
  • 网络expressivity;expressity;representation;variable expressivity
  1. 因为它具有复杂的格式,要求用户牺牲表现度,并在转换和维护方面投入大量成本,语义Web将永远不会得到广泛的应用。

    Because it 's a complex format and requires users to sacrifice expressivity and pay enormous costs in translation and maintenance , the Semantic Web will never achieve widespread public adoption .

  2. 该病具有表现度的显著差异性及高度遗传异质性,是一系列严重危害人类身心健康的难以归类、难以诊断的复杂性遗传病。

    The expressivity of DSD , characterized by highly significant difference and high level of genetic heterogeneity , makes this severe disease difficult to classify and diagnosis .

  3. 结论单纯性先天小角膜是由DNA损伤引起的人类表型缺陷,该病症符合常染色体显性遗传,具有一定的外显率和表现度,且表现度与性别有关。

    Conclusion : The simple congenital microcornea is the human phenotype blemish caused by injured DNA . It is compatible with an autosomal dominant inheritance , and has a certain extent of the penetrance and the expressivity .

  4. 结论:收集的5个家系均为非综合征型常染色体显性遗传HGF,且疾病外显率高,表现度变异大。

    Conclusion : Hereditary gingival fibromatosis in our study is dominantly inherited and presents mainly as non-syndromic form , with high penetrance and variable expressivity .

  5. 初中教师情绪表现度知觉准确性研究

    Junior middle school teachers ' perception of students ' emotional expressivity

  6. 同一家系的不同患者表现度可不同。

    There was different expression in different patients of the same family .

  7. 结果:收集的1个3代非综合征型缺牙家系符合常染色体显性遗传,疾病外显率高,但表现度极不一致。

    RESULTS : Of the family investigated , an autosomal dominant inheritance mode with high penetrance and variable expressivity was suggested .

  8. 高职学生的厌学情绪及其心理疗法初中教师情绪表现度知觉准确性研究

    Psychotherapy on high polytechnic students with learning-weariness mind and cultivating study practice JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS ' PERCEPTION OF STUDENTS ' EMOTIONAL EXPRESSIVITY

  9. 通过对143例学龄期儿童多动症按年龄组进行临床表现度分析,对247位家属按文化程度,对儿童有无体罚行为和家庭组成进行分析。

    Methods 143 children of school age were clinically Analysed ; 247 parents were analyzed according to their culture , punishment and family form .

  10. 虽然去年的平均准时表现度比前年提高3%,可是航班晚点依然接近四分之一。

    The average on-time performance last year was3 percentage points better than the year before , yet nearly one-quarter of all flights were late .

  11. 方法的主要特点是综合考虑了评价系统中的定性和定量指标,并提出了“表现度”的概念,使之更加客观真实地反映实际状况。

    The main characteristics of this method stress on the methodology of fuzzy evaluation for hybrid index systems , in which the qualitative and quantitative indexes are synthetically considered .

  12. 基于模糊综合评判、综合供应商的评价等级及备选方案的表现度,确定各设计方案的综合表现度。

    Taking the roles of suppliers and fuzzy synthesis evaluation into consideration , integrated performance indicator was determined by aggregating evaluation class of its supplier and the standby design scheme .

  13. 通过引进综合表现度的概念来表征部件设计方案对成形产品顾客满意度的贡献。

    The concept of integrated performance indicator was introduced as a performance measure of design scheme to reveal contribution of parts design scheme to total customers ' satisfaction with product .

  14. 利用质量屋的信息和部件设计方案的综合表现度,建立了供应商参与下部件设计方案选择的组合优化模型。

    A 0-1 integer linear programming model for parts design scheme selection was developed based on the information generated in the product planning and part planning House of Quality ( HoQ ) and the integrated performance indicator .

  15. 通过对人眼观察图像的3个方面特性(亮度表现度、清晰度、相似度)进行分析研究,提出了一种新的基于图像内容的视觉感知质量尺度的评价方法。

    A new method to evaluate image quality that depends on the context of image and visional perception has been found by the research on three factors ( luminance representation 、 clarity 、 similarity ) of the visional characteristics about observing image .

