
xínɡ wéi zhànɡ ài
  • behavior disorder;disturbance of behavior
  1. 试论电子商务的主要行为障碍与程序法律对策

    On Major Disturbance of Behavior in E-commerce and Procedural Law Measurements

  2. 原发性REM睡眠行为障碍患者帕金森病的潜在早期标志

    Potential early markers of Parkinson disease in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder

  3. 连续多巴胺转运蛋白显像与特发性快动眼睡眠行为障碍患者的黑质纹状体功能:一项前瞻性研究。

    Serial dopamine transporter imaging of nigrostriatal function in patients with idiopathic rapid-eye-movement sleep behaviour disorder : a prospective study .

  4. 因为儿童的大脑和行为障碍,如多动症和智力低下,也可能与社会和遗传因素有关。

    Because children 's brain and behavioral disorders , like hyperactivity and lower grades , can also be linked to social and genetic factors ?

  5. 哈佛大学公共卫生学院的一份报告显示,许多日常用品,包括除虫喷雾剂和清洁液,可能会增加儿童患大脑和行为障碍的几率。

    According to a report from the Harvard School of Public Health , many everyday products , including some bug sprays and cleaning fluids , could lead to an increased risk of brain and behavioral disorders in children .

  6. 方法利用临床流行病学的方法调查轻度AD病人的行为障碍。

    Methods To study the behavior disorders among the mild AD patients using clinical epidemiological way .

  7. 初中二年级无论是整体比较还是分性别比较,情绪和行为障碍学生与正常学生在T分和P分上差异都不显著;

    It makes obvious differences between male emotional and behavior disorders students and average students in T minute , while that is not obvious in P minute .

  8. 儿童睡眠行为障碍24h脑电图监测分析

    Analysis of 24 hour EEG monitoring in children with sleep-behavioral disorders

  9. ADHD的描述性定义为:注意缺陷多动障碍是一种较常见的儿童时期行为障碍性疾病。

    The descriptive definition of ADHD : Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a relatively common childhood behavior disorders .

  10. 结果65%轻度AD病人具有行为障碍,其中具有精神病性症状者为20%;抑郁者为35%%;

    Results 65 % mild AD patients has behavioral disorders , and 20 % ones has psychotic symptoms , 35 % has depressive symptoms , 55 % has personal changes .

  11. 结果:脑脉泰胶囊可明显减轻神经行为障碍,减小脑梗塞面积,降低血清MDA含量;

    Result : Nao Mai Kang Capsule can obviously lessen the neural behavior disorders , reduce the area of cerebral infarction , and lower MDA content in plasma ;

  12. 注意缺陷多动障碍(atentiondeficithypercativitydisorder,ADHD)是常见的儿童行为障碍,目前病因尚未明确。

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) is a common behavior disorder in children and its pathogenesis remains unknown .

  13. 目的注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)是儿童常见行为障碍,病因不明。

    Objective Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) is one of the most common behavior disorders in childhood and adolescent .

  14. 结果:EP儿童普遍存在心理、行为障碍,其生活质量明显低于正常儿童。

    Results : The Children with EP had both mental and behavior disorders , and the quality of life was obviously poorer than that of healthy children .

  15. 结论:褪黑素对睡眠剥夺大鼠行为障碍有改善作用,这种作用可能与抑制睡眠剥夺大鼠大脑皮层和海马中NO及MDA的升高有关。

    CONCLUSION : Melatonin depresses the excitability in the rats of acute sleep deprivation , possibly by inhibiting the increase of NO and MDA in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of the rats .

  16. 快速眼动期睡眠行为障碍(RBD)被归为深睡眠状态下的一种睡眠障碍。

    REM-Sleep Behavior Disorder ( RBD ) is classified under the sleep disorder category of parasomnia .

