
  1. 明天我们要玩个痛快。

    We 'll have a wonderful time tomorrow .

  2. 要玩到这游戏,至少得有四位玩家以上,才能在线上或LAN游玩。

    The ability to play this impressive game mode with up to four friends in LAN or cooperative online play .

  3. 有次在放广告的时候Robert说你一定要玩下梦幻橄榄球

    Robert was here , during the commercial break , Robert was like you gotta get into the fantasy football .

  4. 玩马,更要玩Polo

    Play the horse , even play the Polo

  5. 我们生来就是要玩一辈子的,如果你没有,你就麻烦了。Bill,我的意思是这是常识。

    We are designed to play a whole life time and if you don 't , you 're in trouble , Bill , I mean that 's just common sense

  6. 如果要玩现代游戏,为您的角色使用一张ID卡片可以给您的朋友留下深刻印象并且给游戏添加一些现实感。

    If you 're playing a modern-era game , having a physical ID card for your character can impress your friends and add a sense of realism to a game .

  7. 我跟Randy和Steven出场之前在后台的时候都会凑一起喊要玩得high!

    Like me and Randy and Steven , when we 're backstage , we 're alway like , right before we go out , around we 're like , " have fun ! "

  8. 马塞尔•杜尚(MarcelDuchamp)也许正为他要玩的恶作剧开心不已:他买了一个贝德福德郡小便池。

    Perhaps tickled by the prank he was about to play , Marcel Duchamp purchased a Bedfordshire urinal .

  9. 但是49岁的大妈CathyWard说,要玩就玩大的。她是暮光之城的狂热粉丝,在自己的整个背部纹上了暮光中的人物形象。

    But Cathy Ward , 49 , is such a die-hard fan of the Twilight Saga series of books and movies that she wanted something a bit more special her entire back covered in artwork from the vampire films .

  10. 理查德格拉汉姆是这个女童的精神科主治医生,他表示说:在女童的父母联系诊所之前,他们发现她使用iPad的时间越来越长,每天都要玩3、4个小时。

    Dr. Richard Graham , the girls psychiatrist , said : In the year running up to contacting the clinic , the parents noticed her use of the iPad was escalating . She was using it three to four hours every day and showed increased agitation if it was removed .

  11. Ursula总是带他去一个室内蹦床,他每次都要玩超过两小时。“Dash两岁生日的时候,我们为他建了一个室外活动场,他可喜欢了。”

    Ursula takes him to an indoor trampolining centre as often as possible , where he will bounce for more than two hours at a time . " For his second birthday we built Dash an outdoor activity centre . He just loves it . "

  12. 你要玩什么恶心的恶作剧啊?

    What kind of sick prank are you trying to play ?

  13. 但如果你想喝,就要玩个游戏。

    But if you want a drink , you gotta play .

  14. 我们都是男人,何必要玩游戏呢?

    We 're both men here , so why play games ?

  15. [谚]要玩滚球就得准备应付不平的场地;要做事就得敢于面对困难。

    Those who play bowls must expect to meet with rubbers .

  16. 他今天晚上要玩个痛快。

    He is going out tonight to paint the town red .

  17. 要玩一个小游戏了,叫做拆桥。

    Gonna play a little game called break the bridge .

  18. 作为男人,本来就是小时候要玩。

    To be a man , you should play in your childhood .

  19. 妈妈,我要玩滑滑梯。

    Mom , I want to play on a slide .

  20. 记住,约会的关键就是要玩得“酷”一点。

    Remember , the key to dating is to play it cool !

  21. 今晚目标明确,而且我们要玩真的了。

    Tonight we 're on thejob and we 're serious about it .

  22. 让我参加,我也要玩。

    Deal me in . I want to play too .

  23. 我们本来要玩传教士式的,以及…另外一种招式。

    We were gonna do missionary , and ... the other one .

  24. 他每天要玩多长时间电子游戏?

    How long does it take him to play the computer games ?

  25. 如果可以钓真的鱼,为何你要玩钓鱼电玩?

    Why would you video-fish if you could go fishing for real ?

  26. 他看起来不像要玩游戏的样子。

    He don 't look like he got game .

  27. 妈,是你要玩这个游戏的。

    Ma , you 're the one who wanted to play this game .

  28. 先生,我们在这儿是象要玩跳棋的吗?

    Sir , does it look like we 're here to play checkers ?

  29. 你答应过我要玩接球游戏的准备好了吗

    Ready for that game of catch you promised ?

  30. 你肯定要玩这套吗?

    You sure you wanna go with that one ?