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  • 网络xuehai
  1. 方法:对临床关于血海穴的研究资料作综合论述。

    Mehtod : To discuss investigate numerical data of Xuehai .

  2. 结论:近年血海穴研究取得许多新的进展。

    Conclusion : The study and research of Xuehai has much original progression .

  3. 目的:依据临床相关研究资料探讨血海穴的研究现状和治疗机理。

    Objective : According to correlated clinical investigate numerical data to approach the research status quo and treat mechanism of Xuehai .

  4. 但目前对血海穴治疗疾病的机理尚无定论,只是取得一些研究方向,尚待进一步科学研究。

    But the mechanism of Xuehai to treat disease has not final conclusion , only gain direction of investigate , wait for new research .

  5. 髌骨软化症患者股内肌机能状况与髌骨位置对髌骨疼痛的影响&兼论点揉血海穴对缓解髌骨疼痛的作用

    Influence of Functional Condition of Vastus Medians and Location of Patella on Patellar Pain in Chondromalacia Patella Patients ── Discussion on the effect of rubbing Xuehai on relieving patella Pain

  6. 针刺治疗:选择曲池、血海两穴进行针刺。

    Acupuncture treatment was selected on point of Quchi and XueHai .