
  1. 这种头痛药很长时间才见效吗?

    Does the medicine take long to Acton your headache ?

  2. 本试验还对该药对长爪沙鼠的生理作用作了测试。

    The physiological function of the sterilant was also tested .

  3. 高等中医药教育长学制结构模式的探讨

    Discussion of long length of higher learning of Chinese medicine

  4. 大鼠经4周口服给药的长毒试验未见有明显毒性反应。

    In the long-term toxicity test after four weeks of administration , no toxic reactions were observed .

  5. 剂量大,给药时间长,产生毒性大;剂量小,给药时间短,产生毒性小。

    Dose , administration of a long time , resulting in toxicity ; dose of small , short delivery time , resulting in toxicity .

  6. 该文介绍的新型电引火头药剂,不含起爆药,长贮性能稳定,点火可靠度高,抗腐蚀性良好;

    A new electric igniter composite without primary explosive ingredient was intro-duced with good stability for long storage , high reliability for firing and good corrosion resistance .

  7. 慢性心肌缺血动物模型更加符合缺血性心肌病的临床病理生理过程,适宜多次给药和长时间进行心功能观察。

    Animal models of chronic myocardial ischemia are more accordant with clinical pathological and physiological procession of ischemic cardiomyopathy , because they can be administrated more times and observed for a long time .

  8. 药物组33例,采用右旋布洛芬0.15g口服,每日3次,若腰痛连续2日消失即停药,最长疗程为12d。

    For control group , dexibuprofen was prescribed 0.15g per oral and 3 times per day , and 12 days were as a course of treatment .

  9. 装药密度、长径比的增加都有利于UFD的得率的增加,装药粒度对合成UFD有影响。

    The experimental results indicate that the yield of UFD increases with increasing the density , slenderness ratio of charge . UFD synthesis is related to the particle size of RDX .

  10. 分析了电磁速度传感器(EMVG)在半无限长一维装药中和有限长一维装药中,受平面一维爆轰波作用下的运动过程;

    The motion process of the Electro-Magnetic Velocity Gage ( EMVG ) subjected to plane detonation waves has been analyzed for one dimensional explosive charge with semi-infinite and finite lengths .

  11. 这药要花长时间才产生作用吗?

    Does this drug take long to act ?

  12. 不管这个教练的说法有否点夸张,很明显涉药问题很长时间在体育界已愈发凸显。

    it 's clear that the drug problem has loomed over the sports world for a long time .

  13. 而装药药段长及径向间隙大小明显影响爆轰稳定与否,填充氧化剂胶液后可改变爆轰性能。

    However , steady detonation is affected greatly by charge segments and radial clearance size , and detonation performance is improved after being filled with the gel solution .

  14. 择时治疗组:在采用原中西医结合内服药(激素长程疗法和中药补肾膏方等)基础上予肾敷灵外敷。

    An treatment group : in the original combine traditional Chinese and western medicine medicine ( hormones long-range therapy and Chinese medicine cream party kidney ) basis to renal apply spirit external treatment .

  15. 本课题组用基因工程技术构建了具有降压作用的重组乳酸菌,前期试验结果表明:降压效果非常明显,且比普通的降压药持续时间长。

    We using genetic engineering techniques to construct the antihypertensive effect of recombinant LactobacilIus and preliminary test results indicate that the antihypertensive effect was very obvious , and longer than the duration of normal blood pressure medicine .

  16. 这药要过很长时间才对神经中枢发生作用吗?

    Does the drug take long to act on the nerve centers ?

  17. 要记住,处方药也需要这么长时间。

    Keep in mind that prescription medicines will also take this much time .

  18. 临床上用补肾方药治疗肾虚病人长能调节阴阳、改善症状恢复健康。

    Clinical use of TCM of tonifying kidney to treat kidney deficiency can regulate yin and yang , improve the symptoms and return to be healthy .

  19. 以叶用芥菜4个基因型为对象,观察小孢子单核靠边期与花蕾大小及瓣药比(花瓣长与花药长度比)的关系,确定适合于小孢子培养的花蕾长度。

    The relation of mononuclear microspores step aside , bud size and the length ratio of the petal and the anther was investigated in four genotypes of leaf mustard , in order to determine the appropriate microspore culture of bud length .

  20. 并从装药的密度、装药的长径比、混合装药中RDX颗粒尺寸对爆轰合成纳米金刚石的影响作了实验研究。

    The charge used in the experiment is a mixture of TNT and RDX ; the influences of its density , slenderness ratio on the yield of UFD are experimentally investigated .

  21. 结果表明:随着药型罩曲率半径、装药长径比、壳体厚度的增大以及药型罩壁厚减少,EFP的速度增大。

    It shows that with the increasing of curvature radius , liner thickness , the length-to-diameter ratio of the charge , and decreasing of shell thickness , the velocity of EFP increase .

  22. 结果表明,随着样品中PEG量的增加,释药曲线趋于平缓,释药周期变长,最终的平衡释药量减小;

    The results showed that with the increase of PEG content in the hydrogel , the corresponding release profile became flatter , release period longer , and the final equilibrium release percentage decreased .

  23. 长径比和药层界面数量直接影响到燃烧的稳定性,采用两次装压,每层药柱的长径比较合理,燃速更稳定;

    The grain length diameter ration and the composition interface shall directly influence the burning stability , so it makes charging at two times , the more reasonable the grain length diameter ration is , the more stabile the burning speed is ;

  24. 所构建的抗生素释药系统具有良好的生物相容性和安全性、具有可降解性,硫酸钙/聚乳酸/庆大霉素释药系统较硫酸钙/庆大霉素释药系统降解时间长。

    Both antibiotic delivery systems are biocompatible and degradable , the degradation time of CaS / PLA / GM is longer than that of CaS / PLA / GM In vitro . 3 .