
  1. 本周三,西班牙首相马里亚诺·拉霍伊(MarianoRajoy)将开始对中国的为期三天的国事访问。

    Mariano Rajoy , the Spanish prime minister , is to begin a three-day state visit to China on Wednesday .

  2. 去年秋天马里亚诺拉霍伊(marianorajoy)当选西班牙首相时,笼罩在欧元区上空的乌云似乎出现了一道金边。

    When Mariano Rajoy was elected Prime Minister of Spain last autumn , it looked like a silver lining had appeared in the dark clouds over the eurozone .

  3. 苏格兰公投结束后,西班牙首相马里亚诺•拉霍伊(MarianoRajoy)发表了明显对加泰罗尼亚意有所指的言论,对苏格兰人选择留在英国表示祝贺,并评述道,这场公投之前的宣传活动“严格遵守了国家法律”。

    After the Scottish vote , in an unmistakable allusion to Catalonia , Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy congratulated the Scots on voting to stay in the UK and observed that the referendum campaign had been conducted " with scrupulous respect for the law of the country . "

  4. 西班牙首相何塞•路易斯•罗德里格斯•萨帕特罗称自己“非常开心和激动”。

    Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said he was " happy and emotional .

  5. 西班牙首相佩德罗·桑切斯宣布了一个由22名部长组成的新内阁。

    Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez unveiled a new cabinet that includes 22 ministers .

  6. 西班牙首相马里亚诺·拉霍伊在推特上表达了对巴里奥的同情。

    Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy paid his condolences to Barrio on his Twitter feed .

  7. 除非你把西班牙首相与其银行隔离,否则你就无法重建人们对银行体系的信任。

    Unless you separate the Spanish Prime Minister from his banks , you will not re-establish trust in the system .

  8. 但是,西班牙首相萨帕特罗已经宣布将修改这一法律,他认为此法歧视王室女性成员。

    However , Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has pledged to change the law , saying it discriminates against female royals .

  9. 西班牙首相佩德罗·桑切斯计划要求议会将紧急封锁状态再延长两周,直至6月21日。

    Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez plans to ask parliament to extend the state of emergency lockdown for another two-weeks until June 21st .

  10. 其他参加不断扩大的博鳌峰会的世界领导人还有日本首相、韩国总理、西班牙首相和乌克兰总理。

    Other leaders who were at the enlarged Boao meeting included the prime ministers of Japan , South Korea , Spain and the Ukraine .

  11. 西班牙首相佩德罗·桑切斯宣布了这项计划,此前一周,西班牙新增感染患者4万多人,创下3月底以来的最高单周感染人数。

    Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced the plan after Spain recorded over 40000 new coronavirus infections during the previous week , the highest weekly number since late March .

  12. 西班牙首相仍在欲擒故纵,但我猜,他今年会提出申请。该计划可能最终变得有名无实。

    The Spanish prime minister is still playing hard to get and I doubt he will make an application this year . The OMT may end up as a phantom .

  13. 西班牙首相萨帕特罗还没有作出反应,萨帕特罗多次表示他的政府不会同他进行谈判,知道埃塔成员交出武器。

    There was no immediate response from Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero , who has repeatedly said his government will not negotiate with ETA until its members surrender their weaponry .

  14. 弗朗哥独裁统治时期结束后的西班牙首位首相去世。

    Spain 's first prime minister after the Franco dictatorship has died .

  15. 上周西班牙前首相何塞·玛丽亚·阿斯纳尔宣布西班牙将于11月20日举行大众选举,比计划提前了四个月。

    Last week Jos é Luis Rodr í guez Zapatero , Spain 's prime minister , announced that the country would hold a general election on November20th , four months earlier than planned .

  16. 欧洲官员表示,他们愿意考虑放松对西班牙的干预性监管,因为西班牙首相马里亚诺拉霍伊(marianorajoy)今年早些时候已经推出了一系列改革和紧缩措施。

    European officials said they were willing to consider a less intrusive monitoring system for Spain because Mariano Rajoy , prime minister , had introduced a series of reforms and austerity measures earlier this year .

  17. 在西班牙,另一名曾在马德里的医院接触过埃博拉病患的护士成为第6名接受严密医学监控的人,西班牙首相马里亚诺•拉霍伊(MarianoRajoy)呼吁人们保持冷静。

    In Spain , Mariano Rajoy , prime minister , appealed for calm after another nurse who was in contact with Ebola patients at a hospital in Madrid became the sixth person to be held under close medical surveillance there .