
xīn tàn lín
  • fuel forest;forest for firewood/charcoal
  1. 薪炭林结构优化及效益模拟

    The structure optimization and benefit the simulation for the fuel forests

  2. 薪炭林栽培经营技术的研究

    A Study on the Technique of Silviculture and Management of Fuelwood

  3. 陕、甘、宁、青四省(区)薪炭林区划

    Fuelwood Forest Area Division in Shaanxi , Gansu , Qinghai and Ningxia

  4. 刺槐薪炭林特性的研究

    A Study on the Characteristics of Black Locust Firewood Forest

  5. 泾川县刺槐薪炭林生长状况分析

    Analysis of growth of firewood forest of black locust in Jingchuan County

  6. 青海东部黄土丘陵区沙棘薪炭林研究简报

    Study on Hippophae rhamnoides fuel woods in less region of Eastern Qinghai

  7. 玉溪市薪炭林树种选择和营造技术

    The silvicultural technique and species selection for the fuelwood plantation in Yuxi City

  8. 元谋县薪炭林树种定量选择

    Rationing selection for fuelwood tree species in Yuanmou County

  9. 薪炭林树种生育期主要营养元素动态规律初探

    Preliminary Studies on the Dynamics of Main Mineral Elements of Fuelwood in Growing Period

  10. 本溪地区薪炭林经营问题及永续利用对策的探讨

    Fuelwood Forest Management and Sustainable Use in Benxi

  11. 库区薪炭林仅能满足农村用能总需求量的10.78%。

    The firewood forest offers only 10.78 % of total energy in the countryside .

  12. 东川市薪炭林现状调查及对策研究

    A study on the present situation of fuelwood forests and Countermeasure in Dongchuan City

  13. 浙北地区薪炭林高产栽培研究

    A Preliminary Study on Culture of Fuel Forest in Neighbourhood in North of Zhejiang

  14. 用材林、经济林、薪炭林的林地使用权;

    The woodland use right for timber stands , economic forests and firewood forests ;

  15. 追施磷肥可使三年生刺槐薪炭林生物量增加29.8%;

    Topdressing phosphate fertilizer , the organic quantity of three-year locust can increase 29.8 % .

  16. 薪炭林银合欢治理元谋干热河谷冲沟的效应研究

    The effect research of gully controlling with Leucaena leucocephala in the Yuanmou arid hot valley

  17. 论薪炭林的能源地位及其价值

    Discussion on the forest for fuel in the situation of energy source and its valuation

  18. 元谋干热河谷薪炭林造林技术及效益研究

    Studies on Cultivation Technique and benefit of fuelwood forest in Xerothermic Valley of Yuanmou County

  19. 邵武林区薪炭林基地建设的对策与措施

    The Countermeasures and Measures for the Constructions of Firewood Forest Bases in Forest Regions in Shaowu

  20. 云南几种主要薪炭林树种热值测试初报

    A Preliminary Report on Heat Value Test of Several Main Species of Fuel Forest in Yunnan

  21. 东北三省薪炭林区划

    Firewood forest division in northeastern China

  22. 植物燃值与发展速生、丰产薪炭林的关系

    Relationship between the fuel value of plants and developing the fast-growing and high yielding forest for firewood

  23. 四是通过营造薪炭林,解决农村能源问题。

    Fourth , solving the energy supply problem in rural areas through the establishment of fuel woods .

  24. 广西东部丘陵台地薪炭林的主要类型及其管理的经验

    Main types and managed experience of fuel forest on the hill platform in eastern part of Guangxi

  25. 东北西部薪炭林主要树种生理特性的研究

    Study on the physiological properties of the main fuelwood tree species on the west of the Northeast China

  26. 实施林业分类经营促西北监测区薪炭林发展

    Promoting the Development of the Fuel Forest of the West northern Monitoring Area by Running the Classifier Management of Forest

  27. 云南中部高原干热河谷薪炭林树种选择营造技术及经营模式研究综述

    Management models , afforestation technique and species selection for fuelwood in hot ─ dry valley and central plateau in Yunnan Province

  28. 薪炭林以4.00万株/hm~2为宜,但在林地郁闭前应隔行疏伐。

    40000 per hm2 is suitable for fuel forest , but sparsely cutting at alternative rows should be done before canopy .

  29. 农户能源利用方式的选择与农村环境的变化:某贫困山村薪炭林利用案例研究

    Rural household energy use and rural environment change : case study on fuel forest use in a village in depressed area

  30. 在没有薪炭林的海口市,薪柴主要来源于防护林和用材林。

    As there is no fuelwood forest in Haikou city , the firewood is collected chiefly from the protective forest and timber forest .