- agency of administrative review;institution of administrative review

On Construction And Improvement For Administrative Reconsideration Agencies Under Harmonious Society
Establishing the fair and independent administrative review organ .
I hope through this article can contribute my meager forces to reconstruct and innovate our administrative reconsideration institution .
So the current setting system of administrative reconsideration office has been an obstacle of Administrative reconsideration system being well-operating .
By reviewing some of the best countries in reconsideration , we can find how to reform our administrative reconsideration institutions .
As a administrative institution of trademark , the Trademark Appraisal Committee plays a unique role in the appeasement of administrative disputes .
Hearing system has also been the local administrative review body gradually pending the introduction of administrative review and has made good results and enhanced the credibility of the administrative review decision .
On the basis of comparison and induction of the reconsideration institutions of different countries and regions , combining the concrete situation of china , it becomes the common view to establish administrative reconsideration commission .
Through a comparative analysis of academia different perspectives , I believe that the newly established administrative review council is no longer an administrative review body , but an independent administrative agency with legal personality which is able to make an independent administrative review decision .
Therefore , author suggests learning from foreign experience , establishing the special administrative review committee , asking for help of the parliament and public to realize fair judgement .
To sum up the experiences these provinces seek out in the process of establishing administrative reconsideration commission and design concrete system , we can solve the current problems in administrative reconsideration institutions and make it better .
One of the most important reasons why the administrative reconsideration suffered predicament is that there are lots of problems in the administrative reconsideration institutions .