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  • 网络Training Officer
  1. 任何一个训练官做的那样。

    The way any training officer worth a damn would have done .

  2. 当训练官问起事情发生的原委时,每个人给出的答案都是矛盾的。

    When the drill sergeant asked what had happened everybody gave discrepant answers .

  3. 为什么要求我当你的训练官?

    You requested me as a ta . why ?

  4. 训练官说了这些吗?

    The drill captain said that ?

  5. 成为了你的训练官。

    I became your drill sergeant .

  6. 遇害者为哈罗德·格林少将,他是美国最高级别训练官。

    The victim 's been identified as Major General Harold Greene described as a top US trainer .

  7. 有些时候,男孩们会在餐前闲聊训练官的恐怖。

    Sometimes , before breakfast , the men stand around chatting about how terrible the drill sergeant is .

  8. 例如,年轻的新兵每天都要面对训练官的严格纪律要求。

    For instance , every day , young army recruits are faced with very strict discipline from the drill sergeants .

  9. 新兵们常常觉得训练官对他们的健康、安全和福利持漠视态度。

    The recruits often feel that the drill sergeant treats them with total disregard for their health , safety , and well-being .

  10. 西点军校的体能训练官詹姆斯艾得逊上校说“在这里我们做每件事情都谈及荣誉”。

    " Here in everything we do , we talk of honor ," says Colonel James Aderson , the master of the sword ( director of physical education ) .

  11. 实际上,由受过专业训练的“官本位的”、高度集权化的体制阻碍了让理性的对立面能够发展繁荣的社会组织的增长。

    Indeed , its'mandarinate ' a strongly centralised system run by highly-trained administrators prevented the growth of social organisations within which reasoned opposition could flourish .