
  • 网络Marketing platform
  1. 希望本文在引导国内手机广告走向健康、快速发展的轨道,构建和谐的信息营销平台方面能做出微薄的贡献。3G技术使手机广告的表现形式越来越丰富。

    I hope that this paper to guide the domestic mobile advertising toward healthy and rapid development track , building a harmonious message marketing platform to make a modest contribution.3G technology enables mobile advertising has become increasingly diverse manifestations .

  2. 企业主导型高新技术开发区营销平台设计研究

    Study of Marketing Platform Design of Enterprise Dominant High-Tech Development Zones

  3. 直播营销平台应当配备直播内容管理专业人员,维护互联网直播内容安全。

    Platforms will need to hire professional moderators to “ maintain the safety of livestreaming content ” , according to the regulation .

  4. 基于多层增强MVC模型的1862彩信营销平台研究与实现

    Research and Realization of 1862 MMS Market Platform Based on N-tier Enhanced MVC Model

  5. 但是本月初营销平台Localytics给出的数据结果则恰好相反。

    Figures from marketing firm Localytics earlier this month , however , reported a skew in the opposite direction .

  6. 探索从包钢营销平台中挖掘客户价值

    Exploration of Exploiting Customer Value from Baotou Steel ( Group ) Marketing Platform

  7. 新型营销平台提供给企业一个更精确的实施营销手段。

    This new platform provides a more precise marketing channel to the companies .

  8. 从财产保险产品的专业特性谈营销平台的建立

    A Reflection on Establishing the Distribution Platform from Technical Features of Property Insurance Products

  9. 电子渠道精细营销平台助力全业务运营

    Building fine-wide marketing platform in the electronic channels to help the entire business operations

  10. 搭建市场营销平台繁荣黄金交易市场

    Construct marketing station and promote gold trading prosperity

  11. 互联网和电子商务构成了新的市场营销平台,产生新的营销观念。

    Internet and e-commerce constitutes a new marketing platform , create new marketing concept .

  12. 所以有必要建立一个贯穿业务的综合营销平台。

    In this paper , author suggests to an integrated marketing platform around all the business process .

  13. 很多公司都试图构建比以往更强大的网络营销平台。

    Many companies are trying to build more powerful than ever before , the network application platform .

  14. 第三个因素是一位奥委会内部人士所描述的营销平台的可延展性。

    A third element is what an IOC insider described as the marketing platform 's malleable nature .

  15. 其次,应围绕经营定位有效地组织资源,搭建产品的营销平台。

    Secondly , they should organize their resources to build a product distribution platform according to their operational positioning .

  16. 基于大营销平台构建的环渤海港口企业战略整合研究

    Research on the Integration between the Port Enterprises in Bohai Sea Region Based on Building of a Great Marketing Platform

  17. 史蒂文森表示,任何资产管理公司都将会非常认真地将中国互联网公司视为潜在的经销或者营销平台。

    Mr Stevenson said any asset manager would be looking quite seriously at Chinese internet companies as a potential distribution or marketing platform .

  18. 他们最初的想法是,为娱乐业客户(主要是好莱坞电影公司)创建一个基于网络的市场营销平台,通过社交渠道宣传他们的影片。

    Their initial idea was to create a web-based marketing platform for entertainment clients , mainly Hollywood studios , to publicise their films via social channels .

  19. 论文重点以上航承运的水产品为例,研究了联合营销平台中的物流调度与成本结构模型分析。

    The article put an emphasis on the seafood as an example for the study of joint marketing platform in logistics scheduling model and cost structure model .

  20. 重点侧重于旅游区网站的建设、微博营销平台的推广及微电影营销时代的来临等方面展开阐述。5、体验营销。

    Key focus on the construction of tourist site , Microblogging Marketing platform promotion and the coming of the era for Micro movie marketing . 5 、 the experience marketing .

  21. 加上利用新的营销平台,针对主要客户人群进行针对性组合营销工作,来达到品牌宣传、扩大知名度和占据一定市场份额的目的。

    Coupled with the use of new marketing platform for targeted marketing efforts for major clients portfolio crowd , to achieve brand awareness , expand awareness and occupy a certain market share goal .

  22. 庞大的市场容量需要先进的营销平台,而大型连锁零售企业,作为行业的先进模式,引领着潮流,诱导着消费,代表了零售业发展的方向。

    The huge market capacity need advanced marketing platform , and large retail chains , as an industry advanced mode , leading the trend , induced consumption , representing the retail development direction .

  23. 品牌二手车运作必须实现信息化,建立高效的内部二手车管理体系并与外部营销平台结合提高内部管理和营销的效率,提高库存周转,降低经营风险。

    Brand-used-car must operate to achieve development , establish efficient used car management system and with external marketing platform to improve internal efficiency in management and marketing , improve inventory turnover and reduce business risk .

  24. 微博不仅为人们创造了在很多方面都优于现有媒体的营销平台,更重要的是搭建了-个更快捷、更便利的沟通平台。

    It is not only creating an interaction platform for people in many ways superior to the media which has been existed , but also building a communication platform which is faster , more convenient .

  25. 目前,我国保险电子商务市场已经从导入期进入快速发展期,各保险公司和保险中介代理公司纷纷加大投入构建自己的电子商务网站和电话营销平台。

    Currently , China e-commerce market share is already entering to the station of rapid development , most insurance companies and insurance agencies increase their input on building up own e-commerce system which including website and call center .

  26. 虚拟社区作为企业服务向外延伸的基础以及营销平台,使信息、经验在虚拟社区成员之间得到共享、新的想法得到发展、知识得到传播和吸收,知识共享是虚拟社区的一个重要功能。

    Virtual communities makes information and experience being Shared between community members , new ideas for development and gets fast transmission for absorption of knowledge marketing platform as the basis service of enterprise extending outward . Knowledge sharing is an important function of virtual community .

  27. 分别从种植基地建设、物流平台搭建、营销平台推广和有机农业的可持续发展等方面提出了基于供应链管理的体系架构,从而推进有机生态农业产业链的形成。

    Respectively , from planting base construction , logistics platform structures , promotion and marketing platform for the sustainable development of organic agriculture and other aspects of supply chain management based on the architecture , thus promoting the organic and ecological agriculture industry chain formation .

  28. 营销支撑平台现状及其发展

    The Present Situation and Development of the Marketing Support Platform

  29. 基于网格的电力营销服务平台设计

    Research on Electric Marketing Service Platform Based on Grid

  30. 赢大网络,中小企业网络营销服务平台!

    Vinbin . com , the network marketing service platform of small and medium-sized enterprises !