
háng wǔ
  • the ranks
行伍 [háng wǔ]
  • [the ranks] 泛指军队。古时兵制,五人为伍,二十五人为行

  • 蹑足行伍之间。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • 结部曲,整行伍。--张衡《西京赋》

  • 行伍出身

行伍[háng wǔ]
  1. 蒙博托出身行伍,通过一级级晋升,最终成为了陆军司令。

    Mobutu ascended through the ranks , eventually becoming commander of the army

  2. 他是个行伍出身的将军。

    He is a general who has risen from the rank .

  3. 一位出身行伍的高级军官。

    A senior officer who had risen from the ranks .

  4. 难道那些作战失利的老行伍会爱那些取代他们的青云直上的青年军官吗?

    Do blundering old military dug-outs love the successful young captains who supersede them ?

  5. 我本来不打算过行伍生活,可是由于环境所迫,现在也只好去参加军队了。

    A military life is not what I was intended for , but circumstances have now made it eligible .

  6. 门哪,应当哀号。城阿,应当呼喊。非利士全地阿,你都消化了。因为有烟从北方出来,他行伍中并无乱队的。

    Wail , o gate ! Howl , o city ! Melt away , all you philistines ! A cloud of smoke comes from the north , and there is not a straggler in its ranks .