
  • 网络reading method
  1. 即观其大略的读书方法,澹泊宁静的人生境界,深思谨慎的处世态度,鞠躬尽瘁的奉献精神。

    That is his reading method of " reading the essence ", his state of being quiet and without worldly desires , his thoughtful and cautious philosophy of life and the spirit of sparing no effort in the performance of one 's duty .

  2. 只有这种读书方法,只有这种发见自己所爱好的作家的读书方法,才有益处可言。

    It is only this kind of reading , this discovery of one 's favorite author , that will do one any good at all .

  3. 其次学生自主阅读能力得到提高,同学们通过尝试总结,摸索出了适合自己的读书方法,积累了自主学习的经验。

    Secondly , the students ' independent reading skills were improved . The students try to sum up their own study methods and accumulated the experiences of independent learning .

  4. 在这个教育环境下重新展现宋朝教育家系统的读书方法可以为语文教育挖掘一条新道,也是一条本该好好引导却遭人忽视的必经之路。

    In the education environment to show the educator system method of reading for Chinese education mining a new road , is also a should have guide have been ignored the only way which must be passed .

  5. 其次,改进教师的具体教学措施,如:制定名著阅读的整体目标,激发学生阅读兴趣,指导读书方法等方面。

    Next , the teachers ' concrete teaching measure , such as : Draw up the whole target of a famous reading , stir up students ' interest in the reading , guide to study the method etc. aspect .

  6. 他读书没有方法(指碰到什么读什么)。

    He follows no system in his reading .

  7. 讲到谈吐的风味,那完全要看一个人读书的方法如何。

    As for flavor of speech , it all depends on one 's way of reading .

  8. 一个好的语文老师能够带领学生走入课文情境去体验生活,教给他们读书的方法,这将是一个学生一生的财富。

    A good experienced Chinese teacher should have the capability to guide the students to experience the life by stepping into the scene of text , teaching them reading methods , which will be the lifelong wealth for a student .

  9. 你可以试著找出读书的正确方法。

    You can try to find a right way to study .

  10. 作笔记是加强读书效率的方法之一。

    Taking notes is one of the ways of enhancing your study efficiency .

  11. 而多读书、重方法、善交流、建团队、深挖井是培养和锻炼这六方面能力的重要途径。

    A number of studies , important , good exchanges , team building , training and tempering six deep-dug wells capacity is the main way .

  12. 我认为补习不是唯一的方法,你要试著找出读书的正确方法。

    I don 't think going to cram school is the only way , but you need to try to find a right way to study .

  13. 文章通过对“朱子读书法”各个方法的剖析,提出了四点启示,藉此希望对我国高等教育提供借鉴意义。

    Through the analysis of " Zhu study method ", and put forward four enlightenment , hope to provide reference for China 's higher education .

  14. 在学习计划、读书和记笔记方法、应试方法、家庭环境、学校环境、独立性和毅力等方面则不存在显著民族差异。

    In study planning , reading methods , the way of dealing with the tests , family environment , school environment , individuality and perseverance there 's no difference .

  15. 男女中学生学习认知适应的影响集中在学习计划、读书和记笔记方法2个方面(2.70±0.84,2.83±0.86;2.92±1.05,3.19±0.92,P<0.01)。

    Gender 's influence on middle school students ' learning cognition adaptability mainly focused on learning plan , reading and writing method ( 2.70 ± 0.84,2.83 ± 0.86 ; 2.92 ± 1.05,3.19 ± 0.92 , P < 0.01 ) .

  16. 目的:从学习技术、学习计划、应试方法、听课方法、读书和记笔记方法5个方面调查中学生学习认知适应及其影响因素。

    AIM : To explore learning cognition adaptability and its influencing factors of middle school students by investigating the following five aspects : learning technology , learning plan , exam method , listening method , reading and writing method .