  17. 目的比较阿尔茨海默病(AD)、混合型痴呆(MD)、血管性痴呆(VD)病人的行为障碍。

    S : Objective To compare behavior disorders in the patients ( pts ) with Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ), mixed dementia ( MD ) and vascular dementia ( VD ) .

  18. 目的:观察脑震荡(Brainconcussion,BC)大鼠毒蕈碱型M1、M2受体和烟碱型N受体的变化规律,进一步了解BC大鼠认知行为障碍的神经生物学基础。

    Objective : To observe the changes of Ml , M2 and N acetylcholine receptors following brain concussion ( BC ) in rats and research the neurobiology mechanisms of cognitive behavioral deficits after BC .

  19. 方法:采用可逆性大脑中动脉梗塞法观察Pro对局灶性脑缺血大鼠梗塞面积和行为障碍的影响;

    Methods : The effect of Pro on neurologic deficits ( ND ) and infarct size ( SI ) in rats was studied by using the animal model of reversible middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MCAO ) .

  20. 目的探讨快速眼动期睡眠行为障碍(RBD)患者的临床和神经生理特征。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical and polysomnographic features of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder ( RBD ) in Chinese patients .

  21. 多因素Logistic回归分析显示,其睡眠行为障碍与年龄、教育程度、女性有关,比值比分别为1.22,1.13和1.32(P<0.05);

    Multiple factor logistic regression analysis found that age , education level and female were risk factors for sleep disturbance in community participants with the odds ratio ( OR ) of 1.22 , 1.13 , 1.32 , respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 这份提案指出,临床上应该先进行轻度行为障碍诊断,再进行轻度认知障碍(mildcognitiveimpairment,M.C.I.)诊断。轻度认知障碍是十多年前创造出来的诊断类别,用来描述有些人有点认知问题,但日常生活功能大抵正常。

    Under the proposal , mild behavioral impairment ( M.B.I. ) would be a clinical designation preceding mild cognitive impairment ( M.C.I. ) , a diagnosis created more than a decade ago to describe people experiencing some cognitive problems but who can still perform most daily functions .

  23. 这些学者在提倡一种新的诊断类别——轻度行为障碍(mildbehavioralimpairment,M.B.I.),旨在辨认与测量某些专家认为常遭忽视的面向:心情与行为的急剧变化,可能在失智症造成的记忆与思考困难之前出现。

    They are proposing the creation of a new diagnosis : mild behavioral impairment . The idea is to recognize and measure something that some experts say is often overlooked : Sharp changes in mood and behavior may precede the memory and thinking problems of dementia .

  24. 方法自编睡眠调查表及多导睡眠仪对28例PSD患者的睡眠行为障碍进行调查和检测,并与28例无抑郁的脑卒中患者进行对照。

    Methods Using a self-designed questionnaire and the multi-channel sleep instrument , dyssomnia was investigated in 28 patients with PSD . The results were compared with those obtained from another 28 patients with acute cerebral accident who did not have PSD .

  25. 方法采用《一般情况调查表》、STAI、LES[1]量表,对62例哮喘儿童的照顾者及50例门诊非心理行为障碍患儿的照顾者进行调查分析。

    Methods To investigate and analyze 62 asthmatic children and 50 non psychology and behavior disorders children in outpatient with General Conditions Form and the scales of STAI and LES .

  26. 结果:精神分裂症行为障碍发生率为100%。

    Result : 100 % of the cases have behavior disturbances .

  27. 轻度阿尔茨海默病行为障碍的临床研究

    A clinical study of behavior disorders of mild Alzheimer 's disease

  28. 多发梗塞血管性痴呆患者精神行为障碍研究

    Studies of mental and behavioral disorders of patients with multi-infarct vascular dementia

  29. 复灌性局部脑缺血大鼠的学习记忆行为障碍

    Disturbance of learning and memory in rats with local cerebral ischemia reperfusion

  30. 哮喘儿童心理行为障碍及其早期干预

    Behavioral and Psychological Problems and Interventions in Children with Asthma