
  • 网络security lending;securities borrowing and lending
  1. 国际货币基金组织(imf)上月的一份报告估计,再担保抵押品的减少,再加上现金囤积和证券借贷的减少,已从金融体系吸收了约5万亿美元的流动性。

    A report last month from the International Monetary Fund estimated that the decrease in re-hypothecated collateral , combined with cash hoarding and reduced securities lending , had sucked about $ 5000bn in liquidity from the financial system .

  2. DresdnerKleinwort的研究显示,对冲基金去年为证券借贷、交易、融资、技术和其它服务,向投行支付了高达500亿美元的费用。

    Hedge funds paid as much as $ 50bn in fees to investment banks last year for securities lending , trading , financing , technology and other services , according to research from Dresdner Kleinwort .

  3. AIG为很多相似的银行支付了额外的437亿美元,他们也是AIG保险分公司的证券借贷的顾客。

    AIG paid out an additional $ 43.7 billion to many of the same banks , which were also customers of the securities-lending operation run out of AIG 's insurance division .

  4. 最后,依赖OM平台所提供的功能特性,如快速开发化、操作简单化、高安全化、功能模组化等等,实现有价证券借贷系统的集成开发。

    Finally , it rely on the platform which provide OM functional properties , such as rapid development , and simplified operation , high security , and modular features , etc. , the realization of securities on loan system for integrated development .

  5. 《强制证券借贷规例》(中央结算系统)

    Compulsory Stock Borrowing and Lending Regulations ( CCASS )

  6. 发行债券,借入贷款核准证券借贷对手方

    " float a loan , to " approved securities borrowing and lending counterparty

  7. 证券借贷指经纪人把客户所拥有的证券借给卖空者。

    Securities lending when a brokerage lends securities owned by its clients to short sellers .

  8. 核准证券借贷对手方

    Approved securities borrowing and lending counterparty

  9. 韩国的证券借贷制度及对我国的启示

    Enlightenment of Korean Securities Finance System

  10. 大多数持牌人或注册人均提供不涉及证券借贷的现金帐户。

    A cash account not involving securities borrowing and lending is available from most licensed or registered persons .

  11. 美联储指出他将和一级经销商商讨定期证券借贷工具的技术设计特点。

    The Federal Reserve said it will consult with primary dealers on technical design features of the TSLF .

  12. 强制证券借贷服务(中央结算系统)一、每日出借有价证券之种类与限额。

    Compulsory Stock Borrowing and Lending Service ( CCASS ) Classes and amounts of securities loaned each day .

  13. 美联储还通过其证券借贷计划,拓宽了可用于交换美国国债的资产类别。

    The US central bank also widened the pool of assets that can be swapped for Treasuries through its securities lending programme .

  14. 新的中央证券借贷交易所将向有意借入股票的中国境内合格基金经理提供股票,并收取费用。

    The new centralised lending exchange will make shares available to qualified fund managers in China who wish to borrow them , for a fee .

  15. 这也意味着所有这些市场衍生品市场、证券借贷市场、回购市场等的基础设施,都必须能够消化失败及其恶劣影响。

    It also means market infrastructure in all these markets in derivative markets , in securities lending , in the repo market has to be able to absorb failure and contagion .

  16. 前项比例限制计算,基金、集合计划因参与证券借贷交易、正回购交易而持有的担保物、现金不得计入基金、集合计划总资产。

    In proportion restriction calculation of the preceding item , the guaranty and cash held due to the securities lending transactions and positive repurchase transactions of the funds or portfolios shall not be counted into the total assets .

  17. 如今,投资者只允许向证券公司借贷炒股。

    Now investors are only allowed to trade on margin by borrowing from securities firms .

  18. 证券化借贷市场有多大部分能挺过这种洗牌呢?我不知道。

    How much of the market in securitised lending would survive this shake-out , I have no idea .

  19. 斯隆承认,里昂证券缺乏借贷方面的专业人才,因此将招聘一些了解信贷市场的专家,与现有的分析师一起评估贷款风险。

    Mr Slone acknowledged that CLSA lacked expertise in lending and so would hire specialists who understood the credit markets to work alongside its existing analysts to assess lending risk .

  20. 关于审计意见资源配置功效的研究,可以从证券市场和借贷市场两方面进行入手。

    We can study on the value of the audit opinion from the securities market and credit market .

  21. 这项政府方案包括两个部分,一个是购买房屋抵押之类的团体借贷,一个是购买有价证券或与借贷有关的金融投资。

    The government program has two parts . One involves buying groups of loans , like home mortgages . The second involves buying securities or financial investments tied to loans .

  22. 政府希望藉此刺激机构投资者购买证券,重启银行借贷的重要融资来源、但如今已经冻结了的市场。

    One hope is that the guarantees will prompt institutional investors to buy the securities , restarting a frozen market that has been a crucial source of financing for bank lending .

  23. 申铉认为,银行持有抵押贷款证券,这样就能以证券借贷。

    Mr Shin argues that banks held mortgage-backed securities so that they could borrow against them .