
wú xìnɡ fán zhí xì
  • clone
  1. 随着现代细胞工程技术的迅速发展,细胞工程育苗即配子体无性繁殖系育苗方法成为目前海带育苗生产中的崭新技术。

    With the development of technology of cell engineering , gametophyte clone seed-rearing is a new technology .

  2. 茶树是雌雄同株,异花授粉植物。茶树无性繁殖系品种多数是花而不实。

    Camellia sinensis is a monoecious and allogamous plant , and its clone varieties are mostly flowering rather than fruiting .

  3. 家蚕雌蚕单性生殖无性繁殖系的配合力研究

    Studies on Combining Ability of Female Silkworm Parthenogenetic Clones , Bombyx mori

  4. 月季切花品种Daiana无性繁殖系的建立

    Establishment of Asexual Multiplication System of Rosa Hybrida

  5. 采用He&Ne激光辐照经单克隆培养的尾草履虫(Parameciumcauatum)无性繁殖系,观察并分析激光对尾草履虫分裂繁殖产生的影响。

    Paramecium caudatum ( P.c. ) cultured by clone was treated with He & Ne laser .

  6. 以香石竹无菌茎段为外植体成功获得再生植株,并建立快速无性繁殖系。

    The rapid regeneration of carnation was developed through culture of aseptic stem segments in vitro .

  7. 这些植物通常是来自有性生殖植物的杂交产生的多倍体,大量的这些无性繁殖系已被广泛采用。

    These are often polyploids derived from hybridization between sexual species and many of these clones have spread .

  8. 以西伯利亚百合的鳞片、茎段及花葶为外植体,成功获得再生植株,并建立了快速无性繁殖系。

    The clonal propagation of Siberia is developed through the culture of scales and stem segments in vitro .

  9. 大量不同的无融合结籽无性繁殖系,在小的方面有些差异,这给分类造成了困难,有时每个无性繁殖系都被描述成一个独立的种。

    Numerous different agamospermous clones , differing in minor ways , have appeared and these present a problem of classification , each clone sometimes being described as a separate species .

  10. 树木的无性繁殖与无性系育种林木无性系育种若干遗传参数估算的研究进展

    Advances in research of genetic parameter estimations for clonal breeding of forest trees