
  • 网络Marketing communication;MARCOM
  1. 基于SWOT分析的拉萨旅游城市品牌整合营销传播

    Integrated Marketing Communication Based on the SWOT Analysis of the Lhasa City Tourism Brand

  2. NBA的成功离不开先进的营销传播理念和策略。

    The success of NBA attributes to advanced marketing communication idea and strategy .

  3. 整合营销传播(简称IMC&integratedmarketingcommunications)是美国唐·舒尔茨(DoneSchultz)教授于二十世纪九十年代提出,并被实践证明为行之有效的一种营销理论。

    The theory of Integrated Marketing Communications is raised by professor Done Schultz in 1990s , and proved is a theory of effective .

  4. 整合营销传播在SG胶囊市场推广中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of IMC in the Marketing of SG Capsule

  5. 整合营销传播(IMC)的内核:聚焦于消费者

    The Cornerstone of Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ): Focus on Consumers

  6. 足球、整合营销传播与广告传播&浅议整合营销传播理论(IMC)观照下的广告传播

    Football , Integrated Marketing Communication and Ads Communication

  7. 总体而言,整合营销传播对于中国是适用的,但不是每个中国企业都必须马上实施IMC规划。

    In whole , the IMC is applicable in China but not for every Chinese enterprise .

  8. 深刻分析了X分行中间业务存在的问题,并侧重从整合营销传播的角度提出了进一步发展中间业务的创新思路和整合营销策略。

    Depth analysis of the X branch of the problems among the business and focus on integrated marketing communication from the perspective of a further development of innovative ideas among the business and integrated marketing strategy .

  9. 整合营销传播(简称IMC),其核心思想是将与企业市场营销有关的一切传播活动一元化。

    Integrated Marketing Communication acronym IMC , its core idea is to marketing and corporate communication activities related to the unification of all .

  10. 在分析基于顾客感知价值的整合营销传播系统的复杂适应性基础上,构建多Agent模型,对单要素传播、多要素传播以及系统的优化进行计算机仿真,结果运行良好,支持了前文的研究结论。

    By an analysis of complex adaptive of IMC system based on CPV , this dissertation establishes multi-agent model and simulate the interaction of one-factor and multi-factor communication and the optimization of system . The outcome proves the conclusion of this dissertation .

  11. 产品推广需要精确地协调,并整合全球商务通信信息,这称为整合营销传播(IMC)。

    Promotion needs to be precisely coordinated and integrated into the businesses global communications message , and this is called Integrated Marketing Communications ( IMC ) .

  12. 整合营销传播(IMC)理论正是在这种营销管理理念不断更新的过程中逐渐形成和发展起来的。

    During the continuous renewing of marketing management theories , integrated marketing communications as a new concept or theory system has been put forward and developed rapidly .

  13. 也许这是34岁的安德烈娅·迪克斯坦(AndreaDickstein)不想要孩子的一个原因。她是一名电子商务和营销传播主管,住在长岛。

    Perhaps this is one reason that Andrea Dickstein , 34 , a director of e-business and marketing communications who lives on Long Island , doesn 't want children .

  14. 基于AISAS模式的网络整合营销传播模型建构与个案研究

    Electronic Integrated Marketing Communication Model Construction and Case Study Based on AISAS Pattern

  15. 本文采用理论研究和案例分析相结合的方法,应用整合营销传播理论,对商务印书馆这一著名出版社进行案例研究,探讨用IMC战略重构商务印书馆营销传播体系的必要性和可行性。

    This thesis will conduct a case study of the famous Chinese publisher-the Commercial Press and explore the necessity and feasibility of restructuring its marketing communication system with IMC ( Integrated Marketing Communication ) strategies .

  16. Web2.0时代给社会带来了极大的变化,而腾讯QQ在这场传播变局中抓住了机会,利用网络的交互性和开放性等特征对其营销传播方式进行全方位的改进。

    The era of Web 2.0 has brought extensive changes to our society . Thanks to the interactivity and openness , Tencent QQ is using the opportunity to update its way of marketing and communication comprehensively .

  17. 但是作为化肥企业,SL公司在自身的营销传播策略方面仍然存在着一些问题,诸如缺乏整合意识,传播手段单一,传播范围有限,忽视网络传播渠道等。

    But as fertilizer products , there are still many questions in their own marketing communication strategies for SL , like lacking the consciousness of integration , communication means of a single , communication limited in scope , neglecting of Internet dissemination channels and so on .

  18. 所谓植入式广告:就是策略性地将产品、品牌或服务等放置到龟影、电视、网络游戏、MTV、平面媒体等一切可能的载体中来达成一定传播效果的营销传播手段。

    So-called implantable advertising : is strategically will products , brand or services placed into the turtle shadow , television , network game , MTV and print media , and all other possible in the carrier to achieve certain communication effect of marketing communication means .

  19. 这位冉冉升起的新锐高管成功的秘诀就是了解年轻人的生活现状和他们的期望。目前,克拉克负责可口可乐(Coke)、雪碧(Sprite)和芬达(Fanta)等品牌的品牌策略和整合营销传播,包括全球设计与数字及体验营销。

    Understanding how young people live and what they aspire to is key to the success of this rising-star executive who oversees brand strategy and integrated marketing communications , including global design and digital and experiential marketing , for brands like Coke , Sprite and Fanta .

  20. 营销传播管理者是执行整合营销传播(IMC)战略的企业传播新主体,是集经营管理、营销和传播职能为一体的新职位,企业IMC战略的竞争实际上是营销传播管理者素质的竞争。

    Marketing communication manager ( Marcom Manager ), who integrates the business management , marketing and communication , is the new executor of corporate communication in integrated marketing communication ( IMC ) strategy . The competition of the enterprise ' IMC strategy is the competition of Marcom manager 's quality .

  21. 论品牌形象的二维多层次整合营销传播

    Model of Brand Image Integrated Marketing Communication of Two-dimensional & Multi-levels

  22. 企业事件营销传播的原理与策略研究

    Research of Principles and Strategies in Enterprises ' Event Marketing Communication

  23. 以品牌的核心价值为中心进行整合营销传播

    IMC Must be the Center of the Core Worth of Brand

  24. 佳禾月饼整合营销传播策划实证研究

    A Study on Integrated Marketing Communications Plan of Jiahe Moon Cake

  25. 然而这些只是噱头的营销传播的神话。

    However these are just marketing gimmicks that propagate the myth .

  26. 以整合营销传播理论论述了要从目标消费人群的角度评估广告效果;

    To evaluate advertising effects from the point of target audience ;

  27. 数字娱乐、营销传播与民族品牌&关于我国文化产业发展的冷思考

    Digital Entertainment and Branding : An Academic Rethinking of Chinese Cultural Industry

  28. 中国大学生篮球联赛营销传播策略的研究

    Study on Sale Dissemination Strategy of Chinese University Basketball Alliance

  29. 智威汤逊是全球最著名的营销传播品牌。

    JWT is the world 's best-known marketing communications brand .

  30. 我们的专门知识能延伸到营销传播的各方面。

    Our expertise extends into all aspects of marketing communications .