
  • 网络Sicilian language
  1. 他没有说一个日本语的字,而且他总是用西西里语尖叫和诅咒。

    He didn 't speak a word of Japanese and he was always shrieking and cursing in Sicilian .

  2. 它获得了三项奥斯卡奖,包括最佳影片,最佳演员(马龙·白兰度),以及授予科波拉和马里奥·普佐的最佳改编剧本奖。电影有英语版和西西里语版。

    It won three Oscars for Best Picture , Best Actor ( for Brando ) and in the category Best Adapted Screenplay for Puzo and Coppola.The film was released in English and Sicilian .