
  • 网络Certification Audit
  1. 工厂成功通过ICTI认证审核后,可获得ICTI认证证书,以表明其符合上述守则的要求。

    Upon successful completion of an ICTI certification audit , the factory will be awarded with an ICTI certificate as demonstration to having satisfied with the Code 's provisions .

  2. 按照需求完成了系统集成资质认证审核的流程,满足了日常工作开展的需要。

    Completed in accordance with demand System Integration Qualification Certification audit process , to meet the daily needs of the work carried out .

  3. APISPEC5L会标认证审核企业需做的主要准备工作

    The Main Preparatory Work for Enterprise API SPEC 5L Monogram Certification

  4. 此外,还对如何规划、如何更快地通过UL认证审核过程提供了建议。

    In addition , suggestions are made on how to plan for and more quickly move through the UL Certification process .

  5. 2002年本院顺利通过ISO9000质量体系认证审核。结论实施满意工程作为一项护理管理措施,对树立护理服务品牌、提升病人对医院品牌的信任度起到积极的促进作用。

    Conclusion Implementing the satisfactory project is becoming one of the important methods of the management in prompting the forming of the service brand of nursing and increasing the patients ' confidence in the hospital .

  6. 并已通过美国REON验证机构ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证审核。

    It passed the USA REON supervision body ISO9001:2000 international quality system .

  7. 如何实施增值的质量管理体系认证审核

    How to Implement Value Added Quality Management System Certification Audit

  8. 认证审核包括第一阶段审核和第二阶段现场审核。

    The certification includes a first stage and second stage audit audit .

  9. 负责认证审核的审核员应当始终寻求这种测量可追溯性的客观证据。

    Certification auditors should always seek to find objective evidence of such measurement traceability .

  10. 若成功通过认证审核,会获颁发英文证书及中文证书各一张。

    Upon successful certification , one set of English certificate and one set of Chinese certificate will be issued .

  11. 首次监督审核的参考日期为首次认证审核的最后一天。

    The reference date for performance of the first surveillance audit is the last day of the audit for first certification .

  12. 甲方应至少在认证审核的两个月之前提供管理体系文件由乙方进行文件审核。

    Party A shall submit the management system documents to Party B for document review at least two months prior to the assessment .

  13. 企业信息化的建设与企业质量管理体系信息化的建设,推动了认证审核领域的发展,促进其向着信息化方向变革。

    The information building of enterprise and quality management system has promoted the development of authentication auditing field , which makes it changing to information building .

  14. 在进行认证审核授予认证资格之前和维持保持认证资格时,认证机构应如何进行管理体系的合规守法评价?

    The following discussion identifies what should reasonably be expected on the part of the certification body in evaluating the management system with respect to regulatory compliance .

  15. 本文简单介绍了ISO/TS16949:2002技术规范的背景、内容提要、发展历程、相关手册、实现目标、适用范围、推进意义及现有认证审核机构,供大家作推进参考。

    This article briefly introduce the background , main content , history , manual , objection , application scope , significance and present audit organization of ISO / TS16949:2002 .

  16. 在对上面所说的的规范框架有所相识并且确信贵厂符合规范,您可以报信我们安排认证审核。

    After reviewing all the standard outlined above and be sure that your plant is conform to standard , you can inform us your intention to have EFSIS conduct the auditing .

  17. 甲方、乙方因各自的原因不能在合同规定的期限内如期认证审核,责任方要向对方支付认证费用的20%作为违约金。

    If assessments could not be conducted during the time prescribed in the Contract due to Party A or Party B 's reason , the responsible party shall pay20 % of the assessment fee as penalty .

  18. 基于认证审核过程中所掌握的铁路建设企业管理体系的丰富信息,针对铁路客运专线施工现场管理中存在的问题,提出了具体的改进建议。

    In view of the rich information of railway construction management system grasped through certification works , and the existing problem during the construction management of special railway line for passenger transport , the authors put forward some improvement measures .

  19. 产品安全认证工厂审核中企业如何做好管理评审

    The Manage Assessment of Business in Factory Verification for Product Safety

  20. 贵方如何评价贵公司所签认证机构审核后的跟踪活动?

    How would you rate your registrar 's follow-up after your company 's audit ?

  21. 通过认证和审核,不可抵赖。

    Non-repudiation via authentication and audit .

  22. 这对被审核方在取得独立第三方认证以及审核人员搞好第一阶段的审核工作是有好处的。

    This is why it is beneficial for an organization to be visited prior to its certification audit and for a1st stage audit to be conducted .

  23. 指出存在的问题:运动员身份认证与审核、裁判因素、主场优势、运动员服用违禁药物等。

    It pointed out the existing problems , which were as follows : attestation and verification of athletes ' identities , factor of referee , the advantage of home games , athletes doped etc.

  24. 了解无铅材料的UL认证,加快审核进程

    Understanding and Accelerating the UL Qualification Process for Lead Free Materials

  25. 因此轨道交通制造商和供应商将有机会,由独立的、经UNIFE授权的认证公司进行审核和认证。

    Suppliers and railway vehicle manufacturers will thus have the chance in future to be audited and certified by independent , UNIFE-accredited certification companies .

  26. 高等教育评估发展至今,已形成院校评估、专业认证、质量审核、综合排名等多元化评估模式。

    With the development of the higher education evaluation , it has formed diversified modes of assessment such as institutional assessment , professional accreditation , educational quality audit , and overall ranking .

  27. 权威认证机构CA和审核机构RA是PKI建设和应用的核心,承担着公钥证书颁发、撤销、更新等一系列管理工作。

    Certificate Authority and Registration Authority are the core of PKI .

  28. 如今,NEMKO提供世界范围内产品、机械、零配件和体系的认证、测试和审核服务。

    The NEMKO Group today offers testing , inspection and certification services concerning products , machinery , installations and systems worldwide .

  29. 第三步是质量认证中心进行现场审核。

    The third step is to precede the on-the-spot verification .

  30. 认证机构会派出审核组,审核组将对组织实施认证审核。

    The accrediting agency sends the audit team , the audit team to organize the implementation of certification audit .