
  • 网络drug classification management
  1. 我国1999年实施药品分类管理以来,非处方药(OTC)市场得到了蓬勃发展。

    Since China began the implementation of classification in Pharmaceutical Market in 1999 . The OTC market has been flourishing these years .

  2. 方法:介绍我国药品分类管理制度的发展并比较瑞典、德国、荷兰和芬兰等国非处方药(OTC)药品报销管理经验。

    METHODS : To introduce development of drug classified management in China and compare different experiences in the management of OTC drugs ' reimbursement in Sweden , Germany , Netherlands and Fenland .

  3. 非处方药(Overthecounter简称OTC)市场是我国1999年实施药品分类管理以来新兴的市场,其正式形成只有十年左右的时间,然而发展速度却十分迅速。

    OTC ( Over The Counter is referred to as OTC ) markets emerged after the Chinese government classified the drugs in 1999 . Although the market develops only a decade or so , the speed of development is very fast .

  4. 特别是我国医疗保险体制进行了重大改革,实施了医、药分家和药品分类管理制度。一个全新的、规范的药品市场&非处方药(OTC)市场出现在广大医药企业面前。

    Especially after the strategic reform of healthcare issuance system and implementing the division of " medical " and " medicine " and classification management of medicine , a giant , new and regulated market for OTC is generated for medicine enterprises .

  5. 借鉴发达国家健康保险制度和药品分类管理的经验,创建有中国特色的非处方药(OTC)管理制度,是我国宏观药事管理的一项新举措。

    To build the OTC ( over the counter ) drug management system with Chinese characteristics by using the experience of developed countries ' health insurance system and classified medicines management for reference is a new measure in the macro - management of Pharmaceuticals affairs in China .

  6. 浅谈国有制药企业如何适应药品分类管理制度的改革

    On Reform of the Medication Classification Management Systerm by Our State-own Pharmaceutic Industries

  7. 我国药品分类管理制度执行中存在的问题与思考

    Problems in the Enforcement of Classified Drug Control System

  8. 规范处方管理推进药品分类管理制度顺利实施

    Standardize the prescription management to promote the smoothly implementation of classified Drug Administration

  9. 执业药师在药品分类管理中的作用

    On the Role of Licensed Pharmacists in the Practice of Drug Classification Control

  10. 目的:阐述药品分类管理制度对医院药剂科的影响。

    Objective : To discuss the influence of drug classification system on hospital pharmacy .

  11. 结果零售药店在药品分类管理中的现状不容乐观。

    Results Retails the pharmacy have confronted with trouble in drugs classification management present situation .

  12. 结果:药品分类管理制度实施将对我国县级以上医院的药剂科产生重大影响。

    Results : The implementation of drug classification system had great effect on pharmacy in hospital of up county level .

  13. 结论目前零售药店在实施药品分类管理中要有相应的配套措施。

    Conclusion At present retails the pharmacy to have to have the corresponding necessary measure in the implementation drugs classification management .

  14. 方法回顾我国药品分类管理工作的发展进程,分析执行中存在的问题。

    METHODS : The de-velopment of Chinese classified drug control was reviewed and problems in the process of its enforcement were discussed .

  15. 我国自2000年1月1日实行药品分类管理以来,药品的营销模式逐步发生了变化。

    Since the classified administration of medicinal drugs was introduced on January 1 , 2000 , changes gradually took place in the marketing models for medicinal drugs .

  16. 结论:实施药品分类管理制度,可促使医院药剂科由传统的以药品为中心的保障供给型向以病人为中心的技术服务型模式转化,有利于医院药剂科的发展。

    Conclusion : To carry out the drug classification system will promote the change of ensuring supply type to technique service type for the pharmacy in hospital .

  17. 方法:概述了我国药品分类管理工作的基本情况,介绍了我国非处方药遴选的基本原则、品种情况及主要特点,并对下一阶段非处方药遴选工作进行了分析、讨论。

    METHODS : The background about the prescription drug-OTC drug classification system in China were briefed , the principle and characteristics of the formulation of OTC list were introduced , and the working programmes in next stage were discussed .

  18. 结果与结论应尽快出台相关法律、法规和政策,并加大向公众宣传安全用药知识的力度,以使药品分类管理之路越走越畅。

    RES_ ULTS & CONCLUSION : The related laws , codes and policies should be established as soon as possible , and the knowledge of safe drug use should be popularized among the public to facilitate evermore smooth classified drug control .

  19. 浅谈药品的分类管理

    On medicine management of classification

  20. 医院药库药品综合分类管理方法研究成品库存管理:与客服配合做好仓库管理。

    Comprehensive Classified Management of Hospital Drug Storeroom FP Inventory management : Cooperate with customer coordinator for the warehouse management .

  21. 目的:探讨药品库存ABC分类管理的采购模式,合理控制药品库存量,提高药品使用率。

    Objective : Analyze the purchase model of ABC classification management , stocking drugs rationally and making use of drugs efficiently .

  22. 药品储存的分类管理及限量设定

    Classified management and storage limitation in drug stock control

  23. 目的:分析探讨药品储存的ABC分类管理模式。

    Objective : To analyse the function of the ABC rule of periodical and quantitative management in managing drug stock control .

  24. 方法:建立药品二级库存储模式,实行药品分类管理,预测药品的需求,运用库存模型定量计算补货批量。

    METHODS : A second order medicine inventory model was built to realize medicine classifying management and drug demand forecasting , and replenishment quantities was computed using inventory model .

  25. 其次对于药品的价格,建议扩大政府定价范围,对于药品价格实行分类管理,强化药品流通环节的加价,制定科学、高效、严格的价格管理法规等综合措施降低药品的价格。

    Next to the price of drugs , the proposal to expand government pricing for drug price range , the categorized management , strengthen the circulation of medicines , scientific and efficient for premium prices , strict management regulations of the comprehensive measures lower drug prices .

  26. 结果与结论:建议完善我国药品价格制订原则,建立药品价格动态调节机制,实行药品价格分类管理。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : It is suggested that drug pricing policy in China should be improved to establish the dynamic modulating mechanism and classified administration for drug price .

  27. 为探讨医保药品费用增长的控制办法,本文介绍了该院实行医保药品分类管理;

    In order to investigate the method of the reasonable control of the pharmacy expenditure of the medical insurance patients , it is expounded in this article that carrying out classified management of the health insurance drug ;