  16. 谦抑主义主要研究犯罪面的合理设置和刑罚的合理配置,以及在特定历史时期谦抑主义的具体表现和度的把握。

    The theory studies the arrangement of committing crime and penalty , and analysis the specific expression .

  17. 建筑摄影属于应用摄影,是用二度空间的平面照片来表现三度空间的立体建筑物。

    As a branch of applied photography , architectural photography employs two dimensional photographs to tactfully manifest three dimensional buildings .

  18. 受线条画的启发,我们想到,我们可以只用一根线条这样简单的概念来表现精准度和控制力。

    Inspired by line-art drawings , we thought we could demonstrate'precision and control'in a simple idea that involved only one single line .

  19. 经过粘蛋白染色的主动脉壁可见囊状中层坏死,这不仅是马凡综合征的表现,度且从动脉切面可见结缔组织薄弱,导致主动脉剥离。

    This mucin stain of the wall of the aorta demonstrates cystic medial necrosis , typical for Marfan 's syndrome and causes the connective tissue weakness that explains the aortic dissection .

  20. 本研究还发现任务难度与实际表现的准确度呈负相关,进而肯定了Skehan(1996;1998a)关于任务难度与准确度关系的发现。

    It also shows that there is a negative correlation between task difficulty and accuracy of performance , which confirms Skehan 's ( 1996 ; 1998a ) finding in terms of the relationship between task difficulty and accuracy .

  21. 其效应主要表现为刚度的减少和能量耗散的增加,呈现出复杂的非线形。

    The effect exhibits the change of stiffness and energy .

  22. 学习对象的基本性质表现在颗粒度和重用性的关系。

    The essential features of learning object focuses on its granularity and reusability .

  23. 表现为刚度上升,形变消耗功和表面非特异性粘滞力降低。

    Meanwhile , the stiffness elevates , but Deformation Consumed Work and non-specific adherent force decrease .

  24. 贵州省喀斯特山区生态脆弱,主要表现为敏感度高、环境容量低、抗干扰能力弱和稳定性差。

    Guizhou Karst Mountains have characteristics of high eco-sensibility , low environmental capacity , weak antijamming capability and poor stability .

  25. 这两种药物在大学校园广泛接受。它们被称之为“学习辅助品”来提高表现和清醒度。

    Both medications are common currency on college campuses , used as " study aids " to sharpen performance and wakefulness .

  26. 试验初始阶段,除粗砂外并不表现为矿化度越大,毛细水上升速度越小的趋势。

    At the beginning of experiments about coarse sand , the higher TDS made the lower velocity of capillary rise , but other soil groups were not .

  27. 此外,甘肃沙葱种群及群落表现出均匀度低、优势度高、分布范围广、群落结构单一、适应性极强、具有地域性等特征。

    In addition , Allium mongolicum Regel population is with lower evenness and high predominance and wide distribution and simple community structure and good adaptability and region in Gansu province .

  28. 在多意见传播情境中,意见领袖在口碑传播网络中的分布具有集中和分散的特点,他们的个体特征表现为专业度较高。

    In multi-opinion propagation situation , the distribution of opinion leaders would be centralized or scattered in the WOM propagation network . They always have the high level of authority .

  29. 有的病例在中医症候积点及内镜指数反应程度同肠镜表现程度相关度有限。5.UC以大肠湿热及肝郁脾虚患者较多见。

    In some cases in the TCM syndrome points and endoscopic index reaction degree with colonoscopy performance correlation co.5.UC in damp-heat syndrome and liver depression and spleen deficiency patients see more . 6 .

  30. 大学的内部治理是指利益相关者之间的互动和博弈活动,而影响治理,但表现为单向度的大学法令、政府(管理者角色)、市场等作为外部治理内容进行考察。

    The interior of University institutions means the mutual action and gaming of stakeholders influence Governing , while the content of exterior governing evaluated by unilateral laws for universities , government and market .