
  • 网络Factor cost
  1. 接着探讨了矩阵型分工的产生过程和决定因素,指出相对要素成本和制度成本是决定矩阵型分工形成的主要因素。

    Then , the development and determinants of matrix division of labor are discussed and it is concluded relative factor costs and institutional costs are major determinants in the formation of matrix division of labor .

  2. 以要素成本计算的本地生产总值(生产估计)

    Gross Domestic Product at factor cost ( production-based estimates )

  3. 建设工程项目的全要素成本集成管理研究

    The Study of Integrated Management of Total Factors Affecting Cost in Construction Project

  4. 决定各个国家在矩阵型分工中地位的因素是要素成本和制度成本。

    Positions of countries in division of labor are determined by costs of factors and institutional costs .

  5. 维斯塔斯还通过自己的部分中国工厂为亚洲其它市场服务,以此从降低要素成本中获益。

    Vestas also serves other markets in Asia from some of its Chinese plants , thus profiting from the lower component cost .

  6. 企业成本剩余的实现机制包括要素成本、空间联系成本、市场交易成本的降低;

    The implement mechanism of firms centralization is the cost reducing , including the cost of factors , spatial contact and market transaction .

  7. 特别指出了目前各地要素成本对城市总部经济竞争力的负效应很大,已经成为中心城市总部经济发展的障碍。

    Especially the negative effect of headquarters economy is big and it has been great obstacles to the central cities ' headquarters economy .

  8. 按要素成本计算的国内生产总值:按市场价格计算的国内生产总值,减去间接税与补贴之间的差额。

    Gross domestic product at factor cost : The gross domestic product at market prices minus the difference Between indirect taxes and subsidies .

  9. 他们的生意往往有很多债务,近来很多老板受要素成本上升和海外需求疲软的困扰。

    Their businesses often carry lots of debt , and lately they have been struggling with the combination of rising input costs and sluggish overseas demand .

  10. 影响发达国家产业外向转移区位抉择的因素主要有:要素成本、产业集群、目标市场规模及其成长性、社会和政治环境等。

    The factors which influence the location choices of FDI are factor cost , industry cluster , the capacity of termini market , social-political surroundings , and so on .

  11. 近年来,随着全国统一大市场的逐步形成和要素成本的全面提升,东部沿海地区原有的体制优势基本消失。

    In recent years , with a unified national market , and the increasing of elements cost , the existing institutional advantages for the eastern coastal edge is disappearing .

  12. 这种挑战一方面来自于国内生产要素成本的上升,另一方面来自国际巨头对国内市场的抢占。

    On the one hand , this challenge comes from the rise in the domestic cost of production factors , on the other hand from the international giants seizing domestic market .

  13. 在世界经济形势急剧下滑和国内要素成本上升等因素的影响下,在参与国际贸易过程获得巨大利润的同时企业又面临着巨大的外贸风险。

    Under the influence of the world economy declining and internal factor capital increasing , the enterprises which join the international trade and gain tremendous profits , are facing gigantic foreign trade risk .

  14. 较具代表性的看法是,商务成本外延小于经济学上的交易成本,大于要素成本,是一个与企业商务投资相关的成本分析指标。

    More representative view is that the extension of business costs is less than transaction costs in economics , greater than the factor cost , and which is a cost analysis indicator related to business investment .

  15. 产业转移模式,即随着城市土地、劳动力等要素成本的上升,城市中失去比较优势的产业逐步向农村地区转移。

    The other mode is industry transfer . With the rising of the cost of land , labor , and other factors in city , the industries that lost its comparative advantage gradually shift to rural areas .

  16. 然而,近年来生产要素成本持续上涨、环境资源要素约束日益明显、汽车产业竞争不断加剧,颠覆性创新力量正在积聚,台州汽车产业发展面临压力日益增大。

    However , in recent years the factor of production cost rises continuously , environmental resources constraint become apparent , the automobile industry competition is ceaseless aggravate , the development of Taizhou automobile industry faces increasing pressure .

