
  1. 更普遍的担忧是,普京可能会在乌克兰发动全面常规战争,或者鼓动波罗的海国家说俄语的人群揭竿而起,这些国家是北约(Nato)成员国。

    It is more common to worry that Mr Putin may launch an all-out conventional war in Ukraine – or encourage uprisings by Russian-speakers in the Baltic states , which are members of Nato .

  2. 人们说俄语很难学。

    A : They say Russian is very difficult to learn .

  3. 尽管不会说俄语,他却一下子爱上这个国家,不愿离去。

    Despite speaking no Russian , he was too fascinated to leave .

  4. 她说俄语很流利,可是她更喜欢用英语交谈。

    She speaks Russian fluently and yet she prefers to chatter in English .

  5. 我能阅读希腊字母是由于我说俄语。

    I 'm helped with the alphabet by the fact I speak Russian .

  6. 我们班上没有人能说俄语。

    Nobody in our class can speak Russian .

  7. 但更可能的原因是酒店高管不太会说俄语。

    More likely it 's because the top brass don 't speak much Russian .

  8. 你知道我不会说俄语,而且也不会学。

    I don 't speak Russian you know , and I won 't learn .

  9. 你说俄语吗?.

    A : Do you speak Russian ?

  10. 他们是说俄语的联邦密探。

    They 're feds , Russian speakers .

  11. 汤姆有语言天赋。他能说俄语,德语和法语。

    Tom has a knack for languages . He can speak Russian , German and French .

  12. 几个世纪以来,乌克兰东部都是大俄帝国的一部分,那里居住的大多也都是正统的说俄语的人民。

    The east , part of the Russian empire for centuries , is largely Orthodox and Russian-speaking .

  13. 我刚才有提到我会说俄语吗?不过,还是听就好。

    Did I mention I 'm conversational in russian ? Better at hearing than speaking , though .

  14. 许多俄罗斯人在这段时期搬到拉脱维亚,现在拉脱维亚大约三分之一的人说俄语。

    Many Russians moved into Latvia during that time , and about one-third of Latvia 's people now speak Russian .

  15. 虽然她更习惯说俄语,但她周日接受采访时说的却是德语,并被翻译成英语。

    Although Chusovitina is most comfortable speaking Russian , she did interviews Sunday in German that was translated to English .

  16. 相反,他对乌克兰东部说俄语人群的担忧大做文章,表示要“保护”他们的语言。

    Instead he plays on the anxieties of russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine , whose language he promises to " protect " .

  17. 俄语也普遍能被30到70岁的老爱沙尼亚族人(在苏联统治时期,在学校学习俄语作为第二语言是被强制的)听懂,虽然他们不说俄语。

    Russian is also much more widely understood than spoken by30-70 year old ethnic Estonians ( learning Russian as the second language in school was compulsory for them during the Soviet era ) .

  18. 首先,需要在乌克兰和俄罗斯之间缔结和平条约,并在两国间达成边境协定,基辅方面要承诺维护说俄语人群的权利,而莫斯科方面要许诺不再支持乌克兰东部的反叛分子。

    First , there should be a peace treaty between Ukraine and Russia , combining an agreement on borders with a commitment from Kiev to uphold the rights of Russian speakers , and a commitment from Moscow to stop supporting the rebels in eastern Ukraine .

  19. 她花了3个月的时间在苏联学习政治,说的俄语还对付得过去。

    She had spent three months studying politics in the Soviet Union and could speak passable russian .

  20. 可以说对俄语学习策略进行实证研究还是一个较新的领域,有较大的研究空间。

    It can be said that the empirical research for Russian learning strategy is a relatively new domain and there is a big research space .

  21. 能说瑞典语、俄语、德语、法语和英语。

    Speaking Swedish , Russian , German , French and English .

  22. 他说他对俄语感兴趣。

    He said he was interested in Russian .

  23. 勿庸置疑,让我深感失望的是:开张仪式时,总经理穆斯托(MaxMusto)竟然说不了一句俄语。

    Indeed I was disappointed that the general manager , Max Musto , had made no effort to memorise even a sentence in Russian at the opening party .

  24. 欧奎尔·兰斯(OquelLlanes)能说一口流利俄语,在哈瓦那的一家西班牙旅游公司工作,同时做着笔译兼职工作,他说这方面的需求很稳定。

    Oquel Llanes , a fluent Russian speaker who works with a Spanish tourist company in Havana and writes translations on the side , said there was constant demand .

  25. 她能说但不能写俄语。

    She can speak , but ( she ) can not write in , Russian .

  26. 她会说法语、德语,还会说一点儿俄语

    She speak french and german and also a little russian