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yǔ yuán
  • etymology;derivative;etymon
语源 [yǔ yuán]
  • [source of words] 一种语言形式(如一个词或词素)的历史(常包括其史前史)。从该词或词素在语言中最早出现的记载追溯其语音、书法和词义的发展

  1. 关于嬉皮士的语源是有争议的。

    The hippies ' etymology is contentious .

  2. 本文从语言学分析入手,着眼于历史上突厥语族官制文化和中原政治制度的关系,对Bεg-Beg的语源问题进行探讨。

    The paper discusses the etymology of B ε g / Beg on the basis of linguistics and the relationship between the officer system of Turk Language groups and political system in central plain .

  3. 关于斯泡特(SPORT)语源和早期词义的探讨费利克斯在一本克鲁泡特金的小册子上查看着。

    A Research into the Etymology and Its Original Acceptation of Sport ; Feliks looked up from Kropotkin 's pamphlet .

  4. 夜曲Nocturne的语源系拉丁语NOX所演变,罗马时代为夜神之意。

    Nocturne is derived from Nox , which meant in the Roman time the god of night .

  5. 有一种说法认为“天妇罗”的语源是西班牙语“tempera(温度)”。

    One theory is that the word tempura came from the Spanish tempera , meaning temperature .

  6. 论假借义与语源义方法:经口服灌胃给予小鼠不同剂量的蜂花粉30d后,进行负重游泳试验。

    Methods : Bee pollen were given intragastrically to rats in different dose for 30 days . then Continuously loaned - swimming test was taken .

  7. 它语源于法语“Moderne”,具有最新的、现代的、先锋的等含义。

    The word " modernism " is originated by the French word " Moderne " with the meaning of latest , modern and pioneer and so on .

  8. 德国政治教育有深厚的传统和底蕴,其政治教育的概念与内涵与德语政治(Politik)的语源及德国古典人文主义Bildung教育观有深刻的渊源。

    Political education ( Politische Bildung ) of Germany has profound tradition and details , its concept and connotation have close relationship with the derivation of german " Politik " and the " Bildung " conception of classical humanism .

  9. 论诚实信用原则的语源及其历史沿革

    The Language Source and History Evolution of Honest Credit Principle

  10. 论汉语矛盾修辞法的语源语义场及思维方式

    On the Thinking Style and Etymological Semantic Fields of the Chinese Oxymoron

  11. 移植从语源上来自植物学和医学。

    The word " transplantation " comes from botany and medical science .

  12. 论壮傣侗水语古汉语借词的调类对应&兼论侗台语汉语的接触及其语源关系

    On the Correspondence of the Tones of Ancient Chinese Loanwords in Kam-Tai Languages

  13. 浅析大学英语常见习语语源

    A Brief Analysis of the Origins of English Idioms

  14. 因此他可以解释所包含词汇的语源。

    So that he could explain the etymology of the words he included .

  15. 这种深层文化心理体现在名的语源上,也体现在其构形中。

    The derivation and structure of a name incarnate this kind of psychology .

  16. 一座大的,通常是装饰华丽的建筑物,用来娱乐或展览语源。

    A large , often gaudily ornate building used for entertainment or exhibitions .

  17. 对什么的非疑问用法的研究无论是语源问题,还是其分类问题,学术界存在着很多的分歧。

    However , there are still many divergences on its etymology and classification .

  18. 古典语源词破译与英语词汇教学

    Decoding of Classical Words and Teaching of English Vocabulary

  19. 浅析俄语成语民族文化语义的语源及表达方式

    On etymology of nationality 's cultural semanteme of Russian idiom and expression way

  20. 部分形声字声符具有揭示汉语语源的重要功能。

    Some pictophmetic characters s phonetic sign can indicate the origins of words .

  21. 阻卜的语源语义考从俄汉成语的语源比较看民族文化语义

    The Analysis of National Culture by Comparing the Etymology of Russian and Chinese Idioms

  22. 中国知识分子语源学与文化学考察

    Research on Chinese Intellectual of Etymology and Culturology

  23. 分析并利用清人已有的语源研究成果,将大大促进我们现代的语源学研究。

    Our modern etymology research benefited from the research of scholars in Qing Dynasty .

  24. 刘熙《释名》是我国古代第一部系统探索语源的著作。

    ' Shiming ' is the first monograph about systematical etymological investment in ancient China .

  25. 实验结果表明:本系统对缩略语源词组抽取的正确率达到90%;

    We performed an experiment : the precision of the abbreviation expansion extraction was90 % ;

  26. 花卉等自然植物是地名命名的重要语源,花卉地名是地名文化的重要组成部分。

    The geographic name culture resources are very rich and also have certain fame and influence .

  27. 从涯密、密唧语源看竹筒饭和啖鼠文化起源

    The Cultural Origin of Bamboo-tube Rice and Eating-rat in the Light of Etymology of Yami and Miji

  28. 《圣经》人物在英语中典故与换称并用之语源分析

    Language Origin Analysis of the Simultaneous Use of the 《 Bible 》 Characters in Allusion and Antonomasia

  29. 消息很快就传开了;生动的闲话正传播开去语源。

    The news quickly made the rounds . a piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds .

  30. 琼南闽语前缀阿的语用现象及语源考察福建话,闽南语在福建

    Pragmatic Phenomenon and Etymological Explore of the prefix " A " in Min Language in Southern Hainan