
hánɡ yè yǔ
  • professional jargon
  1. 行业语的社会化是社会需要选择和语言内部要素变化共同作用的产物。

    The socialization of the professional jargon is the production of choice of social need and the change of vocabulary elements .

  2. 行业语一般是各种行业和科学技术上应用的词语。

    Cants are usually used in all sorts of trades and technology .

  3. 对这一现象的认知语言学解释是:把战争的源域映射到股市的目的域中,从词汇学上看是对行业语的借用;

    A cognitive approach to this phenomenon is that the source domain of war is mapped on the target domain of stock market .

  4. 包括对社会流行语、行业语、外来语、惯用语、歇后语、俗语及詈语的运用。

    Including the utilizationes about social catch word , the trade jargon , the loan word , the phrase , rests language , proverb and bad language .

  5. 第四节,通过对外来语、行业语和方言词三方面的分析研究论述了科尔沁民歌语言方言特殊词的丰富性。

    Section IV. through the foreign language , business language and dialect words of analysis of the three discussed the folk language dialects Horqin special richness of the word .

  6. 文章分析和归纳了维吾尔语中传统手工业行业词和行业语的理据类型,以此揭示维吾尔语传统手工业行业词的理据性。

    The article analyses the motivation categories of the traditional jargon in Uygur language in or-der to reveal that the traditional jargon has motivations .