
  • 网络Supplementary Education;complementary education;SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATION
  1. 并从改善两性心理条件、摆脱性别教育模式、进行两性补充教育、改进教学方法和提高教师素质等方面提出了缩小差异的具体措施和建议。

    In the meanwhile , I put forward to the suggestions and measures about how to reduce the differences through improving the psychological conditions of the boys and girls , avoiding the sexual models , adopting sexual complementary education and improving the teaching methods .

  2. 结果通过系统、有目标地对护士进行人际交流知识的追加、补充教育,提高了护士在护理工作中运用人际交流的技巧。

    Results : It was improved that nurses use communication skills in nursing services by enhancing and reinforcing corresponding education systemically and purposefully .

  3. 旅行可以补充正规教育之不足。

    Travel can be a complement to formal education .

  4. 对一般理工科毕业的教师补充职业教育学方面的知识,对专业教师进行现代教育技术的训练;

    Meanwhile , cultivating schools should supply knowledge on vocational pedagogy to teachers graduating from schools of science and provide modern education technology training to specialized courses teachers .

  5. 第四部分从完善生命,让德育的本质回归的角度,提出在中学德育中补充生命教育的意义。

    The fourth part from the consummation life lets the essence return in moral education , proposed the significance of supplements the life education in the middle school .

  6. 它对补充我国教育资源的不足,为我国培养国际型人才起着独特的作用。

    It plays a unique role in adding the lack of educational resources , foster international talents for our country .

  7. 近年来,作为我国公办教育有力补充的民办教育在蓬勃发展的同时,也遇到了教师资源不足,教师质量参差不齐的困境。

    Booming in recent years , the private training supplements the shortage of public education , but at the same time meets the bottleneck of the teacher resource .

  8. 它作为一种与课堂教学相互补充的实践教育形式,已成为大学生思想政治教育的新载体。

    As a kind of practical education medium which is mutually complementary with the classroom teaching , college youth volunteer activities can promote ideological and political development in college .

  9. 移动学习成为继数字化学习之后,又一个对传统学习方式的重要补充,是教育技术领域研究的热点之一。

    Mobile Learning has become another very important complement to the traditional ways of learning after digital-learning , it is the one of research focus in the field of education technology .

  10. 结果表明:提高现有体育教育人才的质量和补充高素质体育教育人才是落实学校体育健康第一指导思想的需要;

    The result shows : to enhance the quality of present-day physical education talents and cultivate qualified educators are needed to carry out the guideline of school physical education - health first ;

  11. 在教育教学中正确运用非语言要素,可以激发学生学习兴趣,补充、强化教育教学口语,同时还能传递情感信息和控制调节教学,以此提高教师的教育教学效果。

    A proper use of these elements might stir up students in their studies , supplement and reinforce verbal instruction , as well as transmit emotional information and adjust process to make things under control so as to strengthen teaching effects .

  12. 同时,作为公办教育的有效补充,民办教育缓解了公办教育资源不足的问题,引入了市场竞争机制,推动了教育事业的整体发展。

    On the other hand , as an effective complement to public education , non-public education will help to relieve the problem of shortage on educational resources from the public education , and will promote the overall educational development by market competition mechanism .

  13. 作为网络教育的重要一部分,网络教学能够实现同时、异地、互动教学,是实地现场教学这一模式的强有力的补充,是教育网络化和信息化的总体趋势和目标。

    As an important part of online education , online teaching can be achieved at the same time , off-site , interactive teaching is the " field-site teaching " strong complement to this model , education and information network of the overall trends and goals .

  14. “非常简单的答案是,不需太多。”美国国立卫生研究院饮食补充办公室科学顾问教育学博士兼注册营养师PaulThomas说。

    " The fairly simple answer is , not much ," says Paul Thomas , EdD , RD , scientific consultant with the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements .

  15. 本文是对我国当前高等教育研究现状的补充,对高等教育的管理具有一定的参考价值。

    This paper is a complement on the current higher education research .

  16. 补充知识,更新教育理念应该成为参加培训的目的。

    In addition of knowledge updating educational ideas should be the purpose of training .

  17. 作为高等教育的有力补充,高等职业教育呈现出低谷状态。

    As a powerful complement of higher education , higher vocational education has low status .

  18. 作为学校教育的补充或拓展,教育培训机构也是丰富社会文化知识的一股中坚力量。

    As the supplement or extension , educational training institutions have get established as a core in enriching culture and knowledge .

  19. 民办高校经过多年发展,已从作为公办教育的有益补充发展成为高等教育事业的重要组成部分。

    With many years of efforts , private colleges and universities has developed from beneficial supplements of public education to important part of Chinese higher education .

  20. 广东书院与社学以及府州县学相互补充,使封建教育的发展出现了前所未有的局面。

    The college learning , social education and social education in Guangdong intersected each other , which has resulted in development of the feudal education never seen before .

  21. 现代远程教育是对传统教育的补充,是未来教育的重要组成部分,随着现代远程教育的普及,教育方式需要做相应的改变。

    Modern long-distance education is a complement of the traditional education , and a important part of the future education . Teaching method ought to be reformed to meet the needs of modern long-distance education .

  22. 有着50多年历史的成人(继续)教育已经进入了从学历教育向非学历继续教育、从高等教育的有益补充向构筑终身教育体系、推进学习型社会建设转变的战略调整时期。

    Continuing Education , with 50 years of history , has entered a strategy adjustment period , from degree education to non-degree education , and from being the supplementary part of high education to building a life-long education system and enhancing study-oriented society .