
  • 网络the size of the deficit
  1. 总的考虑是,经过几年努力,在现有财政赤字规模不扩大的情况下,中央预算内经常性建设投资逐步增加到一定规模,同时逐步减少发行建设国债。

    The general idea is to appropriately increase investment from the central budget for regular construction each year for several years while systematically decreasing the issuance of Treasury bonds , and at the same time ensuring that the size of the deficit remains at the current level .

  2. 近四年来,美国政府财政赤字规模一直高于1万亿美元,政策利率在接近于零的水平徘徊,美联储(fed)资产负债表规模激增,为何这些因素没能推动经济实现较快增长?

    After almost four years of $ 1tn-plus fiscal deficits , near-zero policy rates , and a fed balance sheet that is pregnant with triplets , how can we not have some growth , any growth ?

  3. 在20世纪80年代,希腊选举产生了社会主义政府,那段时期的财政赤字规模甚至比今天的还要大。

    Greece elected Socialist governments during the 1980s which ran fiscal deficits even larger than today 's.

  4. 较高的增长率也将带来更高的税收收入,令人们对政府能够缩小庞大的财政赤字规模感到放心。

    Higher growth has also given reassurance that the government can take itself out of its wide fiscal deficit , with higher tax revenues .

  5. 与之相似的一种观点是,财政赤字规模的扩大使得汇率无法自然下跌到足以提振出口的水平。

    A parallel argument is that the expansion of the fiscal deficit is preventing a natural fall in the exchange rate sufficient to boost exports .

  6. 私人部门的盈余越多(对应的财政赤字规模也就越大),它们就能越快地偿还债务。

    The larger the surpluses of the private sectors ( and so the bigger the offsetting fiscal deficits ) , the faster the former can pay down their debts .

  7. 探究具体数字之前,我们有必要强调一下,为什么中国扩大财政赤字规模,无论从长期还是短期来看,其实是件好事。

    Before delving into the numbers , it is worth emphasising why a bigger deficit in China would actually be a good thing , both in the short term and the long term .

  8. 基于广义的和财政赤字的规模、通胀率和银行贷款增长速度。印度土耳其和匈牙利被视为是最脆弱国家。

    Based on the size of external and budget deficits , inflation rates and the pace of growth in bank lending , India , Turkey and Hungary were deemed to be most vulnerable .

  9. 一是保持适度的财政赤字和国债规模。

    First , we will keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels .

  10. 国际上由财政赤字和债务规模引发的债务危机问题有很多,希腊就是一个典型的例子。

    International financial deficit and debt by the scale of the debt crisis problem caused a lot , Greece is a typical example .

  11. 特别是要增加保障改善民生支出,保持对经济增长和结构调整的支持力度,适当扩大财政赤字和国债规模是必要的。

    In particular , it is necessary to increase spending to ensure and improve people 's well-being and maintain support for economic growth and structural adjustment .

  12. 财政赤字和国债规模随着经济总量扩大而有所增加,但赤字率稳定在2.1%,体现了财政政策的连续性。

    The government deficit and national debt are increasing along with the growth in the whole economy . However , the deficit rate will be kept at 2.1 % , which demonstrates continuity of our fiscal policy .

  13. 进入90年代以来,我国财政赤字和债务规模急剧扩大,财政支出的压力增加,给我国财政带来极大风险,从而影响国民经济的稳定和协调发展。

    Since 1990s , fiscal deficit and debt scale in our country have increased sharply , which produces great risk in the fiscal system and affects the economic stability and erodes the harmonious development of the national economy .

  14. 增加中央财政赤字和国债发行规模。

    The central budget deficit and the volume of treasury bonds issued will be increased .

  15. 与此同时,经济持续疲软将导致私人部门不良债务堆积、大规模财政赤字、公共债务规模上升、利率高企以及极度脆弱的金融体系。

    Meanwhile , persistently weak economies mean a growing mountain of bad private debt , high fiscal deficits , rising public debt , high interest rates and extremely fragile financial systems .

  16. 稳定财政、货币和汇率政策,控制财政赤字规模;

    Stabilize fiscal , monetary and foreign exchange rate policy ;

  17. 该文件显示,希腊需要额外200亿欧元资金以支持财政预算,因为2013至2014年间每年减少的财政赤字规模将低于计划水平。

    According to the document , Greece would need extra funding of € 20bn to support the budget , as the annual deficit reduction in 2013-2014 would be smaller than planned .