
  1. 自Saussure提出语言符号的任意性原则后,围绕语言符号是否完全任意这一话题,包括功能语言学家、认知语言学家和转换生成语言学家在内的许多人都发表了不同的见解。

    Since Saussure proposed the arbitrariness as an important feature of language , the argument that whether language is arbitrary or not becomes prevailing . The linguists in the fields of functional linguistics , cognitive linguistics and transformational-generative linguistics air their different views on this topic .

  2. 关于语言符号的任意性和非任意性

    On Arbitrariness and Non - arbitrariness of the Linguistic Sign

  3. 由古汉语词汇研究看语言符号的任意性

    See the Randomicity of Language Signs from the Study on Ancient Chinese Vocabulary

  4. 语言符号的任意性是个颇有争议的语言哲学概念。

    Arbitrariness of language symbols is a widespread and controversial concept in linguistic philosophy .

  5. 试论语言符号的任意性内涵

    The Connotation of Arbitrariness of Linguistic Symbols

  6. 隐喻与语言符号的任意性

    Metaphor and the Arbitrariness of Linguistic Signs

  7. 语言符号的任意性原则

    The Arbitrary Principle of Linguistic Sign

  8. 论语言符号的任意性

    On the Arbitrariness of Language Signs

  9. 语言符号的任意性是成年人英语词汇学习的主要障碍。

    The arbitrariness of language symbols is the primary factor that handicaps an adults English vocabulary learning process .

  10. 语言符号的任意性是就概念和音响形象之间的联系而言的,是普遍存在的。

    The arbitrary language semiotics is the connection between the concept and the image of sound , which is pervasive .

  11. 其次,应该分清语言符号的任意性与象似性在语言不同层面上的关系,即讨论是在结构主义的语言系统内还是在更大的范围内进行的;

    Secondly , it is also necessary to make clear the relationship between arbitrariness and iconicity on different levels of language .

  12. 类义词融合现象的产生大致是思维经济原则、认知因素、语言符号的任意性以及词汇的丰富和发达等方面作用的结果。

    The thinking economical rule , cognition factor , random city of language sign and the abundance in vocabulary result in the crasis phenomenon of homologous words .

  13. 语言符号的任意性被现代语言学之父索绪尔称之为语言的第一原则或基本真理,它有助于语言的多样性和灵活性。

    Arbitrariness , which was proposed as the first principle of language by Saussure , father of the modern linguistics , contributes to the versatility and flexibility of language .

  14. 他提出了语言符号的任意性原则,并将其视为统治整个语言系统最重要的、首要的原则。

    He put forward the arbitrariness principle of language signs , insisted that language signs are arbitrary and looked on this principle as the most important and the first principle controlling the whole language system .

  15. 语言符号的任意性和象似性关系问题是语言学的一大核心问题,其实质在于探讨语言形式与它所表示的意义之间的关系。

    The relation of arbitrariness and iconicity has been a recurring theme in the linguistic inquiry into the nature of the linguistic sign , the essence of which lies in the relationship between linguistic form and its meaning .

  16. 语言符号的任意性本质也表明语言是由相互关联的符号所构成的自足系统,符号本身没有意义,意义源自符号之间的差异。

    The arbitrary nature of the sign also means that a language is essentially a self-contained system of interrelated signs in which each element is meaningless by itself but meaningful only by its differentiation from the other elements .

  17. 自从索绪尔在其《普通语言学教程》中提出语言符号的任意性,并视其为第一原则后,在相当一段时间内该原则被奉为金科玉律。

    Ever since he put forward the principle of arbitrariness in his General Course of Linguistics and considered it as the primary rule of linguistic signs , it was treated as an oracular principle for quite a long time .

  18. 必须指出的是本文无意夸大象似性的作用,也并不是否认语言符号的任意性,而是为诗歌翻译提供新的视角并扩大诗歌研究的范围。

    It must be noted that this thesis has no intention in exaggerating the role of iconicity , or in denying the arbitrariness of linguistic signs , but brings new light in poetry translation and widens the scope of poetry translation study .

  19. 笔者认为语言符号的非任意性比任意性更为合理。

    This paper holds the view that language sign 's non-arbitrariness is more reasonable than arbitrariness .

  20. 索绪尔认为任意性是语言符号最重要的特点之一,语言符号的任意性在语言中没有理据。

    Ferdinand de Saussure regards arbitrariness as one of the most important features of linguistic signs .