供的购物环境。祝您生意兴隆财源广进。再一次祝贺您即将开设新的分公司!

    We will always support your services and enjoy your shopping environment all the time.Wish you a good business and more benefits.Congratulations once again on your going to open up a new branch !