
  • 网络administrative establishment
  1. 地方行政编制分州、县两级,在特殊的政治中心和军事国防要地有时也设郡、府。

    Local governments were split into two levels , i. e. , prefectures and counties . Prefectures were also set up in strategic political centers and military places .

  2. 公务员,是指依法履行公职、纳入国家行政编制、由国家财政负担工资福利的工作人员。

    Officeholder , it is to point to perform government service lawfully , bring into national administration work out , by the staff member of material benefits of wages of national finance burden .

  3. 配合人事行政经理编制管辖范围内的预算,控制行政管理费用。

    To support the HR manager to prepare budgets with responsibilities and to control administrative costs .

  4. GB/T10114-1988县以下行政区划代码编制规则

    Rules for the code representation of administrative divisions under counties

  5. 国务院行政机构的编制方案,应当包括下列事项。

    The following items shall be included in the staffing programmer of an administrative agency of the State Council .

  6. 审定行政机构的编制,依照法律规定任免、培训、考核和奖惩行政人员;

    To appoint or remove personnel in state administrative organs , train them , appraise their performance and award or punish them according to the provisions of the law ;

  7. 在此基础上,国家文物行政管理部门要编制全国国有馆藏文物总目录。

    On this basis , the Department of administration of cultural relics of the state should compile general catalogs of the state-owned collections of cultural relics nationwide .

  8. 企业员工工作压力量表初步编制及其结构探索工商行政管理、机构编制、民政等部门配合劳动保障行政部门做好社会保险费征缴工作。

    The departments of administration for industry and commerce , for establishment of organizations and that of civil affairs shall cooperate with the administrative departments of labor security in the collection and payment of social insurance premiums .

  9. 并且完善行政组织法还应该加大对行政编制法的完善。

    And perfect the administrative law should also enlarge to the administrative consummation .

  10. 政府雇员制是指纳税人出资委托政府从社会上雇用专门人才服务于政府某项工作或某一政府工作部门,但雇员不具有行政职务、不行使行政权力、不占用行政编制的一种人事制度。

    Government employee system is a personal system that taxpayers use money to entrust government to employ specific talents from society to serve a department of government and the employees do not have administrative duty , do not enforce administrative rights and do not have administrative post .

  11. 国务院行政机构不得干预地方各级人民政府的行政机构设置和编制管理工作,不得要求地方各级人民政府设立与其业务对口的行政机构。

    The administrative agencies of the State Council shall not interfere with the establishment and staffing administration of the agencies of the local people 's governments at various levels , and shall not require the local people 's governments at various levels to establish agencies corresponding to their administrative work .

  12. 在我国,行政权在国家权力体系中占据重要地位,众多的规划是由行政机关编制完成的,因此,研究行政规划对于我国更具有重要意义。

    In China , the executive power occupy an important position in the power system , many of the plan is prepared by the executive to complete and therefore , administrative planning is more important for our country .