  17. 为了快速适应经济全球化的发展,跨国公司不得不逐步建立起国际化的生产战略,以便充分利用不同国家和地区在生产要素成本、物流、资源和市场等方面的优势。

    In order to adapt to the development of economic globalization quickly , transnational companies have to establish an international production strategies gradually to take full advantage of the cost factors of production , logistics , resources and market of various countries and regions .

  18. 直接商务成本由劳动力成本和消费水平、生产要素成本、税赋及费用成本组成,其在浙江的分布很不平衡,但可控程度相对有限。

    Direct cost of commercial divided into five parts : labor cost , level of consumption , factor cost , tax and cost of expense . It is in state of imbalance in Zhejiang , but has comparatively limited controlling to a certain extent .

  19. 工业产品价格持续下降,生产要素成本上升,小微企业融资难融资贵问题突出,部分企业生产经营困难。

    The prices of manufactured products are continuing to fall ; the costs of factors of production are on the rise ; small and micro businesses are finding it difficult and costly to obtain financing ; and the going is tough for some enterprises .

  20. 经过三十年的高速增长,我国经济出现了要素成本上升、三大战略性产业见顶、人口老龄化过快等问题,今后我国经济增长可能出现大滞胀问题。

    After thirty years of rapid growth , our economy is having the problem of rising cost of elements , three strategic industries reaching the cap , the population is rapidly ageing . The future growth of the economy may be trapped into great stagflation .

  21. 最后,引入层次分析法和模糊综合评价等数学方法和理论,提出了全要素成本集成管理方法的模型,并通过实际工程案例进行实证分析。

    This is the total factor cost management . Finally , the paper introduces the mathematical methods and theory of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model , proposes the total factor cost integrated management approach , and carries on actual projects empirical analysis through program case .

  22. 由工信部中小企业发展促进中心发布的报告称,由于人工成本、融资成本、土地成本和其他生产要素成本不断上涨,在6000多家受访企业中,约56%表示他们的负担较重。

    About 56 % of the surveyed 6000-plus firms said they are under heavy pressure due to rising costs of labor , financing , land and other production factors , according to a report released by a subsidiary with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology dedicated to facilitating development of small - and medium-sized enterprises .

  23. 本文从成本核算对象、成本核算要素、成本分配方法以及成本计算办法等层面,探讨了基于作业成本思想的MRPⅡ成本核算方法。

    This article discusses the method of MRP ⅱ costing from the object and the element of costing and the method of cost admeasurement as well as the costing based on activity cost idea .

  24. EVA最为简单的定义是公司净经营利润扣除债务和股权资本成本的利润余额,相对传统的会计利润,EVA最大的优点在于其考虑了所有生产要素的成本。

    The simplest definition of EVA is the surplus profit after deducting the cost of the liabilities and the shareholders ' equity from net operating profits . The most prominent advantage of EVA lies in that it takes the cost of all production elements into consideration .

  25. 论以知识为核心生产要素的成本管理

    Discussion on the Cost Management Centering Knowledge as Essential Production Element

  26. 现行要素资金成本计算方法的缺陷与改进

    Some Demerits of the Current Method to Calculate Respective Capital Cost and Its Improvement

  27. 随着时间推移,投入生产要素的成本可能发生变化,技术决窍可能增加。

    Over time the cost of imputs may change and technological know-how may increase .

  28. 基于要素流动成本的区域经济发展环境与经济发展关系

    An study on relationship between regional economic development environment and economic development & on basis of factor fluidity cost

  29. 宏观经济的周期性波动则受工资率、企业商品的市场价格与市场需求,资本、技术等生产要素的成本等因素的影响。

    The cyclical fluctuation of macroeconomic is affected by salary rate , market price of company commodity , market demand of company commodity , etc.

  30. 在此基础上,本文以国际贸易的要素和成本基础扩张为前提,构建了基于国际贸易的全成本的广义比较成本优势理论。

    On the above basis , the dissertation constructs the generalized comparative cost advantage theory on the premise of the expansion of factor and cost foundation of international trade .