
  1. 笔者分《游居柿录》为游览山水之记录、文学思想之记录、奇人异事之记录、社会民虞之记录、文字之特色五个部分。

    I divide Yuan 's diary into travel record , literature record , strange people record , social the people record , parts of characteristic of characters .

  2. 因而本论文根据鉴赏教学的评价取向和操作理念,构想了成长记录袋、文学课堂纪事、测验法等几种评估方法。

    As a result this thesis according to appreciate the evaluation mindset and the operation principles of the teaching , speculation growth record the bag , the literature classroom record event , test method etc. several kind valuation method .

  3. 信息隐藏技术作为一种隐蔽通信手段,最早记录于古希腊文学作品当中。

    Derived from the Greek literature , information hiding is an ancient technique for covert communication .