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  • negative electricity
负电[fù diàn]
  1. 探讨了苏州河水体黑臭现象,证实了水体发黑主要与存在吸附了FeS的带负电胶体悬浮颗粒有关,且腐殖质是吸附物或络合物的主要组成。

    It was proved that the main substance to make the water blackening was the colloid granules with negative electricity which adsorbed FeS and MnS . The adsorbent was mainly composed of humus .

  2. CTAB与带负电的砂岩表面可以发生化学作用而改变润湿性,还可以通过剥离砂岩表面的油膜而改变润湿性。

    The wettability of sandstone with negative electricity can be changed due to the chemical reaction between CTAB and sandstone , and the wettability can also be changed through the removal of oil film at sandstone surface .

  3. 在用盐酸或氢氧化钠调整的pH值范围(2.9~11.5)其表面均荷负电,表面荷负电的原因可能是由黑钨矿结晶构造特征所决定的。

    The negative surface charge of wolframite may possibly arise from the crystalline structural characteristics .

  4. NH3(H2O)2中性团簇和负电团簇的结构研究

    Study on the Structures of Neutral and Anionic Clusters

  5. PEI纳米粒由于表面带正电荷而获得结合带负电DNA的能力及某些胶体特性。

    The surface of PEI NPs was positive that make the nanoparticles could bind DNA .

  6. 在反馈模式中,DNA的检测通过带有不同电荷的氧化还原电解质溶液与带负电的DNA磷酸骨架之间的库仑力的作用来实现检测的。

    In feedback mode , the detection of DNA was achieved by the interaction between the different charged mediator and negative charged DNA phosphate backbone .

  7. Hap在不同pH下的表面电动势ζ均为负值,且随pH的增大,负电性增强;

    The ζ potential of Hap is negative in varies pH , and the electronegative increases as pH increases .

  8. CS、OCM-CS、16-CS和Lys-CS表面改性的脂质体和磁性脂质体的粒径有所增加,表面电性由负电变为正电。

    After modification , diameter of liposome and magnetic liposome increased and surface charge become positve from negtive .

  9. 负电性纳米银溶胶SERS活性及稳定性的比较研究

    Comparative Study on SERS and Stability of Negative Silver Colloids

  10. 正、负电性纳米银吸附阴、阳离子型分子的SERS比较

    A Comparison of SERS of Positive and Negative Nano-silver Adsorbing Cation and Anion Molecule

  11. 因为siRNA带负电,

    Because siRNA is strongly negatively charged ,

  12. 阴离子聚合物CMC加入后,显示的ζ电位是蒙脱土颗粒与CMC负电性的综合效果或CMC的负电性。

    The zeta potential of clay suspension containing CMC is the comprehensive result of clay particles and CMC .

  13. 纳米CeO2颗粒在酸性水介质中表面带正电,在碱性水介质中表面带负电,Zeta电位分别在pH值为4和11左右时较高,相应润湿性和分散性较好;

    Zeta potential is higher when pH value is about 4 or 11 , corresponding wettability and dispersion are better .

  14. 对所制备的黄铁矿粉体在无水乙醇中的Zeta电位进行测量,结果表明粉体的Zeta电位为负值,说明所制备粉体带负电。

    The Zeta potential for obtained pyrite in ethanol was negative , indicating that the prepared pyrite was negatively charged .

  15. 选择电化学上经典的呈负电性的Fe(CN)6~(3-/4-)电化学氧化还原活性探针离子,结合电化学循环伏安技术系统考察了赖氨酸单层膜的电化学行为和稳定性。

    Took Fe ( CN ) 6 ~ 3 - / 4 - as an electroactive redox probe to investigate the electrochemical behavior and stability of Lysine monolayer .

  16. 碱液处理使钛表面生成了钛酸钠及氧化钛等物质,在SBF中浸泡时,会发生水解而使表面形成带负电的TiOH基团。

    Sodium titanate and titanium oxide were formed after titanium samples were treated by NaOH aqueous solution and would be hydrolyzed to form negatively charged Ti OH group in SBF .

  17. 用正、负电喷雾电离(ESI)并结合碰撞活化解离(CAD)质谱法对烷基苯磺酸盐(ABS)进行鉴定。

    The alkylbenzene sulfonates ( ABS ) have been identified by positive , negative ions electrospray ionization ( ESI ) coupled with collision activated dissociation ( CAD ) MS methods .

  18. 如此得到的微胶囊含有带负电的CMC,其在微胶囊中可能呈自由状态,或与第一层过量的壳聚糖形成络合物。

    The as-prepared microcapsules contain negatively charged CMC , which may either in a free state or most possibly coupled with the excess chitosan of the first layer .

