
chá jīn
  • Tea towel;tea cloth
茶巾[chá jīn]
  1. 温莎展览出的最古怪的茶巾之一。

    One of the quirkier tea towels on display in Windsor .

  2. 将茶巾或小布块弄湿,用它盖住面团碗。

    Dampen a tea towel or small cloth , and use it to cover the mixing bowl .

  3. 明智是应用薄纱巾或盘巾(茶巾)。

    It is advisable to use a tissue handkerchief or a dish towel ( tea towel ) .

  4. 这些装饰品预计下周发售,茶巾已经面世了。

    The decorations should be available next week , whereas the tea towel is already on sale .

  5. 这些东西不可抗拒,他指着一叠折起来的亚麻茶巾说。

    " These are irresistible ," he says , pointing to a stack of folded linen tea towels .

  6. 为何我们不用常规的方式清洗它们,再拿漂亮的茶巾把它们擦干?

    Why shouldn 't we wash them properly , and dry them on a nice clean tea towel ?

  7. 为庆祝王室哈里王子婚礼,官方新出了茶巾纪念品。

    The official commemorative tea towel is the latest souvenir item to go on sale celebrating the royal wedding .

  8. 为了保持面包清晰的外壳,最好用干净的茶巾或厚重的纸袋将其悬挂。

    To maintain the crisp crust , store draped with a clean tea towel or in a heavy paper bag .

  9. 健康安全警报:卡梅伦结束了自己的迷你《厨艺大师》课程后只是草草的用茶巾擦了一下手。

    Health and safety alert : Cameron only gives his hands a cursory wipe with a tea towel having finished his mini-MasterChef course .

  10. 在婚礼大典中,为什么不挥舞特制的凯特威廉旗子,或者用超大版的茶巾擦拭你的皇家婚礼杯?

    Why not wave a special Kate and William flag on royal wedding day , or wash up your royal wedding mug with a king-sized tea towel ?

  11. 这就是英国,整个生活就围着几杯茶转,通过他们的杯子和茶巾你就能看出来。

    This is Britain , where a whole way of life revolves around cups of tea . By their mugs and tea towels shall ye know them .

  12. 当你在搅拌红酒醋油沙司的时分,避免让你的碗在工作台上滑动,不才面放一个茶巾或者湿毛巾。

    To stop your mixing bowl sliding around the bench when you whisk together the red-wine vinaigrette ingredients , place it on a tea towel or damp cloth .

  13. 我们依然不太确定茶巾是用来做什么的,但我们知道,我们不想把茶水撒到这款可爱的纪念品上。

    We 're still not quite sure what a tea towel is for but we do know we wouldn 't want to spill tea on this adorable keepsake .

  14. 它家有很多老式玩具、让中年妇女感觉到莫名喜欢的茶巾,还有你绝对意想不到的关于猫和鸟的粗劣书籍。

    There are lots of old-style toys , tea towels that middle-aged women will find strangely endearing and more kitsch books about birds and cats than you could ever wish for .

  15. 一些由工厂水车驱动的织布机,依然为一些礼品店生产茶巾,但是棉花生产已经很早就转移到了国外工资更低的地方去了。

    A few looms , powered by the mill 's water wheel , still produce tea towels for the gift shop , but cotton production has long since moved abroad in search of low wages .