- salary;pay;wage;get

[salary;wage;pay] 薪金
As a top lawyer , he can expect to command a six-figure salary .
Teacher training usually promises a quick career start and good salary prospects .
Nurses ought to earn more .
Public sector pay is also in line to be hit hard .
Women have lost out in this new pay flexibility
The state schools ' main problem is that teachers ' pay is so bad
French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay
Door-to-door salesmen usually have a low basic wage and earn most of their money on commission .
And for the payment part , though what the institution offered is way higher than what most fresh graduates can get , but he had heard about the surprisingly high starting salary that BAT pay their employees .
Jump value is the monetary difference between your current salary and what potential employers are courting you with .
Over time , salarium ( from the Latin3 salarius , ' of salt ' ) came to refer simply to money paid the soldiers , and then to monies paid to any official of the Roman Empire , and eventually to wages in general .
Overall , alumni salaries appear to have recovered in 2010 .
Both the Payroll and HR application patterns can implement the user registry reusable component .
HM pays the difference if an employee 's salary goes above the government-set salary cap .
Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve , has also aired worries about wage and income trends .
Worried that profits were declining , Randy Cohen , founder of ticket city , an Austin-based ticket broker , laid off workers and cut managers ' pay in 2008 .
Why has SAS been able to get away with a compensation system that seems to violate industry conventions ?
Improved economic conditions traditionally lead to more MBA applications , partly because potential employers step up their campus recruiting and offer new MBAs more money .
At Harvard , the bellwether for MBA pay , the median for the class of 2012 is expected to be $ 125000 , up from $ 120000 .
The Committee of European banking supervisors made up of representatives of all 27 EU countries has been meeting in London to implement the tough pay rules agreed by the EU over the summer .
Across all European schools , the average salary of alumni three years after graduation ranges from $ 143,000 for executive MBA graduates to $ 54,000 for MiM graduates .
Stanford has increasingly dominated the category for the average salaries earned by alumni three years after graduation , and alumni have reported the highest post-MBA salaries for the past six years .
But the return of high-paying jobs might not be all good news , with concerns of salary disparities between men and women the latter making up only about a third of MBA graduates .
By contrast , a sharp revenue increase allowed us rival Goldman Sachs to increase average pay and still bring down its ratio by more than 4 percentage points to 37.9 per cent .
Salary negotiations expert Jack Chapman agrees , adding ," It usually isn 't presented as , 'This is what we 're doing , and we need your approval . ' "
He spends his existing salary renting a nice house in San Francisco with his partner , who also works for Craigslist .
Despite soaring growth , surging wages , and a general feeling that China is ' on the up ', the latest Gallup Wellbeing Survey suggests that most Chinese people are down in the dumps .
The criteria used in the rankings are grouped into three main areas : alumni salaries and career development , the diversity and international reach of the business school and its MBA programme , and the research capabilities of each school .
In particular , the alumni have the second highest salary on average ( $ 324000 ) behind alumni from the Kellogg / HKUST programme ( $ 408000 ) .
If you 're changing careers or moving into a different industry , Warriner says you should tailor your salary expectations .