
  • 网络Financial liabilities;public finance-liabilities
  1. 论财政负债风险及其影响因素

    Commenting on Fiscal Debt Risk and Its Related Factors

  2. 中西部地区乡镇财政负债产生的原因与对策

    The Cause and Countermeasures of Financial Debt of Villages and Towns in Midwest China

  3. 防范财政负债风险相应对策的制定,取决于对财政负债风险的正确理解和对影响其因素的客观分析。

    Making precautions against risks of fiscal debt depend on correct comprehension and objective analysis .

  4. 乡镇财政负债防治的财政法制创新

    On the Innovation of the legal System to Fight against the Debt of Towns and Villages

  5. 而区县财政负债过高容易导致财政风险的发生,并最终影响当地的经济发展。

    The debts beyond the county government can sustain will cause the fiscal risks and will make damage to local economic development .

  6. 普遍存在于我国中西部地区的乡镇财政负债现象,是由于该地区乡镇收支存在一系列问题的结果。

    The ubiquitous phenomena of financial debt of villages and towns at Midwest in China result from the problems of their income and expenses .

  7. 接着,讨论了区县财政负债与财政风险的关系,认为负债须在一定的合理水平才能促进经济的平稳增长,否则会出现风险。

    Then this chapter discussed the relationship between the county debts and fiscal risks and figured out that only county debts kept in appropriate level which could promote the stable economic development , or it would result in fiscal risks .

  8. 如何解决乡镇负债问题,化解乡镇财政负债,从而统筹城乡发展,稳步推进西部大开发战略,促进西部经济和社会的发展成为摆在我们面前的一个巨大难题。

    How to solve the problem of indebtedness of the township ? How to resolve the financial liabilities ? And how to coordinate urban and rural development in order to steadily push forward the " western development ", to promote the western economic and social development ?

  9. 本文从对财政负债的广义界定出发,在分析了财政负债风险来源的基础上,结合我国实际情况,分析了影响财政负债风险的主要因素及其各影响因素之间的传导性。

    From a broad definition of fiscal debt , based on the analysis on the sources of risks of fiscal debt , the article analyses the factors that have impacted on fiscal debt risk and the transmission of these factors according to the actual situation in China .

  10. 随着危机的加深,财政资产负债表和央行资产负债表之间的界限正在变得越来越模糊,而这也一直是一条危险的道路。

    The lines between the fiscal balance sheet and the central bank balance sheet are becoming increasingly blurred as the crisis deepens , and that remains a perilous path to go down .

  11. 浅析我国财政或有负债图中有H圈的充分条件

    On China 's Fiscal Contingent Liability Sufficient Condition for Having Cycles in a Graph

  12. 由于美国财政部资产负债表上的其他证券额是上述MBS组合的四倍足以支撑约半年的常规偿债需求进一步资产出售可能会进一步损害投资银行。

    With four times that amount of other securities on the Treasury balance sheet enough to fund normal debt-related activities for about half a year further sales will likely make the investment banks suffer even further .

  13. 如何认定乡镇财政赤字和负债

    How to Hold Deficit and Liabilities of Villages and Towns Public Finance

  14. 以政府为主导,以财政和政府负债为主体的传统基建投融资体制亟待突破。

    The traditional financing system of infrastructure supported by our government must be overcome .

  15. 浅析我国财政或有负债

    On China 's Fiscal Contingent Liability

  16. 本文对我国财政或有负债的内涵、表现、原因及解决问题的思路进行分析和讨论。

    This paper considers the intension , expression and causes of China 's fiscal contingent liability and proposes some solutions .

  17. 于是,他们又把资金推回了另一端,使之多数变成了美国财政部的负债,而后者却并不怎么领情。

    So , they pushed the money right back out again , predominantly into the liabilities of an insufficiently grateful US Treasury .

  18. 除了投资者希望持有美元计价证券最安全发行人美国财政部的负债以外,很难找到长期美国国债收益率如此之低的原因。

    It is hard to see a reason for yields on long-term Treasuries being so low , other than a desire to hold the liabilities of the US Treasury , safest issuer of dollar - denominated securities .

  19. 要切实采取加大转移支付等措施,解决基层财政的过高负债率问题、基层财政的运转困难问题,才能有效解决我国基层财政困难问题。

    It should practically adopt such measures as increasing transfer payment and so on to solve the problem caused by the high ratio of basic unit finance debt and its operation difficulty ; therefore , our country basic unit finance difficult question could be resolved effectively .

  20. 美国财政部长指出了负债最多的那些国家。

    America 's treasury secretary identified the most heavily indebted countries .

  21. 尤其是在危机前,由于财政负债累累(净负债占到GDP的40%左右)和运营赤字过高,英国无法获得必要的回旋余地。

    In particular , before the crisis , fiscal indebtedness net debt to GDP at about 40 per cent and running deficits were too high to give the country the room for manoeuvre it needed .

  22. 财政风险的资产负债表管理是将财政风险和政府会计联系在一起的纽带。

    Balance sheet approach of fiscal risk is the link of fiscal risk management to the government accounting .

  23. 中国稳健的财政状况和低负债能够减轻阵痛,确保国内需求不会受到太大冲击。

    Its strong fiscal position and low debt can ease any pain , ensuring domestic demand does not suffer dramatically .

  24. 嗯,去年财政年度的资产负债表和损益计算书马上就该做出来了。

    B : Well , the balance sheet and profit and loss statement for this past fiscal year should be ready soon .

  25. 经营城市客观上容易扩张城市建设规模,产生大量的财政赤字和过度负债,形成经营风险。

    It is objectively apt to expand the urban construction scale , producing a great mass of financial deficit and excessive debts , and bringing about operating risks .

  26. 被元总资产)的价值分开的总资产(税务局的每元价值税务局:你能为在财政的报告资产负债表上的总资产找数字。

    Revenue per dollar value of total assets ( Revenue divided by Dollar value of total assets ): You can find the number for total assets on the financial reports balance sheet .

  27. 研究结果表明,当财政补贴小于长期负债时,财政补贴能够抑制公司的过度投资行为,但投资不足的趋势会增强,而减税能够抑制公司投资不足;

    The results of study show that the subsidy can suppress the overinvestment behavior of the company when subsidy is smaller than the long-term debt , but the trend of under-investment will be strengthened , and it can create an offsetting under-investment to derate ;

  28. 近些年,县级财政困难逐渐发展成为一个全国性问题,主要表现为财政负债高,财政风险高,财政收入偏低等现象。

    In recent years , the county financial difficulty has gradually become a national problem , mainly showed in the big financial debt and risk , low financial revenue and so on .