
xínɡ zhènɡ fù yì tiáo lì
  • regulations of administrative review;Regulations on Administrative Reconsideration
  1. 国务院还发布了《行政复议条例》,作为贯彻实施《行政诉讼法》的配套法规。

    The State Council also promulgated the Administrative Reconsideration Regulations as a complementary law and regulations for the implementation of the Administrative Procedural Law .

  2. 与《行政复议条例》相比,《行政复议法》建立了对规定的审查制度,该法第7条和第26条初步规定了对规定审查的提出程序和处理程序。

    Comparing with Administrative Reconsideration Regulation , Administrative Reconsideration Law establishes examination system for " provision " . Article 7 and 26 define presenting procedure and treatment procedure for examination of " provision " .

  3. 《行政复议法实施条例》和一些地方政府规章共同规范行政复议调解制度,规定了调解的适用范围、遵循原则、合法性审查、调解书的法律效力和执行等,这些规定仍有不足。

    The mediation system on administrative review is stipulated in the regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law and some local government rules . The regulations provide the range of application , the principles , legality and legal force of mediation document , which are still inadequate .

  4. 我国行政复议法较之于过去行政复议条例有许多优点,但仍存在某些不足。

    Compared with the former Law of Administrative Reconsideration in China , the current one has more advantages .

  5. 我国行政复议法与原先的行政复议条例相比,有较多创新之处;

    Compared with former Regulations of Administrative Reconsideration , the active one has many changes , which reflect the great development of our system of administrative reconsideration .