
  1. 试论课外语文活动

    Extracurricular Activities of Chinese

  2. 这一研究将能引导学生更全面深入理解课文,关注课文重点、难点、精华,加强课外的语文自主实践,培养学生语文能力。

    The study will introduce students to deeply understand the texts , focus the keystones , difficulties and souls , strengthen the extracurricular practice independently and cultivate the Chinese abilities .

  3. 课外阅读对语文教育未发挥出应有的作用,造成这种教育现状的原因有:传统应试教育的影响;

    The outclass reading has not effectively influenced the Chinese language education .

  4. 课外阅读是语文课堂教学的延伸。

    Extracurricular reading is the extention of Chinese classroom teaching .

  5. 在课外活动发挥语文的德育功能。

    Playing the chinese moral role in extracurricular activities .

  6. 重视课外阅读培养语文能力

    Emphasizing Extra-curricular Reading and Cultivating Chinese Abilities

  7. 课外阅读是语文学习的重要组成部分,是课内阅读教学的延伸和发展。

    Extra-curricular reading is a vital component in Chinese language education , and it is also extension and development of curricular reading .

  8. 课外阅读是语文课程的重要内容之一,是学生进行语文实践的重要途径。

    The extracurricular reading is one of the important contents of Chinese curriculum , It is an important way to conduct Chinese practice .

  9. 第三章,提出具体解决方法,即着手培养学生在课外广阔的语文世界里,寻求新的阅读兴奋点,培养新的阅读兴趣、新的阅读方向。

    The third chapter , propose specific solutions , that is , students working in extra-curricular language world wide , looking for new excitement of reading and cultivate a new interest in reading , new reading direction .

  10. 中学生课外阅读是语文教学的题中之意,在新课程标准中,课外阅读被提到了相当的高度,并对中学三年的课外阅读量作了具体的规定。

    The middle school students ' after school reading strategy is the idea of Chinese teaching , in newly the course standard , the after school reading was spoken of highly , and the after school reading quantity of the three year is made concrete .

  11. 在这一重点的论述中,本文着重突出论述了课外阅读与语文课堂教学贯通,与语文整体课程整合的诸多因素:如教师、家长、指导策略、评估方法、社会环境等方面的优化途径。

    During the discussion , we focus on the multitude extracurricular reading elements , which are consistent with the Chinese lecturing and related to the whole Chinese course , such as the upgraded approaches to teachers , parents , instructive strategies , assessing measures , social circumstances and so on .

  12. 初中二年级课外阅读教学中学生语文创造力培养的实验研究

    The Cultivation Experimental Research of Students ' Chinese Creativity in Grade Two at Junior Middle School by Teaching Extracurricular Reading

  13. 课外阅读是课外语文活动中最重要的内容,是课内阅读的继续与扩展,对于加强小学生课外阅读有其重要意义。

    Extracurricular reading is the most important content in extra-curricular language activities . It is the continuation and expansion of curricular reading . It is of great significance for strengthening primary extracurricular reading .

  14. 他主张实与活并举,张开课内与课外双翼,加强语文教学与社会生活的广泛联系。

    He maintain " really with living " that develops simultaneously , opens one pair of wings " in the lesson and after class ", strengthen teaching of Chinese and extensive connection of social life .

  15. 第一,课外阅读教学中学生语文创造力的培养实验研究对学生的学习成绩产生了积极影响。

    The students ' Chinese creativity of the experimental group is significantly higher than that of control group . Secondly , the cultivation experimental research of students ' Chinese creativity by teaching extracurricular reading has had a positive effect on students ' Chinese academic records .

  16. 中学语文课外阅读是中学语文阅读教学的延伸,它对于拓展学生的知识面,提高文学素养和完善人格都具有重要的意义,同时它为目前语文研究性学习架起了桥梁。

    It is the extension of Chinese Teaching of Reading . It is of great importance for the students to expand their knowledge , enhance quality and improve the literary personality and at the same time , it served as a bridge between the current research learning .

  17. 第二部分谈中学生课外阅读的指导,主要阐述中学生课外阅读的语文学习意义,说明指导中学生开展课外阅读的方法。

    Part II : Talk about how to guide extra-curricular reading , included the significance and the way to guide students on extra-curricular reading .

  18. 研究了课内教学资源与课外教学资源的特征,认为充分利用二者互补,可以使语文阅读从课内延伸到课外,拓展语文阅读教学。

    The characteristics of in-class teaching resources and extended resources off-school are researched . Considers that , with the mutual complement of the two kinds of resources , the Chinese reading can be extended extensively , and the Chinese reading teaching will be enhanced .