
  1. 人的自然本质决定了他与自然之间的这种血肉联系。

    His natural essence provides and preserves his relation with the nature .

  2. 论密切党与群众的血肉联系

    On Closing the Tie between the Party and the Mass

  3. 始终保持党与人民群众的血肉联系

    Keep the Link between Party and People as Close as Flesh and Blood

  4. 党的执政基础就是党同人民群众的血肉联系。

    CPC 's ruling foundations are just the flesh-and-blood ties between the Party and the people .

  5. 保持党同群众的血肉联系是实践“三个代表”的基本保证

    Keep the blood and flesh relation is the basic part of the practice of " the three represents "

  6. 以“三个代表”重要思想为指导加强党同农民的血肉联系

    Strengthening the party 's flesh-and-blood ties with farmers in the light of the idea of " three represents "

  7. 一切进步文艺工作者的艺术生命,就在于他们同人民之间的血肉联系。

    The creative life of all progressive writers and artists is rooted in their intimate ties with the people .

  8. 保持党与群众的血肉联系,是党的作风建设的核心。

    To keep the flesh-and-blood tie between the Party and the mass is the core of the construction of CPC 's administration style .

  9. 党的作风建设的核心问题,是保持党同人民群众的血肉联系。

    The central issue of partys construction of working style is to keep the flesh-and-blood relation between party and masses of the people .

  10. 坚持立党为公、执政为民,密切联系群众,始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,是党的性质和宗旨的必然要求。

    It is essential for the Party to serve the interests of people with perfect impartiality , and to maintain close ties with the masses .

  11. 需要从三个方面着手:第一,深化全党对保持党同人民群众的血肉联系的必然性的认识;

    The following three respects can work : firstly , deepening all party members ' cognition of inevitability of keeping the Party 's flesh-and-blood ties ;

  12. 党坚强有力,党同人民保持血肉联系,国家就繁荣稳定,人民就幸福安康。

    When the Party maintains its strength and close ties with the people , China enjoys prosperity and stability and the Chinese people live in peace and happiness .

  13. 只有把关心群众、服务群众的工作切实做好了,我们才能始终保持与人民群众的血肉联系,才能无往而不胜。

    Only by making substantial efforts to take care of and serve the masses well , can we maintain the blood-and-flesh links with the people and remain invincible .

  14. 保持与人民群众的血肉联系必须从实际出发,不断拓展与人民群众联系的渠道。

    To maintain such close flesh-blood relation with the masses , measures must be taken to proceed from actual situation to expand the channel of contact with the masses .

  15. 加强了各级领导班子建设、提高了领导能力和工作成效,是新形势下密切党同群众血肉联系的有效形式,对构建社会主义和谐新农村具有重要的现实意义。

    It is a valid way to close the relation of party-mass in new situation , and it has important real meaning to setting up socialism harmonious new village .

  16. 始终保持同人民群众的血肉联系,是我们党战胜各种困难和风险、不断取得事业成功的根本保证。

    Maintaining the flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people is the fundamental guarantee for our Party to overcome difficulties and risks and make continuous success in our cause .

  17. 他呼吁所有党员要“保持与人民的血肉联系”,并提醒道,脱离群众是我们党的最大危险。

    He urged all Party members to " maintain close ties with the people " , and warned that alienation from the people posed the greatest risk to the party .

  18. 我国各地的筝艺术和各地具有地域特色的文化传统、风俗民情、方言语音及其它民间音乐有着血肉联系,并各自保持了鲜明的特点。

    The Zheng art from different areas in China has been heavily influenced by its respective local culture , tradition , custom , sentiment , dialect and other forms of folk music .

  19. 他认为保持与人民群众血肉联系是党的性质和宗旨决定的,是党巩固政权和保持执政地位的需要,也是进行社会主义建设的需要。

    Keeping in close contact with the masses was determined by the nature and purpose of the Party and was the party ′ s needs of consolidating political power and constructing socialism .

  20. 体现了一种时时保持忧患意识和与广大人民群众保持血肉联系,为民谋利益的工作作风;

    Often keep suffering consciousness and keep the flesh-and-blood connection with the broad masses of the people after embodying one , Work for the styles of work of the interests for the people ;

  21. 坚持为了人民、依靠人民,诚心诚意为人民谋利益,从人民群众中汲取智慧和力量,始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系;

    It should serve the people , rely on them , work for their benefit with heart and soul , draw on their wisdom and strength , and always maintain close ties with them .

  22. 我们必须从实践三个代表重要思想的高度,从关心群众疾苦、密切党与人民群众血肉联系的高度,提高认识,为人民群众创造良好的就业环境,扩大就业门路。

    We must care people 's sufferings and intensify the relationship between CPC and the common people according the spirit of " Three Representatives ", and expand opportunities of employment and offer good working environment for the people .

  23. 限制相对货币收入扩大化、反对干部特殊化是密切党同人民群众的血肉联系的重要之举,是反腐败斗争的一个重要任务。

    Therefore , restricting the expansion of relative monetary income and guarding against the officials ' specialization is a vital step to strengthen the link between the Party and the masses as well as a great task for anti-corruption work .

  24. 国内外政党的执政经验及其兴衰史表明,加强党的执政能力建设,其核心是提高人民群众认同,关键是密切与人民群众的血肉联系。

    The experience and history of domestic and foreign political parties tell that to strengthen the construction of CPC 's ruling ability , the core is to enhance people 's approval and the key is to be contact people more closely .

  25. 如不坚决刹住,势必严重削弱党员干部队伍的战斗力,损害党同人民群众的血肉联系,最终妨碍全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的顺利实现。

    If we does not eliminate it firmly , it certainly will weaken the fighting capacity of Party members and cadres seriously , and damage the flesh-and-blood connections between the Party and people and eventually hinder well-to-do society from realizing smoothly .

  26. 贿赂犯罪严重侵犯国家经济管理的正常运行和国家公职人员职务行为的公正性、廉洁性,损害国家工作人员的应有形象,破坏党和人民群众的血肉联系。

    Bribery infringes severely upon the regular operation of national economic management , and the impartiality and honesty of our government officials , which is not only harmful to their proper image , but also to the close relationship between the Party and its people .

  27. 目前,社会上存在的一些问题与党的作风密切相关,严重影响了党的形象,削弱了党与群众的血肉联系。

    At present , severe challenges of the advancement the party faces mostly correlate with problems and phenomena in the working style of the party , which have influenced the image of the party seriously and weaken the close contract between Party and the masses .

  28. 本文正是站在环境观的立场上,认为建筑环境色彩不同于一般课题的特点,在于其具有独特的功效性、装饰性、标识性以及与自然环境、人文环境的血肉联系。

    This paper takes the stand of " environmental sight " that the difference of building environmental color from the characteristic of general program lies in its unique efficacy , decoration , identification as well as the flesh and blood connection of natural environment with humane environment .

  29. 摘要文学创作与地域文化有着血肉般的联系。

    Literary writing is closely associated with regional culture .