
  • 网络administrative implementation
  1. 本文将从行政管理思想的理论基础、行政权力论、行政实施理论、人事行政理论、宏观经济管理思想等几个方面对董仲舒行政管理思想作以简要论述。

    The article gave brief discussion on DONG Zhongshu 's thoughts of administration from theoretical basis , administrative power , the theory of administrative implementation , the theory of personnel administration and the thoughts of macroeconomic management .

  2. 管理信息化行政实施的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Management Informatization Administration Implementation

  3. 第二部分对行政实施问题进行了深入的论述。

    The second part , discuss the practice of the actualize about administrable permission deeply .

  4. 要实现法治国家的目标,就必须对无法律行政实施法律控制。

    In order to have a country in legal system , the administration without law should be controlled by law .

  5. 自从《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》提出建设法治政府这一奋斗目标之后,我国各地开始了如火如茶的实践活动。然而,法治政府建设是一个长期而复杂的过程。

    Since putting forward the goal , all over the country started in full swing practice . However , building a government ruled by law is a long and complex process .

  6. 最后,结合我国的政府信息公开实践情况,分析了其在立法、行政实施和司法救济方面存在的问题,并针对问题进行对策的论证和探讨。

    Finally , in combination with the practice of government information publicity , the paper analyses the problems in the legislative , administrative and judicial relief and demonstrates the related countermeasures of these problems .

  7. 2004年,国务院发布了《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,提出依法行政基本要求和建设法治政府的要求。

    In 2004 , the State Council issued the " Implementation Outline for comprehensively promoting administration according to law " and proposed the basic requirements of administrative law and the " construction of government by law " requirement .

  8. 《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》(下称《纲要》)对政府职能作了明确界定:经济调节、市场监管、社会管理、公共服务。

    While according to The Enforcement Outline of Advancing the Rule of Law ( hereinafter referred to as The outline ), the functions of the government should be the following : adapting economy , supervening the market , managing the society , serving the public .

  9. 自国务院2004年发布《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,2008年发布《关于加强市县政府依法行政的决定》以来,在全国范围内出现了大量制定行政处罚自由裁量权标准的行政法现象。

    Since State Council issued Outline for Promoting Law-based Administration in an All-round Way in 2004 , and Decision on Strengthening Law-based Administration of City and County Governments in 2008 , numerous administrative law phenomena of making standards on security punishment discretion have appeared throughout the country .

  10. 关于对政府行政执法实施社会监控的几个理论问题

    Several questions on the society controls of the administrative law enforcement

  11. 行政许可实施后取得的社会效果。

    The implementation of administrative licensing is socially and highly effective .

  12. 交通行政许可实施程序规定

    Regulations for Practising Program of Communications Administration Permission

  13. 目前我国的司法审查是通过行政诉讼实施的。

    Until now , the judicial censorship is exercised by means of administrative lawsuit in China .

  14. 论对我国行政机关实施行政许可的监督与救济

    On the right of China 's administrative organs to implement the administrative licensing supervision and relief

  15. 上海市房地资源系统行政许可实施的规范化研究

    The Researches on the Standardization of the Implementation of Shanghai Housing and land Resources System 's Administrative Licensing

  16. 对行政科员实施德治管理的几点思考手术室总务护士及库房工作的管理体会

    Considerations on Implementation of Ruling by Virtue for Administrators Reflection on Management of Logistic Nurses at Operating Room and Warehouse

  17. 除了行政部门实施的外部评估外,建立自主的高职院校教学评估机制非常重要。

    Beside the external valuation by administration branch , it is important to establish a self-estimation mechanism for higher vocational college .

  18. 建立人大督查专员制度,对重大行政决策实施违宪审查。

    The NPC Ombudsman system should be built , and judicial review of major administrative decisions should be built up , too .

  19. 具体分析系统内市局、区局行政许可实施的现状;

    Analyze the present implementation of administrative licensing of civic bureaus and district bureaus that are parts of the system in detail .

  20. 全国性法律除列于本法附件三者外,不在香港特别行政区实施。

    National laws shall not be applied in the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region except for those listed in Annex IIIto this Law .

  21. 生态移民行政补偿实施方案在实施过程中存在诸多问题,必然对该移民工程有效实施产生不利影响。

    Immigration administration compensation implementation plan exists many problems , as a result , all these will undoubtedly affect its effective implementation .

  22. 其次阐述了对改制后的医疗机构统一由卫生行政部门实施卫生法律监督。

    Then he sets forth the view that health administrative departments should conduct uniform health law supervision of medical institutions with changed ownership .

  23. 安吉县行政许可实施主体的取权方式包括法定、授权、委托三种方式。

    Anji county for the implementation of administrative licensing of the body , including statutory right , take three modes , entrust authorized .

  24. 第二十七条行政机关实施行政许可,不得向申请人提出购买指定商品、接受有偿服务等不正当要求。

    When conducting examination , the administrative organ may consult or require the licensee to submit relevant materials in accordance with the law ;

  25. 在行政强制实施过程中,行政主体应当在行政强制的启动程序和具体实施手段上尽量体现以人为本;

    During the process of administrative compulsory enforcement , the administrative subject should embody the spirit of humanism in implementing compulsory procedures and means .

  26. 目的对山东省某新建游泳跳水馆建设项目进行卫生学预评价,为卫生行政部门实施预防性卫生监督管理提供技术依据。

    Objective To proceed to hygiene evaluation on the new construction project of natatorium in order to provide the technique evidences for hygiene supervision .

  27. 强化法律、经济、行政等实施手段,动员社会力量的参与,建立实施评价和定期报告制度等。

    Strengthening the laws , economic and administrative means of implementation , encouraging the public participation , setting up the regular evaluating and reporting system .

  28. 完善的行政许可实施程序是发挥其规范行政许可行为,促进行政法治等重要作用的前提,因此完善行政许可的实施程序具有重要意义。

    To perfect the procedure of administrative permission is important , for it is the premise to precept administrative permission and promote administration ruled by law .

  29. 澳门驻军和澳门驻军人员并享有在澳门特别行政区实施的法律规定的其他权利和豁免。

    The Macao Garrison and its members shall also enjoy other rights and immunities prescribed by the laws in force in the Macao Special Administrative Region .

  30. “自由裁量权”在行政强制实施中的存在,是强调行政强制伦理考量的依据。

    The existence of " the right of free judgment " in the practice of administrative compulsion comprises the basis for the strengthening of its ethical assessment .