
  1. 感谢你们大家,在DEHELLING演出的票在一天之内售完,我们也被给予机会改变演出地点以增加观众容量。

    Thanks to you all , the show in De Helling sold out in one day , and we were given the opportunity to change the show to a different venue , in order to increase the capacity .

  2. 将大型运动会的开幕式放在一个小岛上举行是一个创意十足的构想,但由此也带来观众容量太小的问题。

    As ingenious as it is to hold the ceremony of such a large sporting event on a small island , the seating capacity of the plaza is just too small .

  3. 在媒体过剩、观众市场容量饱和、供求失衡的大背景下,电视市场进入收视份额竞争阶段,电视媒体就这样被逼入了一个品牌时代,电视频道的竞争演变为品牌的竞争。

    Under the background of too much media , saturated audience market , unbalanced supply and demand , the TV market entered the stage of share competition . Media are compelled into a brand time . The competition between channels becomes brand competition .

  4. 桥本还表示,宫城县、福岛县和静冈县已决定当地奥运场馆可接待观众为场馆容量的50%,最多1万名观众。

    Miyagi , Fukushima , and Shizuoka prefectures have decided that venues can be filled to 50 % of capacity with a maximum of 10000 spectators , added Hashimoto .

  5. 东京奥运会主办方6月21日宣布,疫情期间东京奥运会将允许现场观赛,观众上限为场馆容量的50%,最多1万人。

    Tokyo 2020 announced on Monday that it will allow spectators at the Olympics this year amid the pandemic , setting a 50 % cap at venues , up to a maximum of 10000 people .