  19. 通过观察AFM测得的表面形貌图可以发现,水热法制备的ZnO纳米线阵列的柱子表面有小的突起,并研究得到ZnO纳米线阵列的柱子是带负电的。

    By observing the AFM measured surface topography , it can be found that the surface of ZnO nanowire arrays has small protrusions and the pillars of the zinc oxide nanowire arrays are negatively charged .

  20. 在pH7的PBS缓冲液中,负电性的GOx通过静电吸附被固定在正电性的ZnO纳米棒上。

    In a PBS buffer with a pH value of 7.4 , negatively charged GOx is immobilized on positively charged ZnO nanorods through electrostatic interaction .

  21. 表面静电势计算的结果表明,大豆蛋白质分子表面正电荷分布的不均匀性引起带负电的蛋白质分子对同样带负电的MMT的插层和剥离作用。

    The electrostatic surface potential calculation revealed that the heterogeneous distribution of the surface positive charges provided the possibility for negatively charged soy protein to intercalate and exfoliate MMT .

  22. 在碱性介质中,铁矿石矿浆中的Fe(OH)3阳胶体与表面呈负电性的填料之间的电性吸引是矿泥向填料吸附的主要机理。

    It would be the main principle of slimes adsorption towards packing with the alkaline medium conditions that the electrical attraction between Fe ( OH ) _3 cationic colloids in the pulp of iron ore and packing with negatively charged surfaces was present .

  23. 考虑到外界因素调控的方便灵活性以及多数蛋白质对电场(EF)的响应灵敏性,我们用MD模拟考察了外加电场下溶菌酶在负电表面的吸附行为。

    Considering the convenience and flexibility of controlling protein behavior via external factors and the sensitive response of protein to an electric field ( EF ), we investigate the lysozyme adsorption on a negatively charged SAM by all-atom MD simulations .

  24. 六氟化硫高压断路器是利用六氟化硫(SF6)气体的特异热化学性和显著的负电性,采用压气式灭弧结构,以SF6气分子与电弧的接触反应来产生强大灭弧力。

    With its special thermo-chemical property and its notable negative character of SF6 gas , SF6 high pressure breaker utilizes the gas-pressed type arc suppressing structure to produce strong arc suppressing force with contacting reaction between SF6 gas molecule and electric arc .

  25. Zeta电位结果显示初始乳液滴由于吸附氢氧带负电,并且乳液滴的电性和带电量可以通过改变阳离子的浓度方便地进行调节。

    The zeta potential measurements showed that the original nano-emulsion droplets were negatively charged due to the specific adsorption of the hydroxyl ions . The zeta potential of the emulsion droplets can be easily tuned by varying the cationic surfactant concentrations .

  26. 更一步的研究探讨后,认为RCT是依靠其分子孔穴内四分子的π电子中心结构所形成的大负电中心π而作用于甲醇分子中的甲基的。

    The further examination showed that the RCT interacted with the methyl of the methanol molecule through the large negative π electron center which was formed by the four molecular π electronic center structure in its cavity .

  27. 与γ辐照及MeV电子束辐照的LiF样品相比较,在辐照剂量足够的情况下,H~+注入样品中没有负电性F-聚集心的产生,但却容易获得稳定的N1心。

    Comparing with the γ - ray irradiated and MeV electron beam irra-diated samples , stable N_1 centres are found in all the MeV H ~ + - implanted sa-mples , but no negatively charged F-aggregate centres have been detected , though the irradiation dose is high enough .

  28. 研究结果表明,金属离子能降低浆料的负电性,并能提高ASA的施胶效能,酸根离子能增加浆料的负电性,对ASA的施胶不利。

    The results showed that metal ions can decrease the anionic charges of the stock , and increase sizing effect of ASA on the stock with proper dosage . The existence of acidic groups may increase the anionic charges of the stock and be detrimental to ASA sizing .

  29. 在改进Bridgeman法生长PWO晶体的后期,使熔体保持一定程度的负电性将有利于抑制该现象,即可有效地抑制同样是负电性的间隙氧进入晶体。

    In the processes of PWO crystal growth by the modified Bridgeman method , it is salutary to keep the melt in a negative charge environment , thus preventing the formation of interstitial oxygen .

  30. 得出的结果表明:(1)中性施主杂质体系和带负电施主杂质体系的基态能量都会随着磁通量的变化发生振荡,即A-B振荡。

    We analyze and discuss the calculation results in detail , which show that : ( 1 ) The ground state energy of the neutral donor impurity system and charged donor impurity system will oscillate ( A-B oscillation ) with the change of magnetic flux .