
  • 网络industry status
  1. 首先介绍了我国近几年房地产行业的发展状况、行业特征及存在的问题;然后分析了房地产行业上市公司的基本特征、绩效表现及行业地位与影响力。

    Then analyze basic features and industry status of the listed company of real estate industry .

  2. 本文以H公司为例,详细研究了H公司的经营模式、发展现状、行业地位和人力结构状况。

    Taking the company of H for example , the paper illustrates the operational pattern , current situation , industrial status and human structure thoroughly . After studying the company of H Co.

  3. 没有他们的支持和指导,AT2未必能达到我们目前的状况以及后端包商的行业地位。

    Without their support and guidance , AT2 may not be able to achieve our current status and position in the backend subcon industry .

  4. 该设计可以提高地铁的综合自动化控制和管理水平,提升消防技术的行业地位。

    The design will improve the automatic control level and the management , and will upgrade the fire control techniques .

  5. 作为环保产业的粉末涂料,它的行业地位越来越重要,市场发展前景也越来越广阔。

    As one of the environmental protection industries , the powder coating industry becomes more and more important and with better prospects .

  6. 作为中国最大的服装出口商,上海丝绸集团创造的优良业绩成就了公司显著的行业地位和卓越的竞争力。

    As the biggest garment exporter in China , our company 's prominent position in the field and strong competitiveness come out of the outstanding performance for years .

  7. 本文对西部地区上市企业的发展历史、行业地位、财务经营状况、竞争优势、行业发展前景等进行深入探讨,分析西部地区企业价值的核心成长因素。

    By researching the history , industry position , financial condition , competitive advantage , and development prospects of the Western Chinese listed enterprise , this paper identify key value driving factors .

  8. 自改革开放以来,物业管理在我国已经有了长足的发展,物业管理的行业地位也越来越重要。

    The property management had the rapid development in our country , and the trade position of the property management is also more and more important since reform and open to the outside world .

  9. 思迈尔人以其不倦的努力致力于绣花行业地位的打造,相信公司必将以其特有的风格,引领绍兴绣花行业的新一代潮流。

    The company will make the good efforts in embroider area , and believe that the company will be with peculiar style , lead shaoxing embroider of the tread in new generation of the trade .

  10. 尤其在当前,我国房地产业正处于高速发展时期,中小房地产企业无论在企业数量方面、总体投资规模方面、经营收入与利税等方面,都占有绝对的行业地位和作用。

    Especial at this stage that real estate industry grows by leaps and bounds , SMREEs are playing monumental roles at the number of real estate enterprises , the total investment , the revenue & tax , and so on .

  11. 但重庆都市型包装工业具有广阔的市场空间,应摆正行业地位,合理空间布局,大中小企业并重,与支柱产业紧密结合,关注绿色概念,并增强行业协会职能。

    Urban-style package industry of Chongqing has broad market space and should be supported to develop by reasonable space distribution , by increasing technological innovation ability , by reinforcing the close relationship with pillar industries and by consolidating industrial coordination ability .

  12. 动画电影作为动画产业的明星产品,凝聚了许多顶尖动画人的心血和劳动,代表着各时期动画制作的最高水平,有着重要的行业地位和巨大的产业价值。

    Animated film as the star product of the animation industry , the combination of effort and labor of many of the top animators , each period represents the highest level of animation , has an important position in the industry and the huge value of the estate .

  13. 建立有效的战略绩效管理体系,对W公司应对市场竞争,达到行业领导者地位有重要意义。

    It is of great importance for W to cope with the market competition and to achieve the status of the industry leader .

  14. Broder交易在关键时刻巩固了ICM在电视行业的地位。

    The Broder deal strengthened ICM 's position in tele-vision at a critical time .

  15. AWS一直处于行业领先地位:研究公司Gartner估计,AWS的计算能力是实力最接近的14家竞争对手计算能力总和的10倍。

    AWS has stayed ahead of the pack : Gartner , the research group , estimates that it has 10 times the computing capacity of its 14 nearest competitors combined .

  16. 米塔尔拥有阿塞洛-米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)45%的股权,他表示,在未来的3至4年内,钢铁行业的地位将是牢固且可持续的。

    Mr Mittal , the main shareholder of ArcelorMittal with a 45 per cent stake , said the steel industry was in a strong and sustainable position over the next three to four years .

  17. 日本丧失行业领先地位的最新例证是,在开发有可能成为下一代电视的主导性技术标准——有机发光二极管(OLED)的竞争中,该国企业又处于落后境地。

    In the latest example of the country 's lose-the-lead affliction , Japanese companies are falling behind in the race to develop what is likely to become the dominant technology format for next-generation televisions : OLEDs , or organic light emitting diodes .

  18. 从而得出德国PF公司处于工业传感器行业领先地位,同时具有较好的处理外部环境的能力以及较强的综合竞争实力,在中国的业务呈现可持续发展的良好趋势。

    Thus , it concludes that PF Germany is in the leading position in this industry , and has the better capabilities that to deal with the external environment , and integrative competitive power as well as that the business in China showed a favorable and continuous development situation .

  19. 收购Take-Two可能还会巩固电子艺界的行业老大地位。随着美国竞争对手ActivisionBlizzard与威望迪旗下游戏部门的合并完成,Activision即将对此地位发起挑战。

    A Take-Two acquisition would also be likely to confirm EA 's number-one status , due to be challenged by Activision Blizzard , as the merger of rival US publisher Activision with the games division of Vivendi is completed .

  20. 产量销量居世界同行业领先地位!

    Take the lead in capacity and sales volume among peer companies worldwide !

  21. 行业竞争地位,目标第一;

    In field competition status , goal first ;

  22. 中集集团:新利润源巩固行业霸主地位

    CIMC , new profit source consolidates its position

  23. 华为和中兴在某种叫做“射频拉远”的技术上居于行业领先地位。

    Huawei and ZTE led the way in something called " remote radio-head " technology .

  24. 先进的经营理念是尹家装饰公司确立行业领先地位的法宝。

    Advanced management philosophy is Yin decoration company 's industry-leading position to establish a magic weapon .

  25. 1997年,我们收购了苏格兰友好保险,加强了保诚在独立金融顾问行业的地位。

    In 1997 Scottish Amicable was acquired , strengthening Prudential 's position in the IFA sector .

  26. 他渴望利用新的数字科技来获取行业主导地位。

    and an eye for the kind of industry domination that new digital technologies made possible .

  27. 随着外国直接投资在我国的增长,其在工程机械行业的地位和作用日益凸现。

    As FDI in China increasing rapidly , it becomes more and more important on this industry .

  28. 然而,近十几年来景德镇陶瓷工业滑坡严重,在全国同行业中地位明显下降,与瓷都的地位很不相称。

    But in recent years , the ceramic industry of Jingdezhen has declined in succession and in position .

  29. 产品出口南北美、日本、东南亚、中东许多国家,各项指标和质量均处于同行业领先地位。

    Our products are exported to many countries in south and north American and south and east Asia .

  30. 70年代至90年代之间,表现出色的企业被赶下行业领导地位的几率增加了两倍。

    The odds that a high-performing firm would be dethroned from industry leadership tripled between the 1970s and the 1990s .