
  • 网络Reactive power;kvarh
  1. 由浏览器通过Web访问的方式实现负控终端的远程监控,对配电网中的电压、电流、三相总的有功电量、无功电量、环网柜电缆出线故障及负荷情况进行监控。

    The load control terminal can be monitored by means of Web access of browser , the remote monitoring of the voltage , current , total active and reactive electricity quantities of threes phases , fault of the power cable and load condition is implemented .

  2. 在无功电量市场中,关键问题是对无功功率的定价和无功功率成本的分摊。

    Reactive power pricing and the allocation of reactive power cost is the key to the reactive energy market .

  3. 发电厂不再无偿提供辅助服务,电网公司必须为系统所需的有功无功电量付费。

    Auxiliary services are no longer provided free by power plants , that means grid companies must pay for the active and reactive power needed by system .

  4. 其中以无功电量成本最优为目标函数,以潮流方程为等式约束,以运行及安全约束尾部等式约束。

    Taking the power flow equation as the equality constraint and the operation and security constraints as the inequality constraints , the optimal reactive power cost is the objective function in the proposed model .

  5. 本文介绍根据年小时最大负载功率来选择变压器容量,应用负载波动损耗系数计算变压器有功电量损耗和无功电量损耗,并进行技术经济分析。

    How to select capacity of transformer according to the annual hours max-load power , to calculate active kWh loss and kvar loss of transformer using load undulation loss factor are introduced , and a technology-economic analysis is made in this paper .

  6. 本文提出用误接线时的有功表、无功表所计电量求解功率因数角的方法,进而可以求得更正系数及退补电量。

    This paper introduces the calculation method of power factor angle by using active power and reactive power in misconnection .

  7. 提出的无功等值电价为无功电量电价和容量电价之和,该定价方法符合无功成本特征,其价格机制具有市场公平性、注重无功投资回报和抑制价格尖峰的特性。

    A novel equivalent value tariff for reactive power is built to answer for the peculiarity of reactive power cost , and its price mechanism has features of market justice , emphasizing recovery to reactive power investment and restraining price aiguille .

  8. 在文中,无功电力市场被分为无功容量市场和无功电量市场。

    In the paper , reactive power market is divided into two parts : reactive capacity market and reactive energy market of reactive power .

  9. 文章结合我国初级电力市场的状况,在分析无功服务成本的基础上讨论了一种无功容量电价加无功电量电价的二部制无功服务补偿电价。

    Considering the condition of the electric market in China and based on the cost analysis of reactive power support , a new method is proposed , which reactive power price is divided into reactive capability price and reactive energy price .

  10. 该文对发电厂的无功生产成本进行了探讨,首次提出将发电厂无功电价划分为无功容量电价和电量电价,概念清晰,易于计算。

    In this paper , reactive power generation costs are discussed , which are decomposed into two parts : reactive capacity price and reactive power production price . The conceptions are clear and the calculations are convenient .