
  • 网络Financial Strength;Financial capacity;financial power
  1. 你主要是看他们的财务实力,瓦恩说,他们买得起吗?

    You pretty much go by financial capacity , Mr. Wine said . Can they afford it ?

  2. 在签订任何保证保险合同之前都要仔细评估三个要素:被保证人的品质、财务实力及其经历。

    Three factors will be evaluated carefully before any suretyship agreements is made : the character of the principal , the financial capacity of the principal , and the experience of the principal .

  3. AIG陨落的最大受害者除了购买了AIG所发行债券的投资者,还有投保人。深刻的教训让我们不得不对保险公司财务实力重新审视。

    Besides bond investors , the biggest victims of the fall are the policyholders .

  4. 预计百仕通集团(Blackstone)也将与西蒙联手,并可能向阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)等投资者求助,以获得更大的财务实力。

    Blackstone is also expected to join forces with Simon and may turn to investors such as the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for additional financial firepower .

  5. 汇丰(hsbc)高管面无表情地谈论“标志性的财务实力”,反映出此次危机的严重程度。

    It is a measure of the severity of the crisis that HSBC executives talk of " signature financial strength " with a straight face .

  6. 在可能要求银行增资的新规定出台之前,全球主要信用评级机构之一标准普尔(StandardPoor's)的一项研究报告,让人对一些大型银行的财务实力产生怀疑。

    A study by Standard Poor 's , one of the world 's leading credit rating agencies , has raised questions over the financial strength of some of the biggest banks ahead of new rules that could require them to raise more funds .

  7. 这些评估针对的是各银行在6月底的财务实力,其结果大异于根据现行《新巴塞尔协议》(baselii)资本充足规定的评估结果。

    The assessment , which measured banks ' financial strength at the end of June , offered a different picture of banks ' relative strength to that under the current " Basel II " rules on capital adequacy .

  8. BrandZ表示,最具价值品牌的表现超过金融市场,这说明了它们的财务实力和对股东的价值。

    The biggest brands outperform financial markets , according to BrandZ , which says this illustrates their financial power and value to shareholders .

  9. 一些人认为,上海汽车集团对于收购或与南京汽车合并并不热心。南京汽车的财务实力较弱,其与意大利菲亚特(Fiat)的合资企业被视为中国国内汽车业的表现平平者之一。

    SAIC is seen by some as unenthusiastic about acquiring or merging with Nanjing Auto , which is financially weaker and whose joint venture with Fiat of Italy is seen as one of the domestic industry 's also-rans .

  10. 淡水河谷至少有财务实力达成交易。

    Vale at least has the financial firepower for a deal .

  11. 企业收益额与财务实力的关系

    Try to treat the relation between earnings and financial strength

  12. 收益额和财务实力是评价企业的重要财务指标。

    Earnings and financial strength are important standards to evaluate a bussiness .

  13. 市场份额的丧失削弱了诺基亚的财务实力。

    The loss of market share has weakened Nokia financially .

  14. 汇丰十分重视其签名的财务实力。

    HSBC makes much of its signature financial strength .

  15. 商业银行财务实力评级研究

    The Study on Commerial Banks Financial Strength Rating

  16. 他们认为,该行的财务实力不足,无法覆盖不良抵押贷款带来的巨大的风险敞口。

    They believe the bank lacks the financial strength to cover its big exposure to troubled mortgages .

  17. 在招聘国际认可的师资方面,主要大学的财务实力与管理能力均有所提高。

    The financial and administrative ability of the leading universities in recruiting internationally qualified faculty has increased .

  18. 多级模糊综合层次评价方法在企业财务实力评价中的应用

    The application hierarchical fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach in the assessment of the financial strength of the enterprise

  19. 具有雄厚的财务实力,能够满足实施本项目所需资金的要求;

    With abundant financial strength , it can meet the requirement of required fund to implement the project .

  20. 尽管海尔现在不再需要合作伙伴的财务实力了,但管理问题仍是中国企业的弱项。

    While Haier no longer needs the financial strength of a partner , management issues remain a weakness for Chinese groups .

  21. 结果表明,上市公司的资产特征、整体财务实力以及代理成本是影响我国上市公司债务期限结构的主要因素。

    The result shows that asset attributes , financial strength and agency cost are the determinants of debt maturity for listed companies in China .

  22. 伯克希尔将保持其“直布罗陀般”强大的财务实力,提高现有业务的竞争地位,进行新的、能提高盈利的收购。

    It would maintain its " Gibraltar-like " financial strength , improve the competitive position of its existing businesses and make new acquisitions that bolster earnings .

  23. 价格上涨凸显了尼日利亚石油企业的财务实力,它们已成为该国油气产业的强大竞争者。

    The rise highlights the financial muscle of a cluster of Nigerian oil companies that have emerged as prominent players in the country 's hydrocarbon industry .

  24. 分析人士表示,外国集团必须注意扩张过程中的资金需求,因为本土监管部门对财务实力极为关注。

    Analysts say foreign groups need to be mindful of the capital requirements involved in expanding while home regulators are paying close attention to financial strength .

  25. 该行的一级资本比率为大约11.8%,高于去年的7.7%。一级资本比率是衡量银行财务实力的关键标准。

    The bank 's Tier 1 capital ratio , a key measure of financial strength , was about 11.8 per cent , up from 7.7 per cent last year .

  26. 该集团在达成国际电力的交易后曾表示,将把投资重点转向亚洲。与中投签约,将使其拥有在亚洲角逐合同所需的财务实力。

    It said after the International Power deal that it was shifting investment priorities to Asia and a CIC deal would give it the financial firepower to pursue regional contracts .

  27. 在微观层面会产生诸如提高企业价值和财务实力、稳定人力资源增进人力资本以及减轻职工负担并减少职工短视行为等具体效应。

    In the microcosmic aspect , it will improve the value of enterprise and financial strength , add human capital , and lighten the burden of employee , reduce employee shortsighted behavior .

  28. 上汽强大的财务实力可能有助于通用汽车在印度市场占据更大市场份额,同时令上汽在全球增长最迅速的汽车市场之一获得立足点。

    It 's strong financial position could help GM take a bigger share of the Indian market , while giving SAIC a foothold in one of the world 's fastest growing car markets .

  29. 首先,从企业角度来讲,实施税收筹划的结果是可以利用更多的税收优惠,以此提高企业的财务实力和市场竞争能力。

    Firstly , from the perspective of enterprises , the implementation of tax planning results can be utilized more preferential tax , in order to enhance the financial strength and market competition ability .

  30. 保险评级是指独立的社会信用评级机构,采用一定的评级方法对保险公司信用等级进行评定,并用一定的符号予以表示,其本质是评级机构对保险公司财务实力和经营稳定能力的评价。

    Insurance rating is that the independent social credit rating agencies use certain methods and symbol to rate insurance companies , evaluate the financial strength and operational stability is the essence of insurance rating .