
  • 网络recording instrument
  1. 为确定地震的强度和位置,科学家使用一个被称为地震仪的记录仪器。

    To determine the strength and location of earthquakes , scientists use a recording instrument known as a seismograph .

  2. 瞬态波形记录仪器计量标准的建立

    Setting up of Measurement Standard of Instantaneous Waveform Recorder

  3. 测量冲击电压用的快速数字波形记录仪器

    Fast Digital Recorder for Measurements in HV Impulse Tests

  4. 强震记录仪器响应失真校正的权函数方法&时域离散序列数值分析方法与应用研究之二

    A weighting function method for correction to instrument response distortion of digital strong motion accelerograms

  5. 自记温湿度计是用得最广泛的一种记录仪器,因为它用起来很方便。

    Thermohygraphs are one of the most widely used recording instruments since they are convenient .

  6. 熟练掌握这些故障的排除方法是更好的应用这种测试记录仪器的关键所在。

    How to eliminate the breakdown is the key point to its application in engineering practice .

  7. 每个波段信号通过各自的光纤传输、光电倍增管探测和记录仪器记录。

    Each band signal is transmitted , detected and recorded by respective optical fiber , photomultiplier and recording instruments .

  8. 智能采血记录仪是专为采供血机构(血站)采集捐献者血液研制的专用计量记录仪器。

    Intelligent Blood Collection System is a kind of professional equipment for blood bank , which can measure the blood of donors .

  9. 分成4个频率范围是为了与4种不同类型记录仪器的典型频率限度相适应。

    The division into four frequency ranges was made to correspond with typical frequency limits on four different types of recording instruments .

  10. 目前国内外各种地震记录仪器都没有具备获取自身可靠位置信息的能力。

    At present , any variety of seismic recording instruments at home and abroad have not the ability to access reliable location information of their own .

  11. 由于树木的直径信息是进行树种生长特征分析、树径生长动态变化研究及树木材积调查中的重要基础信息,因此对实现树径信息自动读取和记录仪器的研究具有重要意义。

    As tree 's diameter is important basal information in growth characteristic or dynamic change analysis of standing trees and trees ' timber volume investigation , therefore the research of tools can realize and record trees ' diameter automatically has vital significance .

  12. 文章提出了大型旋转机械振动信号测试与分析系统的总体方案,该系统的可以兼容多种不同型号的A/D转换设备,既可以用作现场实时信号监测与记录仪器,也是一种很好的离线分析系统。

    The paper designed the general scheme of the system , and the system is compatible with several different A / D converters . The system is not only used as a spot timely signal monitor and memorizing apparatus but also a offline analyzing system .

  13. 采用EDX1500-A动态数据记录分析仪器,测得钢筋混凝土吊车梁在实际工作中的大量动态数据。

    Tremendous dynamic data of working crane RC beams are acquired by dynamic data recorder EDX-1500A .

  14. 该方法适用于我国强震动台网数字强震仪获取的加速度记录的仪器响应误差校正处理。

    The method is applicable for instrument response correction processing of accelerogram recorded by digital accelerograph of China strong motion network .

  15. 精确地记录时间的仪器。

    An accurate time-recording instrument .

  16. 试验数据与图像可由试验舱即时传给地面记录与测量仪器。

    Experiment data and image can be simultaneously transmitted from capsule to measuring and recording devices on the ground .

  17. 发展自动记录的量测仪器及观测技术;

    The development of observatory techniques and instruments for auto - recording ;

  18. 在行走过程中记录步数的仪器。

    For recording the number of steps taken in walking .

  19. 灾难性边坡崩坍发生的机率其实很低,而记录无声地震的仪器也使及早发出预警成为可能。

    The chances of catastrophic flank failure are slim , and the instruments that record silent earthquakes might make early warnings possible .

  20. 这听起来似乎是一种愚蠢的想法,但是早期记录地震波的仪器(地震仪)正是采用了这中思路。

    That sounds a silly suggestion , but that was precisely the idea adopted in some of the early instruments ( seismometers ) for recording earthquake waves .

  21. 介绍了数字地震记录的含义,数字地震记录仪器的分级结构和仪器响应,以及在频域和时域中数字记录去除模拟地震记录仪器响应的方法。

    This article introduces the meaning of digital seismic records , the classifying structures and responses of digital seismic recording instruments , as well as the method to eliminate the responses of simulated seismic recording instruments from digital records in the frequency domain and